Dad’s Deterioration 😢

Alzheimers Daughter

New member
Jun 22, 2024

New to the forum and totally overwhelmed.
My dad has had Alzheimer’s for several years and been fairly stable. Over the past 2-3 months, his condition has deteriorated to a level that he’s in hospital to hopefully manage his medication and come home asap. Since he was admitted 3 weeks ago, he’s deteriorated massively, to the point that he can’t hold his head up, he is struggling to walk, he can’t hold a conversation and he’s not sleeping much. A CT scan has ruled out a stroke. He’s fallen at least once. Before he went in, he was constantly walking around with no issues, could hold a conversation etc.
I’m not sure what I’m asking here but does anyone have any advice or anything similar happened? Completely at our wits end.
Thanks in advance.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Alzheimers Daughter and welcome to the Forum. I am sorry to hear about your Dad. I don't have any knowledge or experience of such a situation so can't really help. There may well be other members of our friendly and helpful community who have come across something similar and may be able to give you the benefit of their experience. We will certainly do our best to support you.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
My honest advise is hospitals don't always help, however, what is plan B.
Sorry and I do apologise if that seems hard, but what are the other options?
We just all struggle by on here, over 10 years for me as a carer and it's taken its toll, but please don't think you're never listen to on here even though I can't offer any practically advise. K

Jake's Nan

Registered User
Aug 12, 2021
Hello, not sure how old your dad is, my brother (61) a few months ago had rapid decline in his Alzheimer's, ended up being sectioned now in care home. His movement is poor, he also struggles to hold head up, struggles with conversation. Swollen feet and episodes of jerky movements. I think some medication might be adding to the issue but a consultant told us, sadly, this can happen. Hope you get some answers, it's an awful journey.

Alzheimers Daughter

New member
Jun 22, 2024
My honest advise is hospitals don't always help, however, what is plan B.
Sorry and I do apologise if that seems hard, but what are the other options?
We just all struggle by on here, over 10 years for me as a carer and it's taken its toll, but please don't think you're never listen to on here even though I can't offer any practically advise. K
Thank you for your response.
The first line is exactly where I’m at now, I don’t know where we go from here. I don’t know if the meds are making him worse or it’s just progression at an alarming rate.

Alzheimers Daughter

New member
Jun 22, 2024
Hi @Alzheimers Daughter and welcome to the Forum. I am sorry to hear about your Dad. I don't have any knowledge or experience of such a situation so can't really help. There may well be other members of our friendly and helpful community who have come across something similar and may be able to give you the benefit of their experience. We will certainly do our best to support you.
Thank you for your response. It’s such a cruel disease 😢

Alzheimers Daughter

New member
Jun 22, 2024
Hello, not sure how old your dad is, my brother (61) a few months ago had rapid decline in his Alzheimer's, ended up being sectioned now in care home. His movement is poor, he also struggles to hold head up, struggles with conversation. Swollen feet and episodes of jerky movements. I think some medication might be adding to the issue but a consultant told us, sadly, this can happen. Hope you get some answers, it's an awful journey.
Thank you for your response. My dad is 68 and we’re about 5 years into this journey, from diagnosis at least.
My dad sounds very similar to your brother. He’s very emotional too which is not usually like him. We hoped he’d come home once his meds were adjusted but unfortunately this is not looking likely.
It’s a horrifically cruel journey. Wishing you and your brother and family all the best.