Bad relationship with Father with dementia


New member
Dec 25, 2023
(Re writing cause anxiety :p)
My father was diagnosed with dementia when I was in my late teens/early 20s (I'm 29 atm.)

Today (Christmas) my father assaulted me, I took away 2 bottles of vodka from his room because obviously he shouldn't be drinking and everyone has told him so. He said he's not drinking it, but as soon as picked it up he got aggressive, when I walked out of the room he grabbed my arm with both hands and tried to drag me back into the room, he pulled on me with all his weight downwards (pants around his ankle, you know what out and proud).

I managed to get loose, and told him not to touch me again or I'd call the police which he encouraged me to do (they won't do anything). Then followed me downstairs, pants still around his ankles saying I needed to get out.

An hour ago he stormed into the kitchen complaining saying I needed to get out, went downstairs riffled threw my room and things. Came back upstairs and searched all through the kitchen for it, I emptied the bin and my laundry to show him it was there. He went from saying "I'm your dad, I'm not well" to once again threatening to kick me out. Never acknowledging what he did to me.

He told me earlier he was 'dying and sick' I called 999 and he hung up the phone.

My father is sick, I know that I understand, but he is just full of self-pity and doesn't help himself, as soon as he was diagnosed it became his excuse for everything, and he 'played up' to his illness, he is much more capable than he lets on. But will act meek and stumble in front of my half-brother, the doctor or whenever I request he helps me out a little e.g. cleaning up his plate or making food when I'm ill (like a sandwich). Or threatening to kick me out when I stand up for myself.

We don't have a good relationship, and after years of resentment, I realised he didn't treat me well as a child. After talking to a childhood friend, they confirmed that he never acted like a father, compared me to others, treated me like a servant (I'm the only girl), criticised my weight constantly and told me he expected me to look after me when he got older.

I'm considered a carer by everyone and it drives me insane, I tried hard but honestly, I don't have a maternal or empathetic bone in my body (at least not anymore). He has no respect for me, he never has, my brother, aunt, nieces and sister-in-law are treated well by him, but I'm the punching bag and it's been dragging me down for years. I did this before few years ago and it destroyed me, I was able to get out before but now it's so much harder.

Sorry this is a rambled post.

I'm pretty much alone (his family and my half-brother are so useless) I just needed to vent.

One day I'd like to write a full account of my relationship with my father but this was a long enough post :(

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Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Zero tolerance to violence, sure my wife all 4 foot 10 and a half of her used to kick off sometimes, nothing I couldn't handle, but zero tolerance to violence if you might get hurt.
Out now. K


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @lobbs and welcome to the forum

Honestly, hun, I would get out.
If you are in UK, you do not have the duty of care - that belongs to Social Services. You can make arrangements to leave and then inform SS that you will be leaving on xx xx date. All the while you are in the same house as your dad, you will be considered his carer and the assumption will be that you will do everything.

Meanwhile, if he become violent towards you, then yes, do call the police on 999. They have the authority to contact the emergency psychiatric team and they will also send a report to Social Services.

Does the GP know that he is becoming violent? There is medication to calm this down and the GP is able to refer him to the community psychiatric team.
BTW, I know that dementia is not a mental health issue, but the same drugs are used, so the psychiatry team are the best people to deal with it.

Do not continue struggling with this


New member
Dec 25, 2023
He hit me about 2 hours ago. I called the police and they were less than helpful, I was right before no point calling. My option was to stay at the station over night and contact the council in the morning.

He told me to leave and he doesn’t want me there. The feeling is mutual. If I had another option I would have left months ago/ never moved in in the first place.

I have no other option but to stay or I’ll be homeless, I have no friends or family, no job or money. The council said they’d be able to house me for 2-3 days then I’d be on my own.

I’ve given up on this point. Really don’t know what to do, I feel like I did something wrong to have such a **** life.

People ask what about family or friends but there is no one, it’s just me.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2020
As you are at risk of harm through no fault of your own I'm thinking that the thing about the council only housing you for a few days may be inaccurate. Shelter have an emergency housing helpline which opens tomorrow morning from 8am -

Never feel you are alone. I used Samaritans the other week and she was just great. Tel 116 123 at any time. I'm so sorry you're in this very volatile situation. It can be mighty hard to reclaim, I'm struggling hugely with that myself, but as the offspring, your life is important and needs honouring.


New member
Dec 25, 2023
Spoke to someone from the police today again, they called and it was a waste of both our time.

Because of the dementia, they can't do anything, even if I press charges it's unlikely anything will happen. And as I'm not on the tenancy (still not 100% sure but probably am not), I'll be the one asked to leave as the flat will be his "safe haven". There was a lot of, it's very unfair I'm so sorry (so sick of people saying sorry).

I've actively avoided him, but of course, he barges in saying "I'm his daughter' blah blah blah, and it's his place etc. He seems to remember everything except for hitting me (of course/just because you don't remember doesn't mean it didn't happen). And of course left with "you are a horrible woman" I guess it is family genetics. And has told me to get out again, atm is not possible I have nowhere to go and the council isn't open again till Tuesday now I guess. My options are going to emergency housing or a refuge, which honestly sounds like hell, and as I'm in central London is really really short supply. I'm not exactly a priority.

Honestly, I feel sick when I'm around him, and I've become incredibly anxious.

It's not new behaviour, I've seen him hit his girlfriends before when I was a child.

No wonder his family and 2 of 3 kids want nothing to do with him (mostly pre-dementia decision.)
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Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
You seem to be in an impossible situation @lobbs

Id just like to clarify, though, that when members have advised you to contact the police, its not about getting him charged for assault, its because the police have the authority to contact the emergency psychiatric team who have the power to section him if he is deemed to be a danger to others (ie you). The police should also send a report in to Social Services.

I do hope you can get out soon. In the meanwhile, perhaps you could get a lock, or bolt put on your door to keep you safe


New member
Dec 25, 2023
So he grabbed me again last night and was close to hitting me.

He said I was starving him, I told him there is loads of food but he is just refusing to do anything for himself.

Also why would I make food/ look after someone that hit me.

Once again he threatened to throw me out then go upset saying he never hit me and I was a horrible person etc etc.

I’ve told him I was going to go to the council and say I was homeless/ in an abusive household, he got upset again because I am him “daughter” and should look after him.

Apparently his sister and my brother can’t look after him because “I’m his daughter”, this has been a running theme since before he got sick. Even though he has carer come in 3 times a day they apparently “aren’t his daughter” so he won’t ask/ they just won’t make him food 🫠

Didn’t bother calling the police because like before they won’t do anything. Social worker has been contacted, as has my brother, women refuge and the local domestic abuse charity.

I’m planning on keeping in contact with the social worker until I move, but once I’m out I’m going no contact.

The more he’s aggressive the more I remember how abusive he was to his girlfriends and emotionally abusive to me as a child.

it’s amazing, I went out last night for NYE and had fun. And for a long long time when 2024 hit I felt a small part of me believe my life could get better, but then the idea of going back “home” hit me and all I wanted to do was cry.

I know I come across as a massive b*tch, and know what’s how social worker, dr, career etc see me but I don’t care. He sick I get that but being a forced career for someone who was emotionally abusive isn’t fair for anyone.

Hope everyone had a good NY as well.

(This is really just becoming a note for everything thats been happening for the council police etc)


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@lobbs you do not come across as a bad person, just one who is living in an impossible situation. Please take @canary 's advice and if your dad threatens you again contact the police and demand that they take action to contact the emergency psychiatric team.
Also keep at the social workers and tell them that you are at carer breakdown and they have to do something to sort out permanent care for your dad as you are no longer able to take on that role.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
So he grabbed me again last night and was close to hitting me.

He said I was starving him, I told him there is loads of food but he is just refusing to do anything for himself.

Also why would I make food/ look after someone that hit me.

Once again he threatened to throw me out then go upset saying he never hit me and I was a horrible person etc etc.

I’ve told him I was going to go to the council and say I was homeless/ in an abusive household, he got upset again because I am him “daughter” and should look after him.

Apparently his sister and my brother can’t look after him because “I’m his daughter”, this has been a running theme since before he got sick. Even though he has carer come in 3 times a day they apparently “aren’t his daughter” so he won’t ask/ they just won’t make him food 🫠

Didn’t bother calling the police because like before they won’t do anything. Social worker has been contacted, as has my brother, women refuge and the local domestic abuse charity.

I’m planning on keeping in contact with the social worker until I move, but once I’m out I’m going no contact.

The more he’s aggressive the more I remember how abusive he was to his girlfriends and emotionally abusive to me as a child.

it’s amazing, I went out last night for NYE and had fun. And for a long long time when 2024 hit I felt a small part of me believe my life could get better, but then the idea of going back “home” hit me and all I wanted to do was cry.

I know I come across as a massive b*tch, and know what’s how social worker, dr, career etc see me but I don’t care. He sick I get that but being a forced career for someone who was emotionally abusive isn’t fair for anyone.

Hope everyone had a good NY as well.

(This is really just becoming a note for everything thats been happening for the council police etc)
I know hotels and Airbnb&b are expensive but youth hostels can be a lot cheaper, especially if you don’t look for something in central London. They are called Youth Hostels but anyone can stay there and they could provide you with temporary accommodation till you get yourself sorted.

If your father hits you again, please take a photo of any marks, bruises etc, They may be of help if dealing with the police again in the future.

Why don’t you just quietly leave without involving your father in any conversation about the topic.

I don’t believe for a moment that you are bitchy but I am inclined to think that you have let yourself become immobilised and unable to do anything constructive for yourself. When you are in an abusive situation, this is what happens, that your father has destroyed your self esteem and it gets harder and harder to solve problems.

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