Agreed to see the doctor again.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
Thank you. . believe me I do have my cheesed off moments ,to put it mildly! But I feel better if I look for the positives. We've been to games morning today although my oh doesn't knows how to play games now. He mainly sits and smiles while I chat with other people. Then went to a local cafe for .lunch

Last week we went with our dementia friends to a local park for a picnic. The other two men saw bowlers on the green and asked if they could have a go. A man playing got them some bowls from the club house and I helped supervise a bowls game. Mmm ... I play bowls for a local club but this game was was a novelty🤣

Hope things are improving for you after your accident. X
Thanks I’ve had the plaster taken off now have a removable splint but keeping it on as long as I can That sounds fun with the bowls We have quite a few things going on this month I think getting out & seeing other people in the same position really helps x


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
I feel a bit guilty when I have a me me me day but this forum has really got me through today and I feel so much lighter tonight.
What goes around comes around and I hope to be there for a someone else when it needs to be about them. Thank you all ☺️ x
You are entitled to have a me me moment Glad your feeling lighter tonight this forum is a godsend Hope you get a good nights sleep xx


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
You are entitled to have a me me moment Glad your feeling lighter tonight this forum is a godsend Hope you get a good nights sleep xx
Thank you Bev - you too (and glad to read that your plaster has been removed). Take care and sleep well xx


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Hello. Just a quick update. My husband has an appointment tomorrow morning at the memory clinic, with a psychiatrist. Not sure exactly what will happen at this but I suppose it is better than waiting a month. X


Registered User
Apr 19, 2023
I assume that the Psychaitrist will give you the diagnosis.
When we went we were asked do you want to know the results. I knew what this meant - and as I have said before in a strange way it was a relief, - thank goodness there is a reason for all this strange behaviour. I still find it hard to get my head round, when some of the time he is quite normal.
Hope things go ok for you - X


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Hello. Just a quick update. My husband has an appointment tomorrow morning at the memory clinic, with a psychiatrist. Not sure exactly what will happen at this but I suppose it is better than waiting a month. X
good luck for tomorrow, hope they are going to give you answers or tests so they can diagnose quickly.i think we spend a lot of time just waiting.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
I assume that the Psychaitrist will give you the diagnosis.
When we went we were asked do you want to know the results. I knew what this meant - and as I have said before in a strange way it was a relief, - thank goodness there is a reason for all this strange behaviour. I still find it hard to get my head round, when some of the time he is quite normal.
Hope things go ok for you - X
Hi @BeeBeeDee, I hope you are well.
Yes, I’m not quite sure if this is just the path to more tests or not but at least it is very fast.
I know exactly what you mean about the answer for the strange behaviour- that then totally confuses you by being mixed with so much normal behaviour.
I have spoken to my in laws today (as we’ve not said much to them). I didn’t make it in to work, I kept going straight past as I just couldn’t face it and I ended up going to their house.
Now I feel quite panicked incase it turns out to be me that has brought all this about and there is nothing more than just one of those unexplained things. That feels bad because then I think that means I want a diagnosis 😵‍💫
I will be glad to get to a conclusion and be able to plan for the future.
Thank you for messaging x


Registered User
Apr 19, 2023
Hi @BeeBeeDee, I hope you are well.
Yes, I’m not quite sure if this is just the path to more tests or not but at least it is very fast.
I know exactly what you mean about the answer for the strange behaviour- that then totally confuses you by being mixed with so much normal behaviour.
I have spoken to my in laws today (as we’ve not said much to them). I didn’t make it in to work, I kept going straight past as I just couldn’t face it and I ended up going to their house.
Now I feel quite panicked incase it turns out to be me that has brought all this about and there is nothing more than just one of those unexplained things. That feels bad because then I think that means I want a diagnosis 😵‍💫
I will be glad to get to a conclusion and be able to plan for the future.
Thank you for messaging x
Yes it is a strange thing wanting to get a diagnosis - well I guess we more just want an answer to why the strange behaviour.
I felt and do still feel exactly like you in that is it me that has brought it on and have they got it wrong - but talking to others - friends and family and even workmen we have in the house comment on things I havent even picked up on.


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
Hello. Just a quick update. My husband has an appointment tomorrow morning at the memory clinic, with a psychiatrist. Not sure exactly what will happen at this but I suppose it is better than waiting a month. X
That’s good news Yes better than waiting a month Take care xx
Hi @BeeBeeDee, I hope you are well.
Yes, I’m not quite sure if this is just the path to more tests or not but at least it is very fast.
I know exactly what you mean about the answer for the strange behaviour- that then totally confuses you by being mixed with so much normal behaviour.
I have spoken to my in laws today (as we’ve not said much to them). I didn’t make it in to work, I kept going straight past as I just couldn’t face it and I ended up going to their house.
Now I feel quite panicked incase it turns out to be me that has brought all this about and there is nothing more than just one of those unexplained things. That feels bad because then I think that means I want a diagnosis 😵‍💫
I will be glad to get to a conclusion and be able to plan for the future.
Thank you for messaging x
i know what you mean my husband seems fine at times but then does something weird If your OH gets a diagnosis he will be able to start on medication straight away I’ve finally won the battle of getting medication for my husband at last I wish he had had the diagnosis in August when we went then he would have been on meds sooner How does your husband seem about it How did your in-laws react Don’t think you brought this on your doing the very best for your husband Will be thinking about you tomorrow Everyone on here are going to be here for you sending a gentle hug x


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Yes it is a strange thing wanting to get a diagnosis - well I guess we more just want an answer to why the strange behaviour.
I felt and do still feel exactly like you in that is it me that has brought it on and have they got it wrong - but talking to others - friends and family and even workmen we have in the house comment on things I havent even picked up on.
It helps doesn’t it to know that others have all these feelings, thoughts and occasional doubts in their judgement on it all.
Even if symptoms don’t jump out to others, I think that sometimes it’s vulnerability that others notice.
Thank you x


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
That’s good news Yes better than waiting a month Take care xx

i know what you mean my husband seems fine at times but then does something weird If your OH gets a diagnosis he will be able to start on medication straight away I’ve finally won the battle of getting medication for my husband at last I wish he had had the diagnosis in August when we went then he would have been on meds sooner How does your husband seem about it How did your in-laws react Don’t think you brought this on your doing the very best for your husband Will be thinking about you tomorrow Everyone on here are going to be here for you sending a gentle hug x
Hi Bev. That is good about finally getting the medication. It must have been frustrating when you try to act early, so that you can get the help sooner and the process delays the diagnosis.
Sorry if you’ve said but do you mind me asking what medication your husband has been given, how has he been?
My in-laws knew about the appointments but not in any detail or much about the things I’ve noticed. I felt bad because it upset them (I kind of wish I’d waited one more day but didn’t know then, about the appointment tomorrow). I just desperately needed to chat though, so it’s said now.
My husband has not asked much but did tell me not to mention YouTube! He said to be careful what things I talk about, as it can make things happen. Just keeping my head down tonight and see what tomorrow brings.
I’ve gone from keeping everything to myself, to talking to my in-laws and all 3 daughters.
Anyway - we are where we are and I just need to hold my nerve and do what we need to do. I think I am going to be enemy number 1 if all is ok (but I definitely would not prefer a diagnosis still).
I really don’t know what I would have done without you and everyone on the forum. I will definitely try to pass that on to others when and where I can.
Take care, thanks for the hug and sending a hug back. Xx


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
Hi Bev. That is good about finally getting the medication. It must have been frustrating when you try to act early, so that you can get the help sooner and the process delays the diagnosis.
Sorry if you’ve said but do you mind me asking what medication your husband has been given, how has he been?
My in-laws knew about the appointments but not in any detail or much about the things I’ve noticed. I felt bad because it upset them (I kind of wish I’d waited one more day but didn’t know then, about the appointment tomorrow). I just desperately needed to chat though, so it’s said now.
My husband has not asked much but did tell me not to mention YouTube! He said to be careful what things I talk about, as it can make things happen. Just keeping my head down tonight and see what tomorrow brings.
I’ve gone from keeping everything to myself, to talking to my in-laws and all 3 daughters.
Anyway - we are where we are and I just need to hold my nerve and do what we need to do. I think I am going to be enemy number 1 if all is ok (but I definitely would not prefer a diagnosis still).
I really don’t know what I would have done without you and everyone on the forum. I will definitely try to pass that on to others when and where I can.
Take care, thanks for the hug and sending a hug back. Xx
They have put him on memantime as he has a low heart rate he couldn’t go on Donepezil which is usually the first drug they are put on I’m struggling today I think my eldest daughter is struggling with her Dads diagnosis I’m beginning to feel I’m a burden to her I remember my Mum saying that to me she passed away at my age I’m feeling that they would be better off without me My mobility is awful & I had another fall on Monday Hope tomorrow goes well but you know your husband best & if there is a diagnosis you’ve done the best thing getting it sooner rather than later If not you need some answers take care love & hugs 🫂 xxx


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@Bevhar , your family definitely won't feel they'd be better off without you. You've had a difficult few weeks . It takes time to recover from falls, things will get better in time or you'll learn to adapt.
Take care x


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
@Bevhar , your family definitely won't feel they'd be better off without you. You've had a difficult few weeks . It takes time to recover from falls, things will get better in time or you'll learn to adapt.
Take care x
Thank you I feel ashamed of feeling like this you always have the right words I’m going to see if I can get a doctors appointment to see if I can have steroid injections for my arthritis I had another fall on Monday indoors thank goodness my mobility is awful Even if I could get my other knee & hip replaced I wouldn’t be able to now as my husband needs me I’m lucky as he’s a glass half full person & nearly always happy Things were going well until I had my fall Just feeling sorry for myself People have got much worse things to deal with thank you again your very wise xx


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
They have put him on memantime as he has a low heart rate he couldn’t go on Donepezil which is usually the first drug they are put on I’m struggling today I think my eldest daughter is struggling with her Dads diagnosis I’m beginning to feel I’m a burden to her I remember my Mum saying that to me she passed away at my age I’m feeling that they would be better off without me My mobility is awful & I had another fall on Monday Hope tomorrow goes well but you know your husband best & if there is a diagnosis you’ve done the best thing getting it sooner rather than later If not you need some answers take care love & hugs 🫂 xxx
Aww Bev. I don’t know your daughters but I feel that I can almost guarantee, that they would not feel they were better off if you were not here.
One of the things I feel so sad about with my mum - is being robbed of caring for her and helping her as she got older and unable to do some things. Yes, I would probably have had times (maybe many), where I found that hard or inconvenient but I would never have swapped it. It feels like the natural path of life. Don’t underestimate the roles of the family unit and though your girls may struggle with some things, this is life and this is what families do for one another (if we are fortunate and I know this is not the case for everyone).
I hope that the memantime has a positive effect.
Sorry to hear about your fall. There may come a time, where you need to look at the options for your husband’s care, whilst you undergo any necessary healthcare for yourself. You have to look after yourself to first of all be as comfortable and pain free as you can be (that is a priority) and also to be able to care long term for your husband.
Sending love and hugs x

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