Advice please.


New member
Feb 20, 2024
My husband has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimers and he has lost any emotions and interest in anything. We have been married for 55 years and he says when I talk to him I insult him, and blames me for everything.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
I'm sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis and his reactions to you.

People with Alzheimers are all different and I am lucky that my husband with is easygoing. However he has never acknowledged his diagnosis and though in the early days I tried to get him to talk about it he just blanked me and now we just get on with life and never mention it. I just mention this in case you are feeling , as I did , that you should talk about it and this is what is upsetting him.

I would also ask you to look after yourself as best you can - think about what you need as well as what he needs - and what most carers need is respite - I would say try and get away a couple of days a week even if only for an hour or two and try to have a space in your home to relax in on your own. Easier said than done I know - I invented some new friends for my oh who wanted someone to go out with and he meets each for a meal once a week so he has something to look forward to and I can get out without feeling guilty, The friends are paid companions - not carers - paid from his attendance allowance but he does not know this.

If your husband is getting aggressive please contact your GP who may be able to adjust his medication or phone the Dementia helpline to seek advice and help. I'm sure you will get more advice from people who have had reactions similar to what you are experiencing but wanted to reply in the meantime to show that someone is listening and wanting to help.