Caring for two people one with Demetria and another with Alzheimer’s disease


New member
Oct 23, 2023
So, father back from hospital today. Been 4 hours and already had a fall because he can’t walk with out support and he can’t remember he can’t. Was trying to cook his supper and left him for 20 minutes when this happened. Have no idea how keep him safe and also - i dont know - visit the loo?

Thank you - will definitely call the helpline tomorrow. As far as the hospital are concerned as my husband gave up work to become the full time carer for his parents and we have private care that comes in for 10 hours a week he is safe to come home. But the falls risk has been there for a long time - it just took us a very long time to get an Alzheimer’s diagnosis - it was ‘mild cognitive impairment’ even though he had a significant fall at least every four weeks - resulting in him breaking his hip in April (he refused to use a stick or any walking aid - being unaware of risks is a classic symptom of non typical Alzheimer’s but… there you go). Just not sure how we manage, but really reluctant to go care home route.
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Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @JamieB and a warm welcome to this friendly and supportive forum. I am glad you have found us.

Gosh, you certainly have a lot going on , with two parents with dementia.. That is challenging to the utmost for anyone to have to cope with and I'm not surprised you feel as you do. I am sorry.
I don't quite understand how the hospital felt it was safe to discharge your Father, if he is susceptible to falls. That baffles me.
I would certainly suggest a call to the support line, link below

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