Backdated Care Home Fees


New member
Jan 11, 2024
My father sadly died of dementia in May 2019. He had been in the same care home since February 2018. We cleared his room within two days of his death and both my wife and I checked (verbally) that there were no more outstanding fees once we received the last invoice. Unfortunately I have since destroyed a lot of the paperwork including the invoices. I was astounded today to receive a request from the care home of outstanding fees going back to three weeks after my father died. I am totally shocked by this and it’s brought back a lot of sad memories as his care wasn’t great. What I’d like to know is where do we stand legally on contesting this. I had POA but his bank account is long closed although the bank are sending me a list of the payments we made.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2024
My father sadly died of dementia in May 2019. He had been in the same care home since February 2018. We cleared his room within two days of his death and both my wife and I checked (verbally) that there were no more outstanding fees once we received the last invoice. Unfortunately I have since destroyed a lot of the paperwork including the invoices. I was astounded today to receive a request from the care home of outstanding fees going back to three weeks after my father died. I am totally shocked by this and it’s brought back a lot of sad memories as his care wasn’t great. What I’d like to know is where do we stand legally on contesting this. I had POA but his bank account is long closed although the bank are sending me a list of the payments we made.
There is usually a 6 month rule for creditors/ debtors to make claims on someone's estate. Surely this falls out with that 6 month period.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Yes, we had a small debt for Dad once estate had all been distributed. The debt management company who sent it were gobsmacked the company had sent it through - and that was only 18months after death.

I wouldn’t know legally but I would be inclined to ignore it. The invoice is to your father’s money…that money is now gone

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