another funny!! dementia thing


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
I love reading the funny things. My husband came back on Friday from a ‘walk up to the shops ‘ As he sat down I wondered what had happened to his face. Around his mouth looked a bit sunken - stroke !!’ No. He had lost his false teeth. He was not aware where or how. He then discovered the bottom set in his pocket. But could not find top ones. I guess they went in a bin en route probably attached to a mars bar.

Glad we have a lovely dentist who managed to fit him in on Monday to do some impressions for another set of new ones. I’ve suggested superglue might be useful !!
🤣That made me laugh out loud. If the other top set turn up you'll have a spare set . I dread my oh losing or breaking his teeth as I don't think he'd open his mouth for an impression for another set.

I posted back in February that my oh has taken to walking around with his electric shaver in his pocket. He has two ,one wasn't as good as the other. Just as well as if I couldn't locate one I had the other to use. That is until last week. He'd taken the blade section off and now it's missing. Hoped it would turn up but still waiting . Unfortunately it's the better of the two that he has taken apart and lost.

I'm going to have to buy another one as I caught him trying to shave his jumper and trousers with the older one and now the blades are not good🤣
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Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
My oh doesn't say a lot theses days but....
Last nights conversation

OH: When I was in America I found this big diamond. It was worth £80,000.

That must have been some diamond.! I wish 🤣

He's never been to America so heavens knows where that idea came from!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
The funny things our PWD say occasionally take you by surprise sometimes.

This morning I went into our dining room, my OH's bedroom, drew the curtain, turned on the light and said good morning, and gave her a kiss. I sat the bed up and said I'd get breakfast.
Came back with breakfast. My OH says its a bit bright and keeps her eyes closed, even though she's awake.
I hold the mug to her lips and say, have a drink. She sips. Oh, that's nice, what is it? I said it's tea.
She said, still with eyes closed, Oh, I've had that before!
Do you want some weetabix? Yes, I think I've had that before as well. Yes you have!
Have you given it to me before? Yes I have. Oh, that's nice.

You couldn't make it up!


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
We currently have some purple flowers at the bottom of our garden. I have no idea what they are but they are pretty, so good enough for me.

OH keeps saying they are special and very rare. Apparently 'she' told him they are special and rare and 'she' seems to know what she's talking about. I assume 'she' isn't me but I have no idea who else he has spoken to in our garden.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
We currently have some purple flowers at the bottom of our garden. I have no idea what they are but they are pretty, so good enough for me.

OH keeps saying they are special and very rare. Apparently 'she' told him they are special and rare and 'she' seems to know what she's talking about. I assume 'she' isn't me but I have no idea who else he has spoken to in our garden.
My oh refers to the other lady a lot. It's sometimes his version of what I've said and other times it's completely made up! Usually when he's done something wrong, the other lady told him to. Never his fault of course!


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
My oh refers to the other lady a lot. It's sometimes his version of what I've said and other times it's completely made up! Usually when he's done something wrong, the other lady told him to. Never his fault of course!
Ah - that must be it. There is another 'she'. 'She' lives in the downstairs toilet, she washes the towels, makes his breakfast and empties the bins. 'She' also forgets to put the heating on and doesn't cut the grass often enough. I had no idea she is also an expert on flowers (something I'm not).


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Rishile , nice place for her to live, the downstairs toilet 🤣🤣 my oh other lady is always in the "other room" I'm not surprised she wants to keep out of my way some of the annoying things she tells him to do 🤣
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Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
It was my birthday today and though i have had or have to come celebrations with friends and family today I had nothing planned. Yesterday my oh did ask what those things were on the mantelpiece - when my friend tried to tell him about my birthday he just wandered off to get a drink. Nothing daunted by his lack of involvement today I planned a nice but quiet day for my birthday - we went out for our usual Saturday walk and as a treat we had cake with our coffee and I bought a dine in meal for 2 from M&S. In the evening after oh had gone to bed early as usual still oblivious of my birthday I went to begin my solitary evening celebration with a mini bottle of prosecco to enjoy with a film but thought I was going mad as I couldn't find it anywhere. Eventually checked the bin and sure enough oh had quietly polished it off himself - or possibly poured it down the sink as he doesn't like the taste. I had to laugh that he had not only completely ignored my birthday but even managed to interfere with my careful plan to arrange a birthday treat for myself. Luckily I enjoyed my film with a couple of gin and tonics instead. C'est la vie!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
It was my birthday today and though i have had or have to come celebrations with friends and family today I had nothing planned. Yesterday my oh did ask what those things were on the mantelpiece - when my friend tried to tell him about my birthday he just wandered off to get a drink. Nothing daunted by his lack of involvement today I planned a nice but quiet day for my birthday - we went out for our usual Saturday walk and as a treat we had cake with our coffee and I bought a dine in meal for 2 from M&S. In the evening after oh had gone to bed early as usual still oblivious of my birthday I went to begin my solitary evening celebration with a mini bottle of prosecco to enjoy with a film but thought I was going mad as I couldn't find it anywhere. Eventually checked the bin and sure enough oh had quietly polished it off himself - or possibly poured it down the sink as he doesn't like the taste. I had to laugh that he had not only completely ignored my birthday but even managed to interfere with my careful plan to arrange a birthday treat for myself. Luckily I enjoyed my film with a couple of gin and tonics instead. C'est la vie!
happy birthday and hope you can have another chance with the prosecco and hide it!


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Sue741215 happy birthday!
Why are our oh so oblivious to special occasions. You'd think they'd notice cards and altered atmosphere.

My oh birthday was in April. His brother visited from Wales for the day,quite a longish day trip for him. In the evening after he'd gone home I asked if he'd enjoyed his birthday and seeing his brother. His response. ? Have I seen my brother today and Why ?


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
A belated happy birthday @Sue741215.

Sorry your plans went awry at the end but glad there were good points to the day.

I once (very stupidly!) bought myself a birthday card and tried to get Bill to write happy birthday to me inside it. I popped out of the room for a minute and when I got back he handed me the card which had the rugby score copied from the TV written in it instead of a birthday message. 🤣

I hope you enjoy any other celebrations you have planned with friends.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Izzy. Made me smile. We do these things to try and keep normality .

I remember just fourteen months after OH was diagnosed buying a card for him to give me. I left a piece of paper with his name on to copy if he needed it but actually thought he wouldn't need it.

When I looked at the card he written a string of random letters. He couldn't even write or copy his own name.
So sad, he was such an intelligent man and his decline has been quite rapid.

We have to make the most of these special days while we can x


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Oh @maggie6445 - I remember those random letters. I actually kept a couple of pieces of paper on which Bill had done that. I have them somewhere but it’s hard to look at them now that he’s gone.

You’re so right about making the most of these special days while we can.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
I have a different problem with OH and birthdays and Christmas. I think we are now on our fourth Christmas this year and he must have had about six birthdays - his birthday is in October. I have had a constant birthday since January (my birthday is in January). For two months after the real Christmas he kept saying he wanted to buy me a present. I had a vision of him wandering around our local town, totally lost, clutching a £5 note trying to find something I would like. I dread to think what I would have ended up with. I told him we would find something after Christmas and have a combined Christmas and birthday present. I found a jumper and told him he had bought it for me. It didn't stop him still wanting to buy me a present though.

Last week, following a really nice day, he thanked me for making his birthday really special and said we would do something for my birthday 'next week'.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Rishile , how lovely, a birthday everyday (apart from getting older🤣). Maybe he equates birthday with special. He wants everyday to be a special day! Enjoy x
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Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
It was my birthday today and though i have had or have to come celebrations with friends and family today I had nothing planned. Yesterday my oh did ask what those things were on the mantelpiece - when my friend tried to tell him about my birthday he just wandered off to get a drink. Nothing daunted by his lack of involvement today I planned a nice but quiet day for my birthday - we went out for our usual Saturday walk and as a treat we had cake with our coffee and I bought a dine in meal for 2 from M&S. In the evening after oh had gone to bed early as usual still oblivious of my birthday I went to begin my solitary evening celebration with a mini bottle of prosecco to enjoy with a film but thought I was going mad as I couldn't find it anywhere. Eventually checked the bin and sure enough oh had quietly polished it off himself - or possibly poured it down the sink as he doesn't like the taste. I had to laugh that he had not only completely ignored my birthday but even managed to interfere with my careful plan to arrange a birthday treat for myself. Luckily I enjoyed my film with a couple of gin and tonics instead. C'est la vie!
Belated happy birthday @Sue741215 🎉🥂

As long as one you continues to know.


Registered User
Aug 18, 2022
It was my birthday today and though i have had or have to come celebrations with friends and family today I had nothing planned. Yesterday my oh did ask what those things were on the mantelpiece - when my friend tried to tell him about my birthday he just wandered off to get a drink. Nothing daunted by his lack of involvement today I planned a nice but quiet day for my birthday - we went out for our usual Saturday walk and as a treat we had cake with our coffee and I bought a dine in meal for 2 from M&S. In the evening after oh had gone to bed early as usual still oblivious of my birthday I went to begin my solitary evening celebration with a mini bottle of prosecco to enjoy with a film but thought I was going mad as I couldn't find it anywhere. Eventually checked the bin and sure enough oh had quietly polished it off himself - or possibly poured it down the sink as he doesn't like the taste. I had to laugh that he had not only completely ignored my birthday but even managed to interfere with my careful plan to arrange a birthday treat for myself. Luckily I enjoyed my film with a couple of gin and tonics instead. C'est la vie!
It was my birthday yesterday too! OH never mentioned it, despite the cards and messages and my nephew bringing flowers and chocolates. I couldn’t stop myself from mentioning it at bedtime, when he replied that he had wished me happy birthday twice!


Registered User
Aug 18, 2022
Night time fun! My OH went to bed just before I was planning to go. I remembered I had not put the duvet back on (airing it a bit over the bannisters). I wondered how he would cope. When I went up he was fast asleep, no covers, with all his clothes on. I just put the duvet back over the bed and went to sleep myself. Sometime later of course he woke up far too hot and took all his clothes off, ignoring my suggestion of pyjamas. Then later he woke up cold and said ‘I’ve got no clothes on! Who took them off!’. After that we managed a couple of hours’ sleep.