CHC taken away?

Devon Lady

Registered User
Jan 30, 2013
Hi all, I have been reading this forum for years and am very gratefull for all the help and information I have been able to access. I have never posted before, but I have a problem that I can't seem to find any information on, so am hoping someone maybe able to help? To put you in the picture, my father has had Alzheimers for over 10 years and has been in an EMI care home for 7 years. At that time I fought long and hard for Continuing Health Care funding for him and thankfully it was awarded, this has been reviewed several times since and the funding has continued. However my father has recently been moved in the CH from a EMI bed to a nursing bed and it has been mentioned in the CH that he may no longer be eligible for CHC funding, has anyone else experienced this?


Registered User
Feb 10, 2010
It would be very difficult after 7 years in a patient with dementia to argue that somehow the primary health need has changed to a social one. There is case law which might help you to prepare for battle. Try here for starters.

Another aspect that is often overlooked or ignored is that an established primary health need is still a primary health need even if the condition is managed.

If it was me then I would start gathering my evidence together now in advance of the next assessment.



Registered User
May 20, 2009
Hi Devon Lady,
I have heard of a few cases where this has occurred.
As Fiona has mentioned, maybe it would be a good idea to start gathering evidence now.
Ask to see care notes, to check that the home are monitoring and recording all of your Dads needs, and keep a diary.

You will need to appeal if the NHSCC is taken away.