Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Gradual improvements re. mum's pain management but has taken a needs-intensive approach; tonnes of massage, heat therapy, bathing of affected limbs/joints and reassurance. Hopefully when we visit the chemist her newly prescribed (been waiting two weeks so far) codeine solution will be there... could attempt to source it from another place but I've been reliably informed it's a widespread issue :/ Switched pharmacies a couple of years ago as Tesco never had mum's Ibuprofen - a total nonsense eh? These other chaps are usually spot on and work very hard to get her meds if supply is a problem so fingers crossed 🤞


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Daughter acknowledged my Happy New Year WhatsApp so unexpected bonus for me and mum, still waiting on son ;) but he'll get there haha! New Year's resolution then..? Diet perhaps? Nope definitely don't need that one. Exercise more? Get plenty of that! Reduce alcohol intake? Stopped drinking years ago. I think I'm pretty much covered peeps ;) but if anyone has a suggestion I'll take it into consideration!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Don’t think I’ve ever done New Years resolutions…..they always seem to sound painful and bound to fail. Why would u bother 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

In the dull rain and general misery of the past few days tho I have made myself a note to capture moments of unexpected joy and treasure them…

this one will make @canary chuckle….there was a brown lump on the care home carpet….3 nurses looked on in horror…poo or chocolate brownie 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️it didn’t look like poo to me ( care home nurses clearly don’t wipe the bums 🙈🙈) so knowing I have a nose like a bloodhound I got on my knees and and from about 5 inches could clarify it was indeed chocolate brownie…..the look of horror at my actions from the nurses was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 the shrieking they made 🤣🤣…still didn’t trust me and returned with gloves and other PPE to pick up 🤣🤣🤣 - #treasure the joy however it comes 🤣🤣🤣


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
Daughter acknowledged my Happy New Year WhatsApp so unexpected bonus for me and mum, still waiting on son ;) but he'll get there haha! New Year's resolution then..? Diet perhaps? Nope definitely don't need that one. Exercise more? Get plenty of that! Reduce alcohol intake? Stopped drinking years ago. I think I'm pretty much covered peeps ;) but if anyone has a suggestion I'll take it into consideration!
A bit of time to do something for yourself every day-even a little thing


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Don’t think I’ve ever done New Years resolutions…..they always seem to sound painful and bound to fail. Why would u bother 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

In the dull rain and general misery of the past few days tho I have made myself a note to capture moments of unexpected joy and treasure them…

this one will make @canary chuckle….there was a brown lump on the care home carpet….3 nurses looked on in horror…poo or chocolate brownie 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️it didn’t look like poo to me ( care home nurses clearly don’t wipe the bums 🙈🙈) so knowing I have a nose like a bloodhound I got on my knees and and from about 5 inches could clarify it was indeed chocolate brownie…..the look of horror at my actions from the nurses was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣 the shrieking they made 🤣🤣…still didn’t trust me and returned with gloves and other PPE to pick up 🤣🤣🤣 - #treasure the joy however it comes 🤣🤣🤣
I would say that is quite normal behaviour haha ;) Many a time I have received a strange look or two during various scenarios... I'd rather get to the 'bottom' of it quick smart than umming and ahhing about it!! Having worked in numerous clinical settings seen it all anyways... Quick action wins out every time :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Grinding teeth again, this happens in fits and starts but almost a whole week now. Wonder whether it's pain related or something else going on? Probs the former... went to chemist today to pick up Pxs, unable to source the newly prescribed codeine solution as apparently their various suppliers have stopped producing it 🤨 Consequently have had to reach out to GP again for an alternative medication, will have answers for me tomorrow fingers crossed 🤞


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well I've been attempting a beard again, gosh do I look like a hobo... no disrespect to any hobos on this forum. Just want to see if I can grow it into my increasingly long hair with 'Star Trek' like sidies haha. Mum likes it (to pull at those still very short bristles - ouch) so I'll persevere for now! Just posted on @sdmhred's thread regarding a similar matter so thought I'd update you chaps. Still awake? ;)


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
I still look at the selfie I took of myself at the height of my 3 month beard, just over a year ago, @Eddcorner . 'Hobo' is the perfect description 😒, although it did look better the next day, after I'd trimmed it.
But I don't think I'd have the patience again.

I like to keep my hair short (I've got my own clippers) - don't have to use as much shampoo. 😉


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I still look at the selfie I took of myself at the height of my 3 month beard, just over a year ago, @Eddcorner . 'Hobo' is the perfect description 😒, although it did look better the next day, after I'd trimmed it.
But I don't think I'd have the patience again.

I like to keep my hair short (I've got my own clippers) - don't have to use as much shampoo. 😉
Kept my hair very short during my late thirties and forties, a number two shaved into the sides and back... but since Covid just never had it cut! Hmm, can't seem to get it back to the way it was when I was younger though 😕 The beard? So many aborted attempts now this past two or three years; patchy on cheeks so I keep those clear, the throat sometimes too but trimming..? Only a couple of centimetres of red/brown/black/white haha, perhaps I'll see where it takes me this time! If I wore the clothes I did in my early twenties deffo would look extremely rough ;)


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Can I, as a woman of a certain age (still, just about, not an OAP) say that when a man grows a beard with grey in it, he does not look like a distinguished silver fox- he just looks old!!!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Can I, as a woman of a certain age (still, just about, not an OAP) say that when a man grows a beard with grey in it, he does not look like a distinguished silver fox- he just looks old!!!
i was going to say the same but its fashionable and saves shaving. only if you go for the treatments and oils for the beard it might look better. my older son and s-i-l both have very thick sculptured beards. im forever reminding my husband to shave as he looks like catweasel from the wrestling. not nice


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Can I, as a woman of a certain age (still, just about, not an OAP) say that when a man grows a beard with grey in it, he does not look like a distinguished silver fox- he just looks old!!!
Fills out my face a bit, also presents as a little bit thuggish but hey-ho maybe it's time to embrace an older looking me ;) Wouldn't be so bad if it was just one colour!! No grey though just an occasional white strand... Used to do distinguished at my professional height, more of a 'Shaggy' from Scooby-Doo these days now haha.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
i was going to say the same but its fashionable and saves shaving. only if you go for the treatments and oils for the beard it might look better. my older son and s-i-l both have very thick sculptured beards. im forever reminding my husband to shave as he looks like catweasel from the wrestling. not nice
Gosh I wouldn't know where or how to start with the sculpting... I'd probably need the expertise of Capability Brown!