concerns for my mum


Registered User
Oct 19, 2013
for a few years now my mum has slowly been forgetting things we have just shrugged it of and reminded her of things and let it go and we also put it down to my dads passing 6 years ago of cancer we just thought she had shut herself of from what was going on around her my mum has always been a loving caring woman she looked after her mum when she had a stroke till she passed and then she looked after her dad until he passed then she looked after my dad until he passed and she also had a disabled sister who she looked after till 2 years ago when she passed my mum always had me and my 2 brothers to help but she seemed to want to do it all her self it was like it was her job but just lately she is forgetting things and repeating her self I can sit in a room and she will tell me a story at least 3 times she went to the hospital last week to have a scan and she was told she was fine my brother was with her when I went to her after work she told me she was fine when my brother went to c her today she told him the doctor told her she might have cancer she told my son last week she had the same thing her sister had when she died my son was so upset at the time until I told him not to take no notice she does it a lot me and my brother r now so worried we don't no what to do she had a test a while ago for alzheimers and it came back ok but now I don't no is there some one out there that can help me please thank u


Registered User
Aug 1, 2007
Hello georgieporgie, Welcome to Talking Point.
Perhaps you could keep a diary about anything that concerns you about your mum.
It sounds as if your mum has been under a lot of stress for the last few years. I can understand how worried you must be about your mum though.
