COP1 Form Section 6


New member
Jan 24, 2024
I am applying for deputyship for my sister in law. She is an only child and she and her husband (now deceased) did not have children, so I am her closest kin. We have been friends for over 50 years and I am executor of her will. She is now resident in a care home and on DOLs.

I have just had all the COP forms I submitted last week returned with a note to 'please complete section 6 of COP1'.
I am puzzled as I have ticked 'No' at 1.2 of COP1 'Do you require permission to make the application'.

The first line of Section 6 says 'If you do not require permission, go to Section 7'. So I left 6 blank. I am at a loss to know what to write in Section 6, as I do not think it applies to me.

I would appreciate any help or hints from people who've already gone down this route. I was trying to avoid using a solicitor in order to preserve my sister in law's funds for her use. I've been retired for some years, so maybe I've lost the skill of form filling!



Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Ask OPG how to proceed


It may be that for some reason they think you need permission.
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New member
Jan 14, 2024
I am applying for deputyship for my sister in law. She is an only child and she and her husband (now deceased) did not have children, so I am her closest kin. We have been friends for over 50 years and I am executor of her will. She is now resident in a care home and on DOLs.

I have just had all the COP forms I submitted last week returned with a note to 'please complete section 6 of COP1'.
I am puzzled as I have ticked 'No' at 1.2 of COP1 'Do you require permission to make the application'.

The first line of Section 6 says 'If you do not require permission, go to Section 7'. So I left 6 blank. I am at a loss to know what to write in Section 6, as I do not think it applies to me.

I would appreciate any help or hints from people who've already gone down this route. I was trying to avoid using a solicitor in order to preserve my sister in law's funds for her use. I've been retired for some years, so maybe I've lost the skill of form filling!


If you are applying for deputyship in relation to your sister in law’s finances only, so not health and welfare, I don’t think you do need the court’s permission. I can understand why you left section 6 blank in that case. You mentioned your sister is on DOLS and if you mentioned that in the forms, that might be what has caused confusion as I think applications involving DOLS do need permission.

If the OPG can’t help, you could try calling the court office too and explaining. I know they can’t give legal advice but they should be able to give practical advice or explain why the forms were sent back.

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