Am I going crazy


New member
Feb 8, 2024
Good Morning All,

This is my first post to any forum. My husband is 50 years old. For the past few years he has been struggling with memory issues; losing his car keys, his phone, leaving his wallet and home when he goes to the store, not having any idea what day it is or what month, asking the same questions repeatedly. I thought he was too young to have dementia or early onset. Recently he quit working because he had too much anxiety leaving the house or taking on a new project. With him at home all the time I’ve had the opportunity to watch him more. Lately he has been buying the stupidest **** and spending money constantly. He has always been extremely stingy and seeing him throw it away when he now has no income seems bizarre. He is currently in a state of agitation, pacing the floor, clapping his hands, talking to the tv or no one at all. He has become quarrelsome and beyond easily irritated. He has a marker in his blood test for Alzheimers and his grandmother passed away from it. I have tried to talk to him in opportune moments about his memory and or seeing a doctor for diagnosis. But it goes no future than that. Sometimes he seems to be himself and I start thinking I am making a mountain out of a mole hill. I am completely stressed out all the time. I wonder if I am fixating on what you could call regular memory loss or maybe I am just going insane. Could anyone tell me if this is how it started for their loved one??

Thank you so much for reading.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @hannahmae92 and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am pleased that you have found us as you will find lots of help and understanding here.

The symptoms that your husband is displaying are concerning and are certainly some of those seen in people with dementia but could be due to other health problems such as depression. He really needs to see his doctor for a series of tests to try to figure what is going on. if he will not go to the doctor you could email a list of your concerns to the doctor as ask them to call your husband in for a 'well man' check or something similar.

You also say that you are stressed all of the time, that is understandable with all that is going on, so it might be an idea for you to see your doctor on your own behalf.

Please keep posting in here with any queries or questions that you have or even just to reach out to other people who will understand your worries and fears.
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Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
You know this isn't normal - there are lots of red flags there.

I suggest you start keeping a diary detailing the changes you are seeing and start collecting evidence. If your husband is reluctant to see the GP, send him/her your notes and see if they'll call him in on some pretext - general health check etc.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
A lot of this sounds awfully familiar, although we cannot say whether or not its dementia

The vast majority of people with dementia unfortunately, do not realise that they have changed and think that they are just the same as they always were, so see no reason to contact the GP. Im afraid that you will have to get him to the GP by subterfuge. Send a letter/email to the GP outlining your concerns, so that this will go into his records. The GP may be able to get him to come to the surgery for a "well man" appointment, or meds review (if he is taking anything) and test him

It might be as well to get the ball rolling on POA and wills before he connects this to a possible diagnosis and digs his heels in. I got OH to do his by announcing that I was going to do mine (always a good idea, actually), so of course, he wanted to do his as well and we did them together