Breathing Difficulties


New member
Apr 10, 2024
Hello everyone; I am new to this site but I have learned quite a bit and can relate to many of the scenarios that have been presented. My Dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease about eight years ago. About two years later, his diagnosis was changed to Lewy Body Dementia. He has been taking Levodopa from then until now. My question is: does anyone know about severe breathing difficulties relating to LBD? He has been struggling with his breathing daily, for about a year. We actually took him to the Emergency Department on several occasions. They said each time, that they could not give him oxygen because his oxygen saturation was always between 98% and 100%. Still, even doing something as simple as bending down to wash his face in the sink, brings about severe breathing difficulties, where he feels as if his entire respiratory system is being cut off. I'm wondering if anyone has ever heard of this.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Andreaec and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I don't have personal experience of LBD but others here do so may be able to answer your query. It must be very difficult for your dad to be struggling daily to breathe, and, if you haven't already done so, it does sound like it would be a good idea to speak to his doctor about what is happening so that he can have a fuller examination and possibly a review of his meds. There are a number of conditions that could cause breathing difficulties but hopefully the doctor will be able to help.


New member
Apr 10, 2024
Hello @Andreaec and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I don't have personal experience of LBD but others here do so may be able to answer your query. It must be very difficult for your dad to be struggling daily to breathe, and, if you haven't already done so, it does sound like it would be a good idea to speak to his doctor about what is happening so that he can have a fuller examination and possibly a review of his meds. There are a number of conditions that could cause breathing difficulties but hopefully the doctor will be able to help.
Thank you so much @Louise7 for your input.
My sisters and I both spoke to his Neurologist about my Dad’s breathing issue. What he was able to tell us was that although my Dad struggles with breathing, it’s not a condition that can cause end of life. We have scheduled another appointment with the Neurologist ( which will be in June) and hopefully, he’ll be able to give us a more detailed response. Out of all the issues faced by my Dad, we would prioritize the breathing issue and hope for improvement.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Andreaec it's good that the neurologist is looking into this, and hopefully there will be something that can be done to bring some relief/comfort to your Dad in terms of his breathing problems. Hope that the appointment in June goes well, let us know how you get on.

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