aggressive women in mums ward


Registered User
Jan 3, 2024
my mum is a gentle soul, quiet and very compliant with the nurses. I have been told by them that she is a joy to work with as she never complains.
She is at present in a 5 bed ward in hospital and the new lady in the bed opposite is aggressive and shouts a lot.
Mum has a few £1 coins in a tin on her table and was counting them this morning. Woman opposite shouted over that mum had stolen her money and she was getting the police. Nurses calmed her but mum was upset
Tonight my partner and I were in visiting and this woman starts shouting over . Why are you here . We are not feeding you. You should be looking after your mum not us etc .
I understand she is unwell but it was hard not to snap back and tell her to shut up.
Mum is not too happy


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
my mum is a gentle soul, quiet and very compliant with the nurses. I have been told by them that she is a joy to work with as she never complains.
She is at present in a 5 bed ward in hospital and the new lady in the bed opposite is aggressive and shouts a lot.
Mum has a few £1 coins in a tin on her table and was counting them this morning. Woman opposite shouted over that mum had stolen her money and she was getting the police. Nurses calmed her but mum was upset
Tonight my partner and I were in visiting and this woman starts shouting over . Why are you here . We are not feeding you. You should be looking after your mum not us etc .
I understand she is unwell but it was hard not to snap back and tell her to shut up.
Mum is not too happy
I think this is so sad when this happens
The woman can’t help it but scary for your mum


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
I am sorry that this happened to your mum, it's unacceptable but it happens a lot. My poor mum (without dementia) had a hip replacement and was then put on a ward full of dementia patients. One patient poured a jug of water over mums head while she was asleep which frightened her to put it mildly, she couldn't even get out of bed without help. We kicked up an enormous fuss and got mum moved. This was years ago and may not be so easy nowadays.