Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I like to sprinkle .
Unfortunately shortage of red jalapeños .
has raised the price and made it difficult to buy and forced me to try other chilli tins - click on 'chilli tins' .
I've even got some ghost 1041427 SHU for extremely sparing use!
Oh my... You are a true hero @nitram!! Very knowledgeable as well with your dishes too, I tip my hat to you sir.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
That’s you with the problem, and not mum 🙈🙈
I hope she’s turning on the sympathy…..or ramping up the requests…..
No to the former and yes to the latter @sdmhred haha. Mum is taking great pleasure at my current discomfort and has me jumping through more hoops than normal. I did try to explain but for some reason she laughed!! Tables turned and all that ;)


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Haa haa I thought as much from ur mum 🤣🤣🤣

super proud of mine tonight - clearly tired after an hour of balloon tennis - but she transferred herself on to and off the commode and into bed without any distress and agitation…..🥰🥰🥰 #littlewins


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Haa haa I thought as much from ur mum 🤣🤣🤣

super proud of mine tonight - clearly tired after an hour of balloon tennis - but she transferred herself on to and off the commode and into bed without any distress and agitation…..🥰🥰🥰 #littlewins
Now that's my sort of tennis!! And well done your mum, class act her 👏

Yeah no surprises with my mum, she took a perverse pleasure in upping the ante throughout ;) I didn't learn from my earlier mistake though, finished off that pizza early hours... well it would be a waste of money otherwise!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Indulging mum with some super small packets of Haribo jellies as I bought a box of 50x for just £2.99. Considering their size can't do much damage diet-wise and a nice treat to boot :)

Suffering through another Harry Potter film at the moment but mum has been in great spirits, periods of 'singing' whilst we listened to music in the back room and terribly conversant. Totally win-bonus today methinks 🙂🙂🙂


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Been busy all day but for the life of me can't figure out what I've been doing! Is this a common occurrence I wonder? 🤔


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Overslept!! Right through our alarm... We've both had colds of sorts and last night was an especially restless one so maybe it just caught up with us. Than goodness it's Sunday.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Looks like we're going to be hit by this new storm system tomorrow, trying to convince mum that the continuing bad weather is not my fault and to blame the 'big man' upstairs! As I'm not a religious sort of chap and don't want to be a hypocrite I told her - have asked her to have a quiet word ;) Ooh the look I got!!!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Looks like we're going to be hit by this new storm system tomorrow, trying to convince mum that the continuing bad weather is not my fault and to blame the 'big man' upstairs! As I'm not a religious sort of chap and don't want to be a hypocrite I told her - have asked her to have a quiet word ;) Ooh the look I got!!!
Careful with that massive geezer in the apple with the big beard, @Eddcorner - he don't always listen, and when he does, is likely to do the opposite. (Moves in mysterious ways!) 😉


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Assisted mum at 1.30, 3 40 and 5.55am during the night, the first two times totally fine but the third..? Long and short of it had to take a good thirty minutes getting her straight and subsequently had a lie in until 9am. Both of us definitely have colds, I got my one before passing it onto mum; appetite is still strong however and drinking 2 litres+ as usual every day. Pulse/ox is excellent and temperature within the normal range (thankful for that) but hot/cold fluctuations during the night more frequent... blankets on, blankets off, blankets on, blankets off - you get the gist of it!!

Tally ho peeps, tally ho :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
After feeling lousy most of yesterday slight improvement this morning. Another busy night to boot and up earlier this time with mum as a consequence, would have been unfair to help mum and then return her to bed for an extra 45minutes. She's very 'whispery' today with an occasional cough, was also talking properly to herself whilst in bed between 1am and 4am. All her obs are fine, just a bit under the weather, hoping her cold doesn't develop as mine has. Plenty of veg & fruit for a good'ole Vit C bump with a couple of max strength Lemsips (gotta be blackcurrant) thrown in. Fingers crossed 🤞 anyways! Myself? Total energy drain, wish I had mum's knack of returning to sleep almost immediately after a night visit! Sigh and so much washing waiting to dry :/


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i had the flu 3 weeks ago then my husband got it when i was getting over mine. i just did the basics. anything else was a luxury. i kept on top of washing and washing up thats it. only do what you have to. hope you feel better husband had the flu jab 2 weeks before so didnt get it as bad.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
i had the flu 3 weeks ago then my husband got it when i was getting over mine. i just did the basics. anything else was a luxury. i kept on top of washing and washing up thats it. only do what you have to. hope you feel better husband had the flu jab 2 weeks before so didnt get it as bad.
I had a unscheduled fifteen minute nap earlier and felt really good afterwards which is unusual, caught up with me again just now though... by'eck talk about feeling woolly headed!! But I was able to enjoy that lighter period with mum and that's a big plus :) The washing is heavier than normal and taking longer to dry :/ yep bare minimum at the moment.
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Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Feeling a bit low today, oh mum's fine and everything but it was my daughter's 21st, we've not really talked for a while (it's quite complicated) so as always birthday's & Christmas time take a bit of a toll. Usually cards and presents are exchanged but I doubled up last year to ensure she had some stuff for university... there were other personal reasons as well so I just wanted everything in place. Ah thee well, it is what it is. Bah humbug!!!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
In a past life before Alzheimer's, I used to joke that our children got their brains from their mother, as I've still got mine.
Little did I know then that we would be struck down by this nightmare!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Oh that’s difficult @Eddcorner

Did you say she was the smart one at Oxford or Cambridge? She’s got ur brains!!!
Ooh they're all smart in their own way ;) but yes The Classics at Oxford. She's naturally clever, book learning comes very easily to her... me I have to work at it, total immersion though to the exclusion of everything else (wired differently than most - a bit like my dad). I think she gets it from my mum who could have been anything given the opportunity but it was a different time. Hmm, academic wise very sharp it's the rest of it I have trouble translating - very 'Sheldonesque' if you've ever watched 'The Big Bang Theory!!

Oh and thanks for the compliment haha :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
In a past life before Alzheimer's, I used to joke that our children got their brains from their mother, as I've still got mine.
Little did I know then that we would be struck down by this nightmare!
I try not to give it much thought - my mum's sister has it and her father had it too... 🤔

Here's a controversial remark though for the peeps, I believe women are naturally smarter than men!!