Care homes or concentration camps! WARNING Very disturbing post!


Registered User
Aug 18, 2006
Food/fluid charts.........

These are actually pinned to a notice board in Mums room so I know they are hers. I also add anythig I give her to them and this is one of my biggest concerns, because I can not get her to take more than a very small amount of fluid or food. I find if I offer i a cup she almost always chokes, and so I tend to use a syringe allowing no more than 5 mls at a time On a good day she will take 30-40mls every 40 mins or so, food wise she averages 4-6 spoons of perhaps 30-50mls jelly (my milk jelly loaded with complan). Again I usually use a syringe to get the jelly in her mouth as she barely opens it, and usually pushes food off a spoon with her lip. This is why I can not understand how some carers are supposed to be managing to get so much down her.
As for illegal workers well I presume that issue has been sorted as they had to get rid of so many staff?
On the bright side she has definitely slept more yesterday and today, and seems more comfortable.
Oh and the laundry - well a comment was made today that her winceyette nightie might be too warm (she was sweating) so I made a real fuss because I have been asking for three days now where the hell all her nighties are She has at least 8 down there and there wer none in her drawer. I am buying her some more tomorrow


Registered User
Jul 5, 2008
NW England
Bristolbelle I had problems when my dad was in care, I kept my feelings bottled up for so long not wanting to rock the boat but in the end I let rip. My problems were mainly the abuse my dad suffered which the manager blamed on agency staff, it doesn't matter who is dishing out the abuse it was my dad who suffered the lumps and the bruising.

My dad suffered from Vascular Dementia, Diabetes and Ca.Prostate but the authorities managed to keep a secret for 15 months from diagnosis so for this 15 months he was not receiving any treatment. When I asked why he appeared to have constant back pain the manager insisted it was due to him sitting around. I was visiting the home twice sometimes three times a day, when I visited around 10.00 in the morning I was told he had a bad night he was catching up on sleep, when I returned after lunch he was asleep but I was assured he had eaten lunch then dozed off. I became concerned and contacted SS and his CPN who assured me that he needed to sleep. A week after this conversation I met the CPN at the home, he asked if I was aware my dad had been asleep since before 10.00 that morning, it was now 4.15p.m, I could not speak I just cried.

After my dad died I found the reason for his lengthy sleeping was due to the manager giving him unprescribed Haloperidol as well as the Chlorpromazine which had been prescribed. This drug abuse led to him missing meals and drinks which resulted in him falling off his chair or bed in a diabetic coma.

My advice would be to put your concerns in writing to the manager of the home and copy it to the owner and the CQC, SS, also keep a daily diary and request your mum's care notes at least weekly, read and take notes.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2010
To me: this sums up care homes wether they are private or council run......... my dad is going nowwhere near one and I will fight anyone that tries to send him to one.

I am so sorry you are going through this and I truly hope things improve

take care


Registered User
Feb 10, 2010

I would be suspicious of those charts, given your own experience. It would be interesting to know when the charts are filled in. For example, do they put down a cup of ovaltine then fill the chart in, recording that it was offered and NOT that it was consumed. This is often how things are done and it might be worth while varying your visiting time one night to go see this amazing ovaltine consumption for yourself. Yes, I can accept that apetite can vary, but it doesn't normally vary to extremes does it? If someone has difficulty swallowing then any consumption of food or fluids will be limited to their capabilities.

My sister's partner had a brain injury and could write a book about the lack of care and the one thing that she will tell everyone is to vary the times that you visit. Her partner was on thickened drinks but none were offered by hospital/care staff, she only got drinks that my sister made for her. Her medication was all wrong - on 3 days she was given the old lady in the next bed's medication and not hers, but had enough cognition to be able to leave the tablets sitting and refuse to take them. On other occasions she was given medication which had previously been removed due to bad and severe reaction to it. If truth be known, the caring professionals nigh on killed her on more than one occasion. The only reason she is still alive is because my sister went every day and went at different times to keep the staff on their toes.

No wonder you are feeling so frustrated - in this day and age there is no reason than can be given for your mum being treated the way she is being treated - none at all.



Registered User
Aug 18, 2006
Some progriaysphagess............

Today I had a call back form an organisation called "speakability" who deal with Dyspahagia support. After I explained my concerns the advisor gave me a few suggestions Th these included asking my GP to write a directive saying she is only EATING FOR PLEASURE and the emphasis MUST be on giving her palatable pleasurable foods and drinks and also stipulating the maximum amount she should be given at any time! I rang her GP traight away and he has promised to get this sorted in the next few days.le foods

Just for the record I told the Speakability advisor one of the things I give Mum is semolina pudding flavooured with sugar free jelly chrystals which she said was an excellent food - add that to your recou are books if you are struggling with managable foods for a dysphagia sufferer.

I am not visiting Mum today I need a day away, and tommorrow my Aunt is coming with me for moral support :)

Oh I also bought Mum 2 more nighties :)