A wifi app to contol yr TV remote from anywhere

carpe diem

Registered User
Nov 16, 2011
I've stumbled on a possible solution for complex TV remotes and modern TVs. There is a device you can plug in near yr TV which enables you to change channels or turn it on/off and more from anywhere.
I've seen so many posts where people have difficulties turning on the TV and changining the channel my mum included.
This is a WiFi device so requires a WiFi connection, I paid less for broadband than just BT line rental alone. It does require a bit of tech knowledge to set it up. It will control anything which has an Infrared remote control. You can also buy a version which controls radio frequency controls.
I have no interest in this product, it is available on a major online store for just under £20. Am_z_n.
Search for
Smart home WiFi remote controller.
I'm not selling this product nor am I an expert but I will try and help anyone who is interested.
It has a USB plug so it is plugged directly into my USB port on my TV, it has no standby light so hopefully won't get unplugged. It obviously only works if the TV is plugged in on standby. You also can't see anything on the TV screen so if you didn't know whether the TV was on and pressed the power button on the remote control app then you wouldn't know whether you were turning the TV on or off. So its only useful if you either have a camera or you know for certain the TV is off. The TV doesn't reply to the app it's one way only, app to TV.
The instructions in the box are very basic, you will need to know how to pair the WiFi devices in your settings, it took us a good few hours of frustration but finally it's fantastic.

Broadlink RM Mini3 Smart Home Universal Wifi IR Remote Controller Smart Home for iPhone Android 4.0+ Cellphone https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01HPWMWCY/ref=cm_sw_r_apa_ja3LybJXMJRHT


Registered User
Mar 2, 2016
South Northwest
Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention. I spend most of my time at my mother's now, so remote control isn't the issue it used to be, and the only reason there's a smart TV here is because I decided to cheer myself up a little before Christmas. But if there's a broadband connection and smart TV in place this little device and its phone app seem to be amazingly useful... especially as awkward things like port forwarding seem to be handled automatically on the latest routers.

Either that or our net here is wide open to the entire world! :) These days I have better things to worry about though, and this time last year I would have paid way, way more than £19 (plus the cost of a smart TV I guess) to solve this problem. I had Skype set up on a laptop so I could/can connect to Mum's living room without any input from her, but if she screwed up the TV by random presses or -- even worse -- whacked the volume up to full, causing panic and meaning she couldn't hear my instructions, life could get very messy very quickly. It was also hard to get her to change channels reliably if there was something she might enjoy on a different channel.

There were also times when she went to bed leaving the TV on and something tense late at night would create an unpleasant atmosphere for her to try and sleep through in the next room. Being able to just turn the TV off from afar would have been wonderful.

So far I haven't tested this thing exhaustively, but after a little head scratching and then some testing with the WiFi off on my phone and the 3G on, it seems to work as advertised.

Well done again for finding this. I'm sure it will prove useful to a lot of folk searching the forums in the future.


Registered User
Oct 1, 2015
I'm going to look
Dad can't use the remote apart from volume so it's stays on the channel I leave it on. Not great when tales of the Unexpected comes on in the middle of the day !!

carpe diem

Registered User
Nov 16, 2011
Here's an update now this device has been up and running for a few weeks.
It's turned out to be even better than I thought.
I can just tap the channel button on the app and mums TV just turns on and selects the desired channel 200 miles away. So it wouldn't even be necessary to know if the TV was already on.
I do normally phone mum and ask her if she'd like to watch TV first.
It's very easy to set the TV to turn on at a certain time on any day.
Channel 1 to 8 works at the press of a button but 9 and above we have to use the channel up or down button. This maybe an error when we set up the device. Its difficult to check from such a distance.
It doesn't need to be a smart TV it works on anything with an infrared remote control, the device has to be in sight of the TV, like a remote would be and needs a broadband connection.
I hope it's useful to others.


Registered User
Oct 1, 2015
This is a miracle
I am having a look now.
Dad doesn't seem to understand most of what he watches but if I can find some good music for him
Thank you !!!


New member
May 27, 2020
Here's an update now this device has been up and running for a few weeks.
It's turned out to be even better than I thought.
I can just tap the channel button on the app and mums TV just turns on and selects the desired channel 200 miles away. So it wouldn't even be necessary to know if the TV was already on.
I do normally phone mum and ask her if she'd like to watch TV first.
It's very easy to set the TV to turn on at a certain time on any day.
Channel 1 to 8 works at the press of a button but 9 and above we have to use the channel up or down button. This maybe an error when we set up the device. Its difficult to check from such a distance.
It doesn't need to be a smart TV it works on anything with an infrared remote control, the device has to be in sight of the TV, like a remote would be and needs a broadband connection.
I hope it's useful to others.
You mentioned in your original post that you could see if the tv was on with the camera! We’re looking at getting a camera for mums house, but there are so many out there! What did you use or what would you recommend? Thank you for the info, this gadget is just what we’re looking for ?


Registered User
Feb 27, 2015
You mentioned in your original post that you could see if the tv was on with the camera! We’re looking at getting a camera for mums house, but there are so many out there! What did you use or what would you recommend? Thank you for the info, this gadget is just what we’re looking for ?

Welcome to DTP @Bex2020
Just to say this is a very old thread & the member hasn’t been online for a couple of years. You will be better starting your own thread & you‘ll get up to date info.
Please keep posting as you’ll get lots of support here.


New member
May 27, 2020
Welcome to DTP @Bex2020
Just to say this is a very old thread & the member hasn’t been online for a couple of years. You will be better starting your own thread & you‘ll get up to date info.
Please keep posting as you’ll get lots of support here.
Thank you, yes I had seen it was an old post! Ok, thank you for support


New member
Jun 18, 2020
You mentioned in your original post that you could see if the tv was on with the camera! We’re looking at getting a camera for mums house, but there are so many out there! What did you use or what would you recommend? Thank you for the info, this gadget is just what we’re looking for ?

brand new to the forum but I wanted to respond here about the camera question. There’s a brand called Wyze and they make incredible products. The have still cameras for $20 with motion detection and also have cameras that pan around the room for $30. You don’t need a hub, just WiFi and their app. They also have motion sensors that detect motion and other sensors that can detect when doors are open. I wish this company was around when we were going thru all this with my grandma. It could alert us if she opened the front door and we could check the cameras to see if she was okay. They are a great company. I don’t work for them or anything, I just love their products and want to spread the word.


New member
Apr 16, 2021
Hi all I stumbled across this post whilst looking for something to control Mums TV from another location. I purchased a small device to plug into Mums TV that alleged to control the TV from another location. Well I’m happy to say this device worked 100% better than I imagined. I tested it whilst away with work 165 miles away, worked like a charm. Took me about half hour to set it up but the fact it works was a small price to pay. I can adjust volume, channels, source input, it basically mirrors the remote for TV an BT box, it’s brilliant. This linked with an amazing and cheap camera gives reassurance, safety and security for Mum. Both on Amazon and around £50 for both....


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New member
Apr 24, 2021
Thank you all for sharing this, I ordered the Broad link smart home remote and can't wait to try it

I also highly recommend the Yi home cameras, you can get 4 for under $100 and they allow you to connect wireless and you can have a full 2 way conversation from anywhere.

Best of thoughts and prayers to you and your families for this terrible time of life


New member
Jun 12, 2021
I'm interested to know if this worked. I really need to be able to change channels on mum's TV. If I can make sure that she is interested in the programme, it stops her trying to wander off. We have already got cameras, we bought Time2 cameras which have been excellent. I am a complete technophobe though, so it needs to be relatively easy to set up.


New member
Nov 7, 2022
Hi (new to this forum) does anyone know if this item is not suitable for use in the UK or meaning, anyone from UK tried this solution for Smart TV control from a different location to where the TV is located (TV is connected to a BT.com router/network)

Thanks hope someone can advise


New member
Mar 5, 2023
I’ve just set up a BroadLink Smart Home Hub, RM Mini3 Smart Wi-Fi Universal Remote Control for my mum. I bought it on Amazon £22.99. We both live in the UK and I can control her TV and set top box from my home. I’m going to buy a camera so I can see her TV because she has difficulty explaining what she can see on the TV when she thinks it’s broken. It’s not broken she just can’t understand what to do with the remote control anymore.



New member
Mar 5, 2023
Hi (new to this forum) does anyone know if this item is not suitable for use in the UK or meaning, anyone from UK tried this solution for Smart TV control from a different location to where the TV is located (TV is connected to a BT.com router/network)

Thanks hope someone can advise
Hi (new to this forum) does anyone know if this item is not suitable for use in the UK or meaning, anyone from UK tried this solution for Smart TV control from a different location to where the TV is located (TV is connected to a BT.com router/network)

Thanks hope someone can advise
I’ve just set up a BroadLink Smart Home Hub, RM Mini3 Smart Wi-Fi Universal Remote Control for my mum. I bought it on Amazon £22.99. We both live in the UK and I can control her TV and set top box from my home. I’m going to buy a camera so I can see her TV because she has difficulty explaining what she can see on the TV when she thinks it’s broken. It’s not broken she just can’t understand what to do with the remote control anymore.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2023
Hi all I stumbled across this post whilst looking for something to control Mums TV from another location. I purchased a small device to plug into Mums TV that alleged to control the TV from another location. Well I’m happy to say this device worked 100% better than I imagined. I tested it whilst away with work 165 miles away, worked like a charm. Took me about half hour to set it up but the fact it works was a small price to pay. I can adjust volume, channels, source input, it basically mirrors the remote for TV an BT box, it’s brilliant. This linked with an amazing and cheap camera gives reassurance, safety and security for Mum. Both on Amazon and around £50 for both....
Hi! This is the exact issue I have been facing with my mother! Such a relief to have found this thread. My mother was diagnosed with Mixed Dementia in February this year and since then it has been a constant daily challenge in managing her. She doesn't accept or acknowledge the diagnosis which makes it all the more difficult. I am replying to this thread because I see that I am not the only one with the issue of how to control TV programs remotely. My mum get's triggered by some images and programs on the TV and is no longer able to use the TV remote so it stays on all the time on one channel. I will be ordering the Broadlink (thank you!) at least this will allow me to select more acceptable TV shows that aren't likely to upset her or cause distress.

I also purchased the Little Elf camera back in March to keep an eye on her since she tends to wander out alone; on several occasions she has gone missing, had us searching the streets late at night looking for her which isn't fun. I have to say it has saved her (and me!) on many occasion where I caught her about to leave. Of course it means I am constantly checking the camera to make sure she is still in the flat but it beats rushing to her flat 11:30 at night in the dead of winter treading the streets looking for her.

I also came across a specialist organisation called My Life TV which selects specially procured TV programs for those suffering from Dementia. I will be trying that subscription too.

all the best.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hi @PeaceLily54
Regarding ur camera - I also found myself constantly checking. I live with mum but when I’m out. Could u put one motion sensored to alert u - perhaps halfway near the door? It would then send an alert to ur phone if she went past it?

I leave mine on that now. I now only check when a motion sensor is activated- much more relaxing!


Registered User
Aug 17, 2023
Yes, that's just it. The motion sensor on but I am so paranoid that it doesn't work that I keep a check on it. For instance only last Friday I happen to check-in just at the moment she slid off the bed! I had to jump in a taxi and help her up otherwise the Carer who was due soon would not be able to lift her as per protocol. The camera only picks up motion a specific distance away. I feel like a stalker!