Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Just not quite as full as I remember, forgotten how to maintain it so just tied back most of the time. Also growing a beard now, umpteenth attempt - filling out a bit but very soft haha! Look like a poor Kurt Cobain look-alike (was one of my heroes), was pretty close in my twenties but now?

A mod eh? Very snappy dressers and loved the style @Neveradullday! :)
Oh disclaimer accepted!!!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
I did grow a beard last year, @Eddcorner , was hoping to look more like the movie star George Clooney, ended up resembling the fictional scarecrow Worsel Gummidge. Oh dear! Was still mistaken for a woman by mum every now and then - that's dementia for you.

I'll have you know, @Chizz, my mother's bob was praised by the next door neighbour - thought it had been done by a professional.
There are bittersweet moments nearly every day aren't there?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I shall enrol my mum to your salons please chaps 😜She wants her hair dyed every 6-8 weeks but is mighty noisy during the process. Somehow despite the towels and hair washing blow up contraption the water gets everywhere and she becomes quite vocal!

We’ve actually discovered the whole leave ur hair and it washes itself is actually true - once u get through a few minging days!

As for me, I had a cut July 2020 after first lockdown and then caring took over. I was going to cut it off last summer and discovered if I let it grow a little longer I can either sell it or donate to the Little Princess kidddies wigs charity which I shall probably do!!

maybe one of us could have a post caring role of dementia friendly mobile hairdresser ✂️✂️


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I shall enrol my mum to your salons please chaps 😜She wants her hair dyed every 6-8 weeks but is mighty noisy during the process. Somehow despite the towels and hair washing blow up contraption the water gets everywhere and she becomes quite vocal!

We’ve actually discovered the whole leave ur hair and it washes itself is actually true - once u get through a few minging days!

As for me, I had a cut July 2020 after first lockdown and then caring took over. I was going to cut it off last summer and discovered if I let it grow a little longer I can either sell it or donate to the Little Princess kidddies wigs charity which I shall probably do!!

maybe one of us could have a post caring role of dementia friendly mobile hairdresser ✂️✂️
Ooh I could never dye hair, my mum did it regularly and I did my own through the nineties... I applaud you for your endeavours @sdmhred 👏 sounds like a right Krypton Factor!! Hmm I don't think they'd accept my hair at that charity, long but ill-kept 😆 Keep yours long!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Welcome to the salon, @sdmhred. 🙂 You're very welcome. I do dye hair as well, I prefer the one without ammonia (yes, I'm very experienced now). Regarding post caring roles, if this 'journey' ever ends, I will probably have quite a long break from anything dementia related!

I have seen a couple of YouTube videos where women cut their own hair - might need a bit more skill than men's hair though.
'Leave your hair and it washes itself' might be needed as a strategy for the future! I'll keep it in mind. 👍


Registered User
Oct 21, 2019
Good luck @Eddcorner
We had a hairdresser call at home when needed by prior appointment - lady is a friend of and recommended by our daughter - and did cut and colour - and very satisfactory.
Now OH's Alz's has advanced, she wouldn't be able to stay still long enough, and so hairdresser doesn't want to know.
I bought an inflatable bowl with gap for neck (and plug underneath for draining), so whilst OH is lying flat in bed, we surround OH with towels, then put her neck into the gap so that her head is over the bowl before putting in warm water for a hair wash, using a plastic cup to pour water over her hair. So far it has worked, but better with two persons on hand - one to wash/shampoo and condition and one to distract OH from moving and for holding her hands. After drying with towels (as she finds the hair dryer too noisy and hot - even on its lowest setting) I have a go at the cutting, if necessary. As it is better as a two person operation, I wait until our daughter comes to stay for a weekend.
(Because of the lock down, back in 2020, I bought a barber's razor, and I do my own hair now, once a month, and I'm still recognisable.)
Amazing what one can turn one's hand to when pressed!
It sounds like you are doing an amazing job.
Should you ever not be able to get two people, then it’s worth considering using shampoo caps.
You microwave them for 20 seconds, put them on the persons head, and massage, then remove them ( no rinsing). Then towel dry.
They really are fantastic. I purchased mine from boots online.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well mum has been on my case the past several days to go out but between deliveries & her twitching was a bit of a challenge... consequently after her saying 'I don't do anything' again (meaning trips out) I promised to taker her today. Mum is at her sharpest in the evening and definitely pushes me more, tbh I actively encourage her to hold me to account ;) Mum's demeanour changed instantly as a result, she knows that if I promise a thing I'll always follow through. Anyways up a touch earlier, did the necessaries, had breakfast, mum started her late morning nap with expectation of travelling on waking and then bang! Remembered Iceland to drop off between 12noon and 2pm :/ Mum woke up at 1pm excited, took her to the toilet and still no knock on the door; was looking at going out shoes as I paced up and down nervously. Then just as I was trying to figure out what to say - Iceland arrived, crisis averted!!! I never renege on a promise.

So trip out to bandstand for sandwiches, drinks and music - sadly no more daffs to liberate. Was slightly overcast to begin with but then sun hit us for a good hour. Never seen her happier, she knows summer brings more opportunities to travel. Bring it on :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
'Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall' (Confucius).


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Rather more to the point: " Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace."


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
My late mother used to say: "Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn."


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Rather more to the point: " Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace."
Absolutely. Learnt this lesson the hard way and has been my personal mantra for the past twenty years, took three decades to sink in though!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Watching 'Grease' with mum, oh the shame of it 🤐 One redeeming feature Olivia Newton John 💚


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
My late mother used to say: "Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn."
That's a gud'un, wonder where it's origins lie. My mum didn't really use quotes that I can remember but did sing to us in the kitchen a fair bit when we were young :) Teen years, many a 'clip' round the ear but much deserved!!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
My mother had been a secondary school English teacher. She loved literature. Got all her children into reading, which is a great joy. Yes, she used quotes all the time. One old joke used to be - the trouble with Shakespear's plays is that they're full of quotes!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
My mother had been a secondary school English teacher. She loved literature. Got all her children into reading, which is a great joy. Yes, she used quotes all the time. One old joke used to be - the trouble with Shakespear's plays is that they're full of quotes!
My mum took us to the library without fail on a regular basis, Asterix and Tin Tin were the mainstay for me with mum a big Jean Plaidy & Catherine Cookson fan. I was always itching to get into the adult section though after reading The Hobbit, consequently when I reached twelve Philip Jose Farmer beckoned (attracted by the cover), oh my what a world of delights!! My elder brother's bookshelf which held many 'forbidden' tomes led me to Heinlein's Space Cadet (1948) and opened my mind to the sci-fi genre. In time after devouring everything on offer I accidentally discovered The Little World Don Camillo (not my normal cup of tea) by Giovannino Guareschi... Apologies I could go on and on @Chizz, so many books, so many authors.

Shakespeare to me? Not easily read and he did plagiarise quite a bit recycling existing stories haha ;) Oscar Wilde held much more of an appeal, I just read in a certain way, my excuse? Brain isn't wired for it! Chaucer... urk 😵


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
It sounds like you are doing an amazing job.
Should you ever not be able to get two people, then it’s worth considering using shampoo caps.
You microwave them for 20 seconds, put them on the persons head, and massage, then remove them ( no rinsing). Then towel dry.
They really are fantastic. I purchased mine from boots online.
Had real problems at the outset and shower caps were mentioned, surprisingly it got easier as mum progressed and she started to trust me more. Fingers crossed we can continue as is but if not will definitely be shopping at Boots on your recommendation!

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