Apprehensive about mums discharge from hospital


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
I think i just want a rant.
Mum been in hospital 10 days after a bad fall and a substantial cut to her leg which left a big wound which could not be stiched.
She was at times settled and at other times disorientated . For a while she was on 1 to 1 observation as she was wandering about.
Now Physio have discharged her as she can shuffle about, Occupational Therapy discharge her as she already has grab rails etc at home .
And medical have decided she is ready to come home tormorrow Friday prob in the afternoon.
This evening (thurs) my brother visited. She was sitting in the ward with her shoes and coat on thinking she was going home now.
The nursing staff had all seen this and done nothing to correct her . So she was highly disappointed when she had to stay .
Im off up tomorrow to collect her and take her home. I am hoping once she is in familiar surroundings she will settle down and become herself again (albeit with a sore leg)
But im nervous. She lives alone. We do our best but she does not require carers just company.
I fear we will be ok for a while then will be back again when the next accident occurs.
Fingers crossed

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Fingers crossed for you @cymbid

I expect your mum will again be disorientated coming home after a stay in hospital.

It really will be a wait and see time.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2019
There is a condition called delirium which can often occur after a fall.
Are you sure your mother does not have delirium?

I am deeply suspicious that she received a one to one? The hospital do not contract and pay a one to one unless the patient is in real need.

If a patient is determined they are going home and insists on sitting in their coat then I would allow this. what are the nurses options otherwise? Are you sure the truth of the situation was that she was told her discharge was on Friday. But just didn’t remember?

I would be telling the hospital that she should be being given a D2A
( discharge to assess) placement
( six weeks in a care home to receive full assessment of capabilities) this is free.
I would ask if my mother was being denied the correct route for her needs as a cost saving exercise. I would request my comments were fully documented.

At home I would have. A couple of cheap cameras from Amazon, ( you need Wi-Fi) that message your mobile phone.
A ring type doorbell.
I would put an apple AirTag on her keyring if my phone was an iphone. I would have a carelink type pendant or falls alarm.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
Hi @cymbid ,my husband had a 1;1 in hospital this was following his 5th fall from climbing over the cot sides and his 5th CT scan for head injury. Hospitals don't do this lightly you should ask why she needed it and wandering isn't usually the reason as people are in bays with staff on computers by the door


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
Even a care package might not work. My neighbour, under similar circumstances, has now had the 3x daily carers removed because she was getting too distressed by them suddenly appearing in her house without warning. (There is a key safe now to allow them access). She ended up barricading doors. Hospital wanted her to go to D2A but family decided she would hate that and wanted to give her the chance of Christmas at home and then see how things go.
Yesterday late afternoon I found her out in the garden wearing slippers and no coat over her clothes and she appeared to be tidying up some pot plants. My friend and I coming back from dog walking were not too warm despite wearing hats, coats, gloves etc.