


You remember, my darling Norman, it's not that she doesn't want to make you a sandwich, ensure you are warm, love you as it was. You know that if Peg could she would be the first so to do. You know in your heart that the love that built your glorious family is what you and your darling Peg is all about. There are many times when you may wonder at it all, but that is the rock upon which you built your devotion. There are not a lot of people these days can say that...............though there are signs of the younger....................we live in hopes.

You are very generous and lovely, don't forget that, a true friend; but a true friend could not leave without saying look after you, a jewel, in your own awful moments. A sort of taking your own medicine, if you like.

Lots of love
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Registered User
Oct 23, 2003
West Sussex
Dear Norm, know how you feel, Cheska says it from the heart here, so can I just second that and just add that we are ALL here if you need us. Love She. XX