
Daughters concerns

Registered User
Oct 20, 2022
Hi there
Thanks for all the helpful advice I am really finding this forum a crook to hold onto😊

My latest question has just cropped up!!

As a family we have just had a few days away, my hubby son and I. Leaving mum for the first time which I felt good about.

However, now we're back mum has told me that I made her feel as though she'd done something really wrong because when she asked me if she could check on our house I'd said no. I did tell her at the time that our neighbour has a key and as we're only away for a few days everything would be alright. But mum said we hadn't told her any of this🤔
I didn't tell her that we don't want her in the house by herself because the last time she was she unplugged the freezer by accident which resulted in a costly mess!!

Anyway, my question is when we tell our DS something but they say we haven't told them, is it better to say we have told them and they've forgotten or is it best to go along with what they're thinking/saying and allow them to tell you off?🤔

I know I've had conversations with mum that have been forgotten my mind is a tangle itself of remembering what's been said and what hasn't 🤔🤣🤣

Thank you 😊

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Daughters concerns

Anyway, my question is when we tell our DS something but they say we haven't told them, is it better to say we have told them and they've forgotten or is it best to go along with what they're thinking/saying and allow them to tell you off?🤔

It's best to go along with what they say.

Have a look at this link. It may help.