Care home have called an ambulance


Registered User
Sep 23, 2022
The care home called me earlier to say mum is v chesty and her oxygen level is 85, so they called 111, they’re sending an ambulance. I explained that for mum with COPD her oxygen levels don’t tend to be much higher than that & she does get these flare ups. They said she was comfortable so I asked if they could let me know when the ambulance arrived and what their assessment was. The senior said they have said they will pick her up. About 2 hours later the paramedic called to say mums obs were ok and that she wasn’t recommending hospital but antibiotic treatment in the community. I said that was good and I totally agreed having seen mum in hospital and the impact of this with the dementia in the past. The paramedic was lovely.
I visited this evening to see mum and she was tired but chatted. I saw the paramedic on the way in, she said the care home had refused to pick up the antibiotics from round the corner ( lack of staff) so she had gone and got them. She asked me to remind the home to contact their own GP to monitor things.
I left mum snoozing and hopefully she’ll pick up as the antibiotics kick in.
The senior said he felt scared when she wasn’t herself and that’s when they decided to call 111. I understand, I explained she does get these flare ups sometimes.
We’re going to see my husbands family in Ireland on Saturday so I’m hoping mum will be feeling better by then, don’t think I could go away if she’s not better. Wouldn’t want to leave her.


Registered User
Sep 23, 2022
Im so sorry your mum ended up in A&E, but glad common sense prevailed and she is back now
She didn’t go anywhere in the end, thankfully. It would have been too stressful for her. Of course if she needed it she’d have to go. X


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i think they panic when its COPD. my husband has it but he always seems to have good oxygen levels. we usually have anti-bios and steroids and hes fine. it could be caused by anything including the weather. glad they didnt take her in. wrong not one of the staff could go and get it.


Registered User
Sep 23, 2022
i think they panic when its COPD. my husband has it but he always seems to have good oxygen levels. we usually have anti-bios and steroids and hes fine. it could be caused by anything including the weather. glad they didnt take her in. wrong not one of the staff could go and get it.
Yes I thought as the chemists literally two mins up the road surely there was someone who could go and they didn’t call to ask me to go, which I could have, so was thankful to the paramedic


Registered User
Apr 19, 2020
I fund that incredible that staff didnt pick up medication. It’s obviously essential to get the medication. This is why they are in a care home. To get care. What if you didn’t live locally to go collect.