council tax reduction


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
my oh has alzheimers, and I applied for a council tax reduction, got gp to fill in and sign form etc...I got word back from council 2 days ago, it was just a council tax form saying what we had paid from april 22 till dec. 22...that was when he was awarded attendance allowance...and what had been paid from dec 22 till april 23...
...disregard ,severe mentally impaired..£100.39 cr
payments £ 1162 98 cr
total amount payable.....£0.00
from april 23 till now we have paid the full amount, I thought they'd have sent a letter saying how much reduction we would get
It should start from dec 22
I emailed the council yesterday and sent a copy of the form they sent me and asked them to explain because it looks like we have been awarded something...but it's not clear how much or if we will be paid back the amount we have overpaid since april 23 till now. hopefully someone on this forum can tell me...


Registered User
Dec 24, 2022
It looks like you will be credited for the amounts on your statement but they should calculate the revised discount from April 23. It took me a few emails and a number of calls to get the council tax sorted. Try and speak to someone directly at the council, if you can. They will refund you or credit your statement from April 23, it just takes a while. Good luck.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
If you go you go to the you gov website it explains the rules. If you put into google (other search engines are available) and put in "council tax disregard smi"
(smi being severe mental impairment) it'll give you the qualifying criteria.
No idea if the "" covers only England or the whole of the UK.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
It's telling you that SMI has been granted and back dated to when he was awarded AA in December 22.
They work April to April, for Apr 22 to Apr 23 too much has been paid, they still have to inform you about Apr23 to Apr24.
You should get the 22 - 23 credit as a lump sum.
Overpayments in 23 - 24 will be used to adjust payments or paid as lump, do you pay in 10 or 12 instalments per year.
You should receive 23-24 details in due course.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
When my wife was diagnosed with an SMI I got a 25% discount on my CT, the same as if I lived alone, I still had to pay the other 75%, I was just treated as a single adult household. I could have applied for more but my/our savings meant I still to pay 75%.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
thanks everyone for your replies. if it weren't for this form, I'd never have known that we could claim a discount....we pay direct debit over 10 months


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I understand that you pay for the 12 months CT by direct debit over 10 months leaving 2 free months to catch up on any "arrears" by which I mean chase late payments.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
You have been overpaying by a third for 23 -24, depending on LA speed and payment date you could have already overpaid.
It will sort itself out.

sunshine chrissy

Registered User
Apr 1, 2022
my oh has alzheimers, and I applied for a council tax reduction, got gp to fill in and sign form etc...I got word back from council 2 days ago, it was just a council tax form saying what we had paid from april 22 till dec. 22...that was when he was awarded attendance allowance...and what had been paid from dec 22 till april 23...
...disregard ,severe mentally impaired..£100.39 cr
payments £ 1162 98 cr
total amount payable.....£0.00
from april 23 till now we have paid the full amount, I thought they'd have sent a letter saying how much reduction we would get
It should start from dec 22
I emailed the council yesterday and sent a copy of the form they sent me and asked them to explain because it looks like we have been awarded something...but it's not clear how much or if we will be paid back the amount we have overpaid since april 23 till now. hopefully someone on this forum can tell me...
I've been going through this,same date/year as you! I was told it could take up to 16 weeks to sort out in our area,I finally got the new bill,nothing to pay up to April 24 and a backdate from May 22 but things have now changed,my OH went into full time care on 1st Dec,I've let the council know but now I'm left waiting for them to get back,all they say is it will take 16 weeks(again🙄) to sort it out,it's so stressful worrying about paying it back when his main benefit is now not being paid as he's in care,it's never ending😩


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Personally I'd forward a link to this thread to my local MP, the delay is totally unacceptable someone needs a kick up the "council' wherever you are (if you know what I mean) a 3 month delay ... No way..


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
OH went into full time care on 1st Dec,I've let the council know but now I'm left waiting for them to get back,all they say is it will take 16 weeks(again🙄) to sort it out,it's so stressful worrying about paying it back
Council tax will not change.
You will get 25% off as a sole occupant, same as before he went into care when he was disregarded leaving you as effective sole occupant.