cobden 28

Registered User
Dec 15, 2017
It was my birthday a few days ago, and for the fourth year running I've not receuved a card from my Mum - 93 and with Alhzeimers. When I was a child and even well into my married years, Mum was most particular about sending birthday and Christmas cards and had hers written and sent out well in advance. Birthday cards were timed to arrive on the acrual day and Christmas cards were written and posted at the beginning of December. Even when I was a married woman she still rang me to remind me to send a card at Christmas to some distant relative I've not seen since childhood. Thankyou letters were expected to be written by Boxing Day latest and posted to arrive before the New Year.

Mum was doagnosed with MCI at Christmas 2019 and then Alhzeimers in 2020 I've not received a card on my birthday or at Christmas . At first I was upset not to receive a card from Mum at these times, although I still make sure to send her a card and flowers to her on these occasions. I've had to accept that Mum just doesn't send out cards to anyone nowadays - all part and parcel of the Alhzeimers, I suppose. I keeo the last Christmas card I received from her, back in 2020, but her handwriting wasn't as neat as it used to be and in fact was barely legible.

I turned 69 just over a week ago and have an adult daughter (33 in October) to whom I'm very close; I make sure to always send her a card and gift/flowers, to make sure she knows I love her . I dread to think of how my daughter will feel when I get old and absent-minded or unable to send her a card.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
it might not happen but your daughter will understand the same way you understand that your mum doesnt remember any more. with my husband, i put it on his shopping list but any one else, i do it. i get all the cards for that month. he never remembered before so hes never going to remember them now.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@cobden 28 It is one of the many sad things about dementia, having a parent, partner or other loved one forgetting about our birthdays or other special occasions.
My birthday is in January and recently my OH looked at me and said, oh I have forgotten your birthday. I had to try to reassure him that it was a long time ago and that it did not matter.
I understand why my husband can no longer send me a card or flowers but usually treat myself to something instead, a new book or a special box of chocolates.
Wishing you a belated happy birthday.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
I turned 70 on Sunday. Whenever we visited mum, this "big birthday " would be brought by someone, usually as a joke about how old I was . Lol.
I was in on Fri, told her i was away for my birthday weekend. Went back yo see her today at the care home. My brother was there. Showed the photos of weekend. Cake etc. Not once did she say happy birthday.
She really has no empathy at all now


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I turned 70 on Sunday. Whenever we visited mum, this "big birthday " would be brought by someone, usually as a joke about how old I was . Lol.
I was in on Fri, told her i was away for my birthday weekend. Went back yo see her today at the care home. My brother was there. Showed the photos of weekend. Cake etc. Not once did she say happy birthday.
She really has no empathy at all now
Happy 70th birthday!!! 🎂


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I turned 70 on Sunday. Whenever we visited mum, this "big birthday " would be brought by someone, usually as a joke about how old I was . Lol.
I was in on Fri, told her i was away for my birthday weekend. Went back yo see her today at the care home. My brother was there. Showed the photos of weekend. Cake etc. Not once did she say happy birthday.
She really has no empathy at all now
It's sad ,they just don't understand special days. When it was my OH birthday his brother visited for the day, he opened presents and had eleven cards on the shelf. When I produced the birthday cake he asked whose birthday it was 🤣

Happy belated birthday greetings


Registered User
May 5, 2019
People just dont send cards these days like they used to do. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Far worse things in life. However, happy birthday from me whenever it may be if that helps 🎂

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