can someone give me some advice regarding financial issues


Registered User
Jul 28, 2019
Social services have treat me like a leper - don't keep me informed re what is going on but are quick to tell me they are appointee (even though when i enquired with DWP about husbands pension, DWP took all my details to be made appointee - never heard anymore even though a member of social services strategy team phoned them (DWP) on my behalf and then told me everything ok, it was going ahead - 2 weeks later social services joyfully told me they were now appointee!!! I worked for 25 years (in admin) for social services but afraid now have a very poor opinion of them and don't trust them at all. My husband has had 4 different social workers in 10 months, none any better than the one they replace, will only communicate with me via email once a week - none of them have ever kept other agencies involved up to date either!! I repeatedly have to correct them on mistakes they make and untrue statements they make. They are an utter disgrace. At 83+, they are making my life a sheer misery. I find them extremely rude, unsupportive and very intimidating (though they do not win there as I will not be intimidated) Does anyone else feel like I do about them.
Yes, this is my experience. I was treated really badly social service. I have experienced all that you have and my opinion is very similar to yours and I have had to correct many errors. They have made my life very unpleasant for 18 months plus. At the end they just refused to continue to communicate with me. that was when I had to get the solicitor. I had no choice. I have two dependent children who were born in this house, my home. I had no option, literally.

I will help and support you all I can because this is so wrong. after spending 5 years caring for my parents to the point of exhaustion. it was horrible and I feel I was treated really badly. People don't put loved ones into care lightly. it is a last choice.


Registered User
Jul 28, 2019
Thankyou for your reply. Live in Redcar, North Yorkshire so solicitor probably too far away for me. Had a lot of trouble getting a solicitor as because SSD were involved they would not act for me!!
the lady I had is in Brighton. I was not local to her, she represents people all over the uk, will reply more later I need to go out now


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I find them extremely rude, unsupportive and very intimidating (though they do not win there as I will not be intimidated) Does anyone else feel like I do about them.
What with mum and OH, I have had dealings with several SWs over the years.
One of the problems is that people are not permanently allocated a SW. What happens is that when there is something that involves SS a "case" is opened and a SW allocated to it. When the SW feels it has been solved (in reality, not always true) they close the "case", although the records remain with SS. Then when there are further problems the "case" is reopened, but it may be allocated to a different SW. This makes things disjointed and, sometimes, contradictory.

A couple of the SWs have been lovely and one in particular went over and above while I was having problems moving mum into a care home, but yes, quite often they can come over as rude, arrogant and unsupportive. Though in fairness, I suspect that they are hampered by rules, protocols, overwork and lack of finances. I got the feeling that many of them know what is going to be needed, but dont have the finances to make it happen.

My problem has almost been the opposite of yours. Once I got carers (for OH) or a care home (mum) in place, I was just left to get on with it.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I was treated really badly social service. I have experienced all that you have and my opinion is very similar to yours and I have had to correct many errors. They have made my life very unpleasant for 18 months plus.
Im so sorry this happened to you.

Funding is, unfortunately, financed by the Local Authority and the final say about who gets awarded funding is done by the LA panel. If SS want funding for someone they have to present a case to the LA panel. Unfortunately, the LAs are so strapped for cash now with demand outstripping supply, that they are effectively rationing care and you have to go through numerous hoops to get it.

I suspect that your problem was that you were asking for discretionary disregard, which, as the name suggests, is awarded at the discretion of the LA. Its not given automatic consideration and you do have to apply for it, or you wont get it and many people are not told about this possibility. Im glad you got it in the end, but I know that it is becoming increasingly hard to get.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
@Doodlepoodle I have no knowledge regarding appointee's but I would have thought it is incumbent on SS to provide a clear and transparent rationale for the process they are following? If that doesn't appear to be the case would it be worth requesting them to provide, in writing, what that rationale is? Has the solicitor who is arranging your deputyship given any clarity as to where you stand with regards to how the LA are proceeding?

As for SW's my experience is the same as @canary. The first one was the gold standard and went above and beyond. The second one was about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike, she couldn't move mums file from the in tray to the out tray quick enough.
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Registered User
Jul 28, 2019
Im so sorry this happened to you.

Funding is, unfortunately, financed by the Local Authority and the final say about who gets awarded funding is done by the LA panel. If SS want funding for someone they have to present a case to the LA panel. Unfortunately, the LAs are so strapped for cash now with demand outstripping supply, that they are effectively rationing care and you have to go through numerous hoops to get it.

I suspect that your problem was that you were asking for discretionary disregard, which, as the name suggests, is awarded at the discretion of the LA. Its not given automatic consideration and you do have to apply for it, or you wont get it and many people are not told about this possibility. Im glad you got it in the end, but I know that it is becoming increasingly hard to get.

Thank you for your reply. I had that experience too where the case is closed and reopened and new SW appointed. They definitely do vary in approach.

I got told many times that I would be awarded the discretionary disregard because of the kids the length of time living together and length of time caring but when it came to the decision I was told no.

It was 5 days before Christmas last year. When they had had12 weeks to give me the decision. They left it until the very last moment. So it hung over my family all Christmas. Because nobody was working… then when I emailed they said the case was closed and I knew all along. In January the care home were chasing me and I didn’t have any money and neither did my parents. I couldn’t raise the money as I couldn’t get a mortgage as my parents name is on the deeds.

Now my dad is end of life and I feel emotionally drained from caring, fighting and grieving.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Now my dad is end of life and I feel emotionally drained from caring, fighting and grieving.
Im so sorry. EOL is such a difficult time and an emotional roller coaster
Be kind to yourself


Registered User
Nov 28, 2023
I was able to demonstrate to the LA and DWP that money in a shared account was only belonging to one parent by evidencing that all the money had been sourced as such. DWP are less considerative about it and were more adamant that monies should be halved automatically but i did convince them. ( DWP take savings into account for some benefits). With regards to personal/occupational? pension I think part of it must be reserved for the partner, - as if widowed, but you might have to ask or research more about that.

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