Choking on Salivia


Registered User
Aug 9, 2020
I wonder if anyone has had experience of someone coughing and choking on their saliva? My OH has Advanced Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers and hardly speaks more than a couple of words. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to understand him. He was having regular falls, but, this week he had 6 falls in one day. He has been dribbling for quite a while, but, lately he seems to be, almost choking on his own saliva. Our, wonderfully supportive, SLT, got his doctor to prescribe some drops for under his tongue. They are, actually, eye drops, but can help control saliva. They were helping a bit, but the choking has become more frequent. Any advice guys? Thanks.


Registered User
Aug 3, 2020
I noticed this recently with MOH. I had done some research prior to noting it. She has FTD. Research uncovered that the COD of those living with FTD is not the FTD. It is (in most instances) results of falls and pneumonia The pneumonia due to inhaling food and / drink. I dread this coming to MOH, Thankfully things have settled, since her med's were re-established.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2022
We've asked for a referral to SALT for this (speech and language therapy) I'm not sure how this helps but my son-in-law, who works in the industry, says they help people who have issues swallowing


Registered User
Aug 9, 2020
Our SLT has been wonderful. She is, really, the only Health Practitioner, who sees him, face to face. I guess, I am asking, if this development is a sign of more deteriorating. My OH seems so much more frail than he was. I intend trying to speak to our GP, but that is not as easy as it should be, is it. Thank you for your replies. This Forum is the only place where everyone understands. Thank you.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im afraid that I think this probably is a sign of further deterioration.
In advanced dementia the swallow becomes weakened and even swallowing saliva can cause them to choke.
Are you finding the drops are helping?


Registered User
Aug 9, 2020
Evening Canary. I don't think the drops are helping as much as they were, but, my OH thinks that they are, so I will keep giving them to him. I know you are right, he is definitely looking more frail


Registered User
Mar 9, 2022
I wonder if anyone has had experience of someone coughing and choking on their saliva? My OH has Advanced Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers and hardly speaks more than a couple of words. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to understand him. He was having regular falls, but, this week he had 6 falls in one day. He has been dribbling for quite a while, but, lately he seems to be, almost choking on his own saliva. Our, wonderfully supportive, SLT, got his doctor to prescribe some drops for under his tongue. They are, actually, eye drops, but can help control saliva. They were helping a bit, but the choking has become more frequent. Any advice guys? Thanks.
I am going through this now too, and have to keep checking For pneumonia, as that’s the thing we dread the most, they have some medici e that helps to get rid of mucus. But yes it’s horrible because you have to sit and watch them choke cough, and not know for definite what it is, as we find she hasn’t a temperature, but sometimes there isn’t one with pneumonia, so it’s so hard to deal with, but just watch for any little change and watch them closely all the time.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2020
Thank you obywon, my OH has been given seasickness patches to put behind his war. A whole one dried his mouth so much that he thought he could not breathe. We are trying 3/4 of one now. I am not convinced they work. Luckily, he is now under our Hospice care, so he may get visited by one of their doctors, for assessment. I realise that this is all part of his rapid deterioration now. Thanks for your replies.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
Wondering if this is something that's starting to happen with my mum. She has been doing a lot of throat clearing, then it became spitting out clear fluid and today she has been coughing, clearing her throat and spitting out a clear fluid into tissues or the bin. She's been doing it for about an hour today so far. Does anyone else have experience of this?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I do not have any experience of this but would suggest that if you are concerned and your mum gets worse over the weekend contact 111 for advice. It could just be that she has a cold but better to be sure.
I would also suggest contacting your mum's GP surgery and ask to speak to the SALT (Speech and Language Therapy) team for advice.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2015
North West
I wonder if anyone has had experience of someone coughing and choking on their saliva? My OH has Advanced Vascular Dementia and Alzheimers and hardly speaks more than a couple of words. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to understand him. He was having regular falls, but, this week he had 6 falls in one day. He has been dribbling for quite a while, but, lately he seems to be, almost choking on his own saliva. Our, wonderfully supportive, SLT, got his doctor to prescribe some drops for under his tongue. They are, actually, eye drops, but can help control saliva. They were helping a bit, but the choking has become more frequent. Any advice guys? Thanks.
I think if there are copious secretions then something to help dry them up might be more useful, not uncommon for hyoscine to be used. There isn't much else that anyone can really do. As @canary says this can often be a part of the progression unfortunately. Worth going back to the GP and asking about something more substantial such as hyoscine to palliate the secretions more -worth a try


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
I do not have any experience of this but would suggest that if you are concerned and your mum gets worse over the weekend contact 111 for advice. It could just be that she has a cold but better to be sure.
I would also suggest contacting your mum's GP surgery and ask to speak to the SALT (Speech and Language Therapy) team for advice.
Thanks, SeaSwallow. Never thought of asking SALT team for advice. Didn't know the GP surgery would have one. Mum doesn't have a cold. She's been doing the throat clearing/coughing for several months, just seems to be getting worse and she now spits out what I think may be saliva into a tissue or handkerchief a lot. Wondered if was an indication that swallowing was becoming difficult for her though she eats well


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
Thanks all for your replies. As mum was finding it difficult to stand, I asked a physio to visit. She recommended a same day doctor's review. Doctor diagnosed an element of heart failure and prescribed antibiotics for possible infection and water tablets. Mum had a lot of fluid round her lungs and that was causing all the coughing and spitting up clear fluid, as well as the very swollen legs.