Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Sounds perfect @Eddcorner. Everything crossed for tomorrow! 🐣
Sadly it rained today @Izzy but the weekend definitely gave us both a lift :) Aiming for Wednesday now as it's forecast to be gusting (winds) tomorrow and a break will probs work in our favour, allows me to catch my breath somewhat haha!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Impromptu giggles are allowed! In retrospect it is quite funny, although it wasnt at the time. You are quite right - after that, Attenborough was a definite no no....

Sounds lovely. Hope tomorrow is just as good
Raining today, gusting tomorrow... there's always Wednesday though :)

Fortunately we're on an Attenborough break as mum is intent on watching 'The Last of Us' again. I blame myself for the zombie stuff, I've created a horror addict!


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
I am indeed fortunate @Canadian Joanne, being honest I do like it even more when she rips me though ;) it's good to see that spark as you say. For mum? She now gravitates towards horror/zombie/scary type content in the evenings. Never seen her laugh so much!
Personally, I get my best laughs out of watching Jaws. I think it is absolutely hilarious.

When I was a kid, we used to regularly swim in the Brisbane River. We knew that sharks swam upriver to bask in the warm waters coming from a power station. Many years later I discovered that there had been an estimate that there were 30,000 bull sharks using the river and Moreton Bay. Strangely I have never heard of a shark attack in the river.

I guess that’s what amuses me so much about Jaws though OH says I have a warped sense of humour.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Personally, I get my best laughs out of watching Jaws. I think it is absolutely hilarious.

When I was a kid, we used to regularly swim in the Brisbane River. We knew that sharks swam upriver to bask in the warm waters coming from a power station. Many years later I discovered that there had been an estimate that there were 30,000 bull sharks using the river and Moreton Bay. Strangely I have never heard of a shark attack in the river.

I guess that’s what amuses me so much about Jaws though OH says I have a warped sense of humour.
My mum took me to see Jaws when I was four... looking back how on earth did I get in considering the content haha! Similarly I took my own son to see Fellowship of The Ring when he was four as well, has definitely impacted his tastes longterm :) It's apparent that mainstreaming does not run in our family I guess - which I'm eternally grateful for ;)

Sharks eh? I tip my hat to you @Lawson58 Warped is good!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Ever had one of those days where you're dead busy but seem to get nowhere? Up earlier than normal, well organised or so I thought... washed mum's hair, breakfasted, all the usual stuff then brick wall! Must be a spring thing. Started noticing dusty shelves, bits on floor, curtains that needed changing, kitchen floor to be mopped - you catch my drift? Oh don't get me wrong, the house is clean but for some reason today started noticing all the fiddly stuff. Now I'm a well ordered person but in recent years I've learnt to be flexible somewhat, you have to be, today however small details began to bug me. I have rare days like this that catch me totally unawares, you sort of get stuck turning this way and that not achieving very much. Am I alone in this? I've never been totally sane haha ;) Will probably reset tomorrow!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
TV guide special (not):

Inside the Factory... think it's Tuesday, need to find a film or something different. Trying mum with a Tablet tonight and a retro Atari console. She used to love playing Decathlon so hope it's there, many of the activities we used to do mum has lost interest in so a new frontier beckons, also good for fine motor control ;) You can buy lots of 'dementia' type things to do but there's a massive mark-up, I'd rather adapt existing mainstream resources, total bandits some of these specialist suppliers!!

On a lighter note will try and catch up with some up-to-date research papers in my early morning me time. Need to exercise my brain, has gone a bit soggy of late... quite looking forward to it :)


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
My mum took me to see Jaws when I was four... looking back how on earth did I get in considering the content haha! Similarly I took my own son to see Fellowship of The Ring when he was four as well, has definitely impacted his tastes longterm :) It's apparent that mainstreaming does not run in our family I guess - which I'm eternally grateful for ;)

Sharks eh? I tip my hat to you @Lawson58 Warped is good!
When I was working in UK as a nanny, the kids mum wanted me to take the boys to see Harry Potter. The seven year old spent most of the time with his head buried in my shoulder!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
When I was working in UK as a nanny, the kids mum wanted me to take the boys to see Harry Potter. The seven year old spent most of the time with his head buried in my shoulder!
Oh dear! Always remember watching B/W classic horrors on a Saturday night with Karloff/Lugosi/Lon Chaney Jr... Saw Salem's Lot with my mum too (at a very early age) which changed my life for the better. Was also one of those AD & D guys in the eighties too, oh how I miss those days!

A nanny eh? You're braver than me Gunga Din ;)


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Oh dear! Always remember watching B/W classic horrors on a Saturday night with Karloff/Lugosi/Lon Chaney Jr... Saw Salem's Lot with my mum too (at a very early age) which changed my life for the better. Was also one of those AD & D guys in the eighties too, oh how I miss those days!

A nanny eh? You're braver than me Gunga Din ;)
I worked for a very wealthy family and it certainly had its perks. I was well paid, lived in, had my own car and travelled with them to France, Greece and Switzerland.

Also in a an earlier version of myself, I had been a schoolteacher which was a definite asset.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I worked for a very wealthy family and it certainly had its perks. I was well paid, lived in, had my own car and travelled with them to France, Greece and Switzerland.

Also in a an earlier version of myself, I had been a schoolteacher which was a definite asset.
Ahh, my son teaches preschoolers in Northern Ireland, takes a very patient and talented person. And yes, I've worn many hats myself - accounts clerk, chef, waiter, veterinary nurse to name but a few... eventually 'settled' into a forensic nursing role at a secure unit before reinventing myself post 2008 c/o mum. I don't think my personality suited any one role in my earlier life, rigid thinking was my constant passenger at the time so I tended to get restless (not healthy). Only in my later thirties did I become more open/flexible to embracing new ideas. Total life saver. Returning to Uni gave me the confidence to indulge my passion for learning again although my final year dissertation had me hallucinating from lack of sleep haha ;) Curse of being a perfectionist, urk!! Apologies I've never been a concise person, love words too much 🖖


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well working on the Tablet was a total flop but Atari console raging success! Blocky colours and graphics, annoying music and one button joystick really appealed to mum. Played very late, plenty of laughs and mum slept like a log, complete winner :) So Arts & Crafts out, painting out, TV sabbatical late evening... sometimes the obvious solution can elude you. There are no rules in this 'game' folks - tally ho!! And cheaper than an overpriced dementia special 💥


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Ahh, my son teaches preschoolers in Northern Ireland, takes a very patient and talented person. And yes, I've worn many hats myself - accounts clerk, chef, waiter, veterinary nurse to name but a few... eventually 'settled' into a forensic nursing role at a secure unit before reinventing myself post 2008 c/o mum. I don't think my personality suited any one role in my earlier life, rigid thinking was my constant passenger at the time so I tended to get restless (not healthy). Only in my later thirties did I become more open/flexible to embracing new ideas. Total life saver. Returning to Uni gave me the confidence to indulge my passion for learning again although my final year dissertation had me hallucinating from lack of sleep haha ;) Curse of being a perfectionist, urk!! Apologies I've never been a concise person, love words too much 🖖
I have had a few different careers myself - did a short stint in an office which I hated, a telephonist (when calls were transferred manually via a switchboard) at a university, a governess on a cattle station in outback Queensland, gardener, antique dealer, bartender, security officer, English as a second language teacher and a few more.

I was a rebel and a risk taker, always ready to step out of my comfort zone. Still am and that’s the spice of life as far as I am concerned.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Wowser! Yeah my teens were not necessarily my best years ;) Hit my twenties though and then boom! Music, outlook, appearance, confidence rocketed, Newcastle Brown Ale with JD chasers... was still a 'rigid thinker' in many regards but that helped me from being a total rager haha. Student MH and LD nurses were a crazy bunch but devoted nonetheless. I do miss working in the Lakes, was very young - blooming hard work but fun! I have a contradictory personality type which led to all sorts but early fifties now and perhaps I'm thinking I need to stretch my brain again although got mum to keep me on the straight and narrow ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Out yesterday wait for it... yes another picnic! Different park bench however ;) Liberated some more flowers at mum's insistence whilst we watched a group of lads boxing on the bandstand. Was quite mild at 2pm when the sun really hit us at around 3pm. Today? Mum received Holy Communion at home c/o a close friend but a bit 'twitchy' morning/afternoon, nothing unusual in the grand scheme of things but frustrating for us both as we had planned to go out and can be a bit of a risk indicator :/

Still beating me at Decathlon ;) which she takes great pleasure in, never heard her laugh so loud!! Mum so sharp, spontaneous and in context remarks, even responding to specific queries from time to time. When not talking, still on the ball nonverbally; last night after I rested her feet on the floor she attempted to reach down and put her slippers on herself. Mum helps me anyways during these tasks but it was nice to see.

Anyways, lots of history programmes with Alice Roberts (one of mum's faves alongside Bettany Hughes and Neil Oliver) throughout... Hopefully a film later?

More pictures from my son of my granddaughter (god does make me old haha?), mum's great granddaughter which also puts a smile on her face 😊 All in all not so bad. Deffo need to go somewhere different tomorrow/next week, change of pace and all that. Apologies if it seems a bit list oriented today just been mad busy energy wise but in a good way... 'singing/dancing' 🕺


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
So sitting on the bed with mum last night where she made me promise we'd go out shopping today, after dropping innumerable hints during the evening I agreed regardless of the weather or 'twitching'. She wasn't a 100% but mum 'reminded' me that the outside beckoned... she was so excited and I think it counteracted any of those physical risk indicators that were on show. So a walk, Asda, then Farmfoods followed by the long way around back home. I think sometimes we get so wound up about all the potentials that it can hold you back and before too long we get stuck in a rut, fortunately I have mum to 'quietly whisper' in my proverbials and give me a kick up the bum! It's a reality check, things aren't necessarily going to get better in the mid to long-term, consequently we have to enjoy the time that remains. Make memories now, I'll worry about later another time ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Had to arrange dental community home visit for mum even though she wasn't terribly keen. Has been holding/resting her right palm against that side of her face, also aware she has started grinding teeth over past two or three weeks. Mum's teeth are in reasonably good nick but I do get concerned about pain management and potential infections as they can knock older people sideways. I think toothache is probs the worst sort of discomfort a person can experience and could explain why she has been distracted from her usual activities, might be over thinking it but better to be safe than sorry. The hand on face, the grinding just could be a new set of behaviours - frustrating not being able to pin it down straight away. So appointment in four weeks sigh, she is on pain meds for her rheumatoid arthritis so that should mitigate any pain she might have in the short term. Fingers crossed!!

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