

New member
May 15, 2024
Hi all
I'm new to the group. I care for my mum who has dementia. She is currently being referred to a Geriatrician and for MRI. She failed a MMSE back in 2022, and had memory issues & collapse/TIA episodes prior.
Her condition is worsening. I'm concerned at moment that she is very focused on dead relatives and even said she seen her father in the house. And thought her mother and sister were there recently and she's been talking to them recently. Is the end of life near with these symptoms?
Shes not on any meds or even has a.proper diagnosis...

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
Your Mum is hallucinating not end of life however, it's worth speaking to her GP as her downturn may be caused by an infection.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @forgetmenot4 and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read about your mum and the length of time it is taking to get a formal diagnosis.

When your mum said that she had seen her dead father she was probably having a hallucination which is quite common as dementia progress. It does not mean that she is end of life. As long as the hallucinations do not annoy her do not worry too much. If she does get upset speak to her GP about possible medication. In the meantime keep pressing on with trying to get a formal diagnosis.