Dementia care home


Registered User
Oct 24, 2023
So my mum has early onset Alzheimers and has been diagnosed just over two years but had had symptoms for over 5 years. It's come to a point where she's needed to go in a home. (She lived alone). I have found this beautiful carehome that specialises in young onset dementia. I finally got a place but mum likes it but keeps asking to come home and is bored. The people on her wing are a bit more severe then mum so she is missing having conversations like she had at a day centre shevysed to attend. I'm worried she will decline more rapidly as sometimes she's alone in her room.she has wet herself a few tines as mum forgets to go the toilet and they haven't showered her or took her the toilet in time. Her communication has detiorated but she likes having conversations and being sociable but I've found she's stuck in her room lots when I visit. I'm now wondering if I've made the right decision. The carers are fantastic, but mum doesn't see herself as that bad compared to other residents. I just think she needs some other people around her who can have them conversations. I am going to speak to the manager who is fabulous too but what are your thoughts? Can I request mum coukd maybe go to ithers who can hold a conversation (on a different wing) thankyou in advance for your replies

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Michaelap2002

When my husband went into residential care I asked that he should be taken into the communal sitting room and only use his own room for sleeping. This is because I knew he wouldn`t know where to go and I didn`t want him isolated.

When residents are in communal rooms they are reminded regularly about the toilet and taken if they don`t know where it is.

I would ask for your mother to be taken into the communal rooms where she will have others to associate with.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Michaelap2002 . I had the same issue when my dear Mum had to go into residential care. She was more 'with it' than most on her wing, but the care home staff integrated her into the communal lounge and then it gradually started to work better. Of course, as my Mum's Alzheimer's progressed, she wouldn't have minded where she was to be totally honest.
And yes as @Grannie G has said, there is regular pushes from the staff to take residents to the toilet too.
I'm sure your Mum will settle more as time goes on.


Registered User
Oct 24, 2023
Thankyou for the replies. I'll see how she gets on. I.spoke with the manager and he said they do take her down and there are other people she can speak to. Mum tells me different so I will see how it goes.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I.spoke with the manager and he said they do take her down and there are other people she can speak to. Mum tells me different
Im afraid that it is a feature of dementia that their perception of what is happening is not the same as reality.

I remember going with my OH to visit his mum in a care home. On the way in we met his brother who was on his way out from visiting. Yet when we got to his mum she was complaining bitterly that no-one ever visited her

Bill mac

Registered User
May 10, 2020
The care home my wife is in the bedroom is for sleeping only unless they might be ill, they are washed and dressed in the morning , then breakfast then there are in the large room as i call it living room as a group , and they are allowed to wander up and down as the unit is secure, she has a friend in the group and they what i have been told are always walking up and down, but my wife to be honest has not got a clue where she is and seems very content which helps me as i miss her so much