Care for my mom running out of backup help


Registered User
Dec 20, 2023
I care for my mom (82) and until about 4 months ago she would go out Saturdays with her friend and for a day with her sister during the week and another part of a day at a day centre.

She first had an argument with her friend one day and started shouting at her outside M&S. She started walking home, not that she knows how to get there. Now we visit her friend now and again but she won't take her out understandably.

Today I've just had to rush over to her sister's because she was screaming at her and saying she wanted to go home and wanted me to pick her up or she would walk home. Her sister locked the doors. Her sister's husband isn't in the best of health so this obviously made things a lot worse. So I had to stop what I was doing, a rare break, and rush over there and pick her up.

So I'm now struggling as I'm left looking after her 24/7 apart from the day care. Ive already had to pack my job in and now any hobbies I had I can't do and I don't have much time to visit my own house and check it is ok and look after the garden.

I'm at a bit of a loss really. I don't know who I should contact about the situation.

Thanks for any advice.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hello @Soli99

Have you contacted your mum's local council and asked for a care assessment for her? Explain that the situation is getting impossible to manage as your mum’s previous support system is unable to cope with her current behaviour and you can’t look after her alone. Stress that the situation is urgent and your mum is a vulnerable adult who needs 24/7 care which you are unable to provide alone.


Registered User
Dec 20, 2023
Hi Bunpoots , thanks for the info.

Funnily enough I phoned about a care assessment yesterday because I was supposed to be due one and hadn't heard. I was told for some reason my name didn't get put on the list and I'm now on it but the queue is about a month!

I think I need to call them again now things have changed.

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