Canarys mum has been set free


Registered User
I am truly touched and overwhelmed at the responses here.
At the moment I cant concentrate on anything much, but I will come back and re-read them all once I can cope with it all a bit better. Someone here said that knowing that she is free doesnt lessen the greif - they are right, but for now there is the death to register, the funeral company to see and endless decisions about what clothes she should wear, hymns, flowers and a thousand and one other things.



Registered User
So sorry for your loss canary,may your thoughts be of the good times you had with your mum,and knowing you done everything possible when needed,wishing you strength and peace.

Scouts girl

Registered User
My heartfelt condolences to you. Canary at this sad time. May you gain strength in the memories of your mum and the thought that you did everything you could for her. Look after yourself xxx


Registered User
Oh Canary, I am so sorry , only just seen this . Big hugs xxxxx

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Registered User
My lovely mum passed away today at 11.15 am.
She fought it the whole way with Cheyne Stokes breathing for nearly 48 hours, but in the end it was peaceful. Unfortunately I was not with her when she finally died, I had to go out and she passed away almost as soon as I had left the room :(

Dear Canary,

I am very sorry to hear about your mum but her spirit is now free and you did everything you could for her.

Best wishes


Sam Luvit

Registered User
I'm so sorry Canary

It's often the case that our loved ones pass away when we've left the room, it's almost like they spare us that final painful parting

Don't try to arrange everything in one day, it takes time, & you need some time too, hope your OH is coping with it all too


Registered User
Canary, I am so sorry for your loss.

Sam is right, it is common for someone to slip away when they are on their own, no matter how long someone sat with them. It is as if this last journey must be undertaken without us (as, indeed, it must). The GM has no place with you, you did everything possible for your mum.

Please look after yourself.


Registered User
sad news canary
your mum has found her peace
and surely was aware in some way of your presence and all your caring and kindness and love
maybe it was her last gift to you to slip away when she did
take the time you need over arrangements - you will do all well, as you always have

wishing you peace also


Registered User
Canary so so sorry for your loss, sending you a big hug xxxxxxx take each day at a time and let time heal your pain xxx

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I have not been on TP much lately but have just seen that your dear Mum has passed Canary. So sorry to hear that. You were very supportive when my Dad died last year. I only hope that you find strength in the messages that people are leaving here.


Registered User
Canary - condolences, I do like your title of set free, although I assume your grief is still very raw.

I have been away over the last week and missed this, so sorry for late post.


Registered User
So sorry for your loss.
Even through that you messaged to help me with my struggles, thank you so much. Sending all my love x


Registered User
My lovely mum passed away today at 11.15 am.
She fought it the whole way with Cheyne Stokes breathing for nearly 48 hours, but in the end it was peaceful. Unfortunately I was not with her when she finally died, I had to go out and she passed away almost as soon as I had left the room :(
Sorry for you loss they often slip away when nobody is with them. I'm glad it was peaceful.


Registered User
Thank you Aisha, Sweetsheep, pahaps and everyone - sorry far, far too many to name individually, although I have read your all posts and have been so touched by all of them.

I havent been around much recently as Ive been busy organising the funeral, contacting everyone who needs to know and sending off Death Certificates. Im sure you all understand. Its also been made harder as my OH (with FTD) hates changes in routine :rolleyes: Nevertheless, Im almost there. Ive even cleared her room in the CH, washed, sorted and sent her clothes to either a charity shop or recycling. Having said that - there are one or two items of her lovely clothes which I cannot bear to part with and will probably wear myself. Does that sound weird!?
The funeral is on Thursday 4th May. Just have to write the tribute........


Registered User
Wearing the clothes, not weird at all. I have a cardigan that belong to my father and a cardigan of my mother's both I have worn when missing them.

I have several things of my husband's and love to wear a couple of his favourite teeshirts
In the summer as pj tops.

Hope everything is working out well for you, it certainly is a busy time but it always seems to fall into place and the day as perfect as it can be.