Discharge from hospital to home or care home. Who decides?


Registered User
Jan 1, 2017
Wakefield, West Yorkshire
I would have made the same decision as you if a scan indicated the possibility of cancer. As you say it's too much for them to go through. I asked the A&E doctor if he'd ever done a CTPA scan on someone with Dementia who wouldn't be able to follow instruction, and who may not stay still whilst the scan was in progress? His reply was that the scan HAD to be done, as the D-Dimer result on it's own wasn't enough. This is awful. I'm put on the spot and I have to decide there and then. Although I am next of kin, I'm also thinking of my Uncle, and what decision he would make if he was next of kin. In reality it comes down to where my line in the sand is regarding any further interventions. How I feel at the moment is, I will let this scan go ahead (IF they manage to do it). I then need to speak to the hospital as to what happens going forward, whether it be this situation or any other possible scenario.