Can we claim for car fuel?

lilac lady

New member
Apr 2, 2024
I am in a situation now where my husband and myself live 500miles from my brother and we have had to travel up every month basically to see his house is OK also to find a care home for him also to Dr family meetings and solicitors.we have to claim diesel money as we both retired and can't afford to pay it out of our savings all the time I am hoping this is allowed as we couldn't do it I right


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I am in a situation now where my husband and myself live 500miles from my brother and we have had to travel up every month basically to see his house is OK also to find a care home for him also to Dr family meetings and solicitors.we have to claim diesel money as we both retired and can't afford to pay it out of our savings all the time I am hoping this is allowed as we couldn't do it I right
Judgements have to be made.
  • How necessary is the journey?
  • How beneficial is journey to him?
  • Can he afford the expense?
The first two are your subjective decisions, the last may be easier, if he has a large amount of capital (recent sale of property?) such that he can self fund beyond his stay in the care home just visit him.

You are unlikely to be accused of buying the diesel for yourself more likely deprivation of capital, in which case the upper and lower limits of capital will be reduced on financial assessment.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
I would have said it is reasonable for you to claim for diesel as the visits are to do things are for his benefit. Once a month seems a reasonable frequency. But as Nitram says, it partly depends how much money he has.

You say you are sorting out a care home, would you be able to move him close to you, so it is easier for you to visit? My mother lived 2 hours away from me and when she needed a care home I moved her to my town.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I provide petrol for my sister who travels 200 miles every 3 weeks to check and sort mum’s property in preparation for selling. As others have said though her money should not run out though so I am not expecting deprivation of assets or any other third party to examine them.

im also acting in line with mum’s wishes before she lost capacity- they used to subside petrol for visits prior,

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
I pay my daughter's petrol for non-standard visits such as, when I was ill when the home called to say that Mum had fallen so my daughter attended. As it's a 100 miles each way, I consider this reasonable.

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