
Registered User
May 17, 2024
9 July 4pm. Good long chat with Hospital Dementia Support Worker. Change of clothes and supporting documents packed for OH.
Treated myself to Kir cocktail this morning. Only had one and been dozy all day! Blunted all the sharp edges and fractures. Spoken to as many hospital staff as possible in the last couple of days so they are aware of concerns and issues before meeting, so message does not get lost. If OH is D2Ad to a nursing home it really should be local or I'll spend 6 hours every day commuting/visiting which would be counterproductive for me as well! Not against D2A in principle but could make OH more confused and blood sugar unstable again. I'll shut up now! 🤐


Registered User
May 17, 2024
10 July 2pm
Best interests meeting. OH to go to a nursing home for assessment and stabilisation. He has brittle diabetes, largely uncontrollable even in hospital. So new insulin regime again. My manifesto for my husband went down well at meeting as will help to find correct nursing home hope near our house. Finding one for all his problems may take time. Could be permanent....My experiences of abuses of and mixed messages about protocols were also minuted
I have to accept the inevitable, the trouble is, OH won't. Have to wait and see. Have told everyone to keep reminding him about nursing home plan as he forgets and I become the baddie
It's not looking good.... Brittle (labile) diabetes life expectancy 66 to 77. OH is 68 in September. For continuous insulin pump treatment (small kit attached to body) you have to be able to calculate food and activity several times a day, programme the kit, fill with insulin, and change it at least every few days. And not fiddle with it. Given his dementia and Parkinsons he won't remember what or how to do it, won't be able to manipulate it, will still eat on the quiet as he won't remember why not to, and then fiddle because he used to be techy....just as well I looked it up so I'M ready for bad news......but so glad I got my say at Best Interests Meeting... At least one of the community nurses raised a safeguarding issue that I was giving Bill odd insulin jabs. They don't read the notes! I was doing Bill's calculations, his jabs and his meals up to admission in April. Not since. In fact making damn sure all medication out of sight in 6 boxes /bags so OH doesn't interfere. Lock box provided is weeny. Docs were already clear by then that I had been keeping OH alive before April, and that our social life has been governed by diabetes for 30 years for me, and over 50 years for OH Flipping Chinese whispers! If OH has to stay forever in a nursing home. I won't be the one to tell him!
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Registered User
May 17, 2024
It sounds like it was a positive meeting @Alisongs. I think it sounds as if you were listened to.
I think so. I was told no family members had ever come along before, armed with a statement and curriculum vitae and supporting photographs, to help staff understand the whole person and their wellbeing needs! Discharge lead kept copies


Registered User
May 17, 2024
10 July 6.20pm
Kir cocktail ready. Supportive friend who moved back up North in bits today. Her friend, only middle aged, has terminal cancer, now home on palliative care.... Kir cocktail dedicated to them and photo sent. Ordered a letterbox Tea for Two for them. Will arrive Friday. Hope I can support them long distance like my friend has supported me recently


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
10 July 6.20pm
Kir cocktail ready. Supportive friend who moved back up North in bits today. Her friend, only middle aged, has terminal cancer, now home on palliative care.... Kir cocktail dedicated to them and photo sent. Ordered a letterbox Tea for Two for them. Will arrive Friday. Hope I can support them long distance like my friend has supported me recently

How lovely. I’m sure it will be appreciated. 💜


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
You might be able to get the Home he is discharged to provide Ratatouille for him, especially if you take a tin in and ask a special “welcome “ for him. Hope you are giving yourself a big pat on the back tonight. Sounds like it might be a 2 Kir cocktail evening ( what is a kit cocktail by the way?). I agree about letting the Social Worker/Hospital staff tell him. If I was you I think I’d keep telling him it’s only till his diabetes under control….. , with a bit (or maybe a lot) of luck maybe it will . Living with dementia after all requires a tremendous amount of trying to live with hope.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
You might be able to get the Home he is discharged to provide Ratatouille for him, especially if you take a tin in and ask a special “welcome “ for him. Hope you are giving yourself a big pat on the back tonight. Sounds like it might be a 2 Kir cocktail evening ( what is a kit cocktail by the way?). I agree about letting the Social Worker/Hospital staff tell him. If I was you I think I’d keep telling him it’s only till his diabetes under control….. , with a bit (or maybe a lot) of luck maybe it will . Living with dementia after all requires a tremendous amount of trying to live with hope.
Thank you for this. A large tin of ratatouille is about 20g carbs, the same as a small slice of bread, he could eat it all day long, so he'll get it!
Kir =creme de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur) plus sparkling white wine
Kir Royal, use champagne instead. Kir Normande, use Normandy cider, Kir Bretton, Brittany cider.... And so on!
Got my mum tiddly on holiday in France many years ago, Kir Breton instead of dessert. She asked for another, then another and was then surprised she was more than a bit wobbly. Happy Daze.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Thank you for this. A large tin of ratatouille is about 20g carbs, the same as a small slice of bread, he could eat it all day long, so he'll get it!
Kir =creme de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur) plus sparkling white wine
Kir Royal, use champagne instead. Kir Normande, use Normandy cider, Kir Bretton, Brittany cider.... And so on!
Got my mum tiddly on holiday in France many years ago, Kir Breton instead of dessert. She asked for another, then another and was then surprised she was more than a bit wobbly. Happy Daze.
Sounds very Happy Daze, and lovely memory. Will look out for and give a try.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Thank you for this. A large tin of ratatouille is about 20g carbs, the same as a small slice of bread, he could eat it all day long, so he'll get it!
Kir =creme de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur) plus sparkling white wine
Kir Royal, use champagne instead. Kir Normande, use Normandy cider, Kir Bretton, Brittany cider.... And so on!
Got my mum tiddly on holiday in France many years ago, Kir Breton instead of dessert. She asked for another, then another and was then surprised she was more than a bit wobbly. Happy Daze.
its all about portion size im told, could you give him less and add veg as well? not so appetizing though and may not make any difference any way.

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
Thank you for this. A large tin of ratatouille is about 20g carbs, the same as a small slice of bread, he could eat it all day long, so he'll get it!
Kir =creme de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur) plus sparkling white wine
Kir Royal, use champagne instead. Kir Normande, use Normandy cider, Kir Bretton, Brittany cider.... And so on!
Got my mum tiddly on holiday in France many years ago, Kir Breton instead of dessert. She asked for another, then another and was then surprised she was more than a bit wobbly. Happy Daze.
I use a food flask.