Dietary Fat and Dementia


New member
Jul 15, 2021
My mother's memory has been steadily declining since 2009. We've gone from her repeating herself several times in a conversation, to the story of the day, the story of the week, the story of the month and finally the story of the year. We now get no story at all. She can make a cup of coffee, but will come back several times to check which coffee you wanted, which cup and if you wanted milk. She can put the washing out and do the washing up no issue. She is completely able bodied. She can peel and cut vegetables once asked to do it (which she couldn't do a year ago). To us, her diagnosis of Alzheimers doesn't fit with what we're witnessing. She responds amazingly to Donepezil but refuses to take it - she'll bin those tablets and take the rest. She doesn't believe there is anything wrong with her.

We've noticed that if we prepare foods with particular forms of animal fats, she lights up like a Christmas tree. In particular lamb. If we want her to get up for an appointment the next day, we prepare lamb the night before and she gets up first thing. Usually we have to wait until midday for her brain to suitably boot (she's always slept through the night). She'll join in with conversations and if you ask her if she remembers a particular activity, she does and volunteers details. Usually, she would give us some vague general response.

We're just starting to see a decline in her vocabulary. She will swap words like bonnet and boot, open and closed and window and curtain. She was perscribed a statin for kidney disease, which I believe affects lipid uptake to reduce cholesterol. We noticed a massive decline in her memory, which marries up with our observations that she really responds to fats in her diet. Once off the statin, her memory improved again. Has anyone else come across this? We can't seem to get any doctor to take us seriously and explain what we're seeing.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Not an expert, sorry.

It is the fat in things that make them taste good, like the fat in deep fried chips compared to air fried ones. Maybe her taste buds are responding to the smell of the lamb cooking.

But it is the statin thing I mainly wanted to respond to. I cannot tolerate any statins as it plays havoc with my liver, dangerously so at one stage till we worked out what was going on. There is currently an Australia wide study to find out if statins can have a positive effect on the aging process, looking at amongst other things memory.

I was on the study but had to go on the control group because of the way my liver reacted to the medication.

I also am unable to take Vitamin B group as it also effects my liver. I guess I am trying to say that everyone’s different and anything is possible.

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