A really good day for dad or are the meds taking effect already?


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014

I visited dad yesterday after not seeing him for just over a week. During this time he has started his meds(Doneprazil...8 days in)and as a family we have been listening out for any side effects as mum too has memory problems and wouldn't be able to pass on all the info we would like. I spent 8 hours with dad and during this time he didn't regress at all or show signs of anxiety. He was able to have a reasonable conversation with me even to the extent of telling me about a group he went to the day before and what he had eaten and played there. I haven't seen him like this since November time as last time I was there I walked in as he was crying and I spent the whole day using distraction techniques as he was very agitated. Can any one tell me was it possible that dad was just having a very good day or could the meds be working this quickly as I'm afraid to be hopeful? On the other hand dads hip pain(he has had a hip replacement) has suddenly got much worse in the past week and he appears to me to be going to the toilet much more than normal. Mum says she hasn't noticed anything much and unfortunately seems to think his leg pain is 'part of his illness'! Any help would be much appreciated.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
If you've not seen him like this since November then I would guess it's more than just a good day.

If the GP can do something about the hip pain, he may improve even more. It seems unllikley that it is 'part of the illness'.

I hope someone with experience of Doneprazil will be able to help more.


Registered User
Feb 10, 2010
Glad you have seen such changes in your dad. I wouldn't try to overanalyse what is causing the change as you'll drive yourself to distraction wondering about something that is nigh on impossible to answer. One of the things about being on the medication is that the only real way to test if it is working or not is to stop it and see the difference, so we just have to trust that if nothing else it is slowing down the progress of the disease.

As to his hip pain, I would mention this to the GP as a matter of urgency. I say this because you say he is going to the toilet more often and it could be that the pain is perhaps nothing to do with his hip replacement but is due to an infection such as a UTI or kidney infection. If it is then you need to get antibiotics for it sooner rather than later as UTIs can have a devastating effect on someone with dementia.

I hope the improvements you've seen continue and that you can have some good quality moments as a family.



Registered User
Mar 4, 2013
Auckland...... New Zealand
My Mum started Donepezil in early December. First on 2.5 mg and now 5mg.
She is due shortly to be reviewed by Geriatrician.
As far as Mums memory it has made no difference, and the general confusion and anxiety is still there.
There are only 2 things that I have noticed that are different.
She seems to be able to concentrate on her knitting a little bit better.... Only knitting squares in plain stitch, but it's good to see, and keeps her a little more occupied.
Also in the evening, where she was showing signs of sundowning, she seems a bit more alert.
We were warned that going to the loo more is a side effect, and as Mum is already on bladder meds they said it might be counter productive, but there has been no change.
Mum has had the odd tummy upset.

I think only time will tell with your Dad so you can only but watch and listen.


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
If you've not seen him like this since November then I would guess it's more than just a good day.

If the GP can do something about the hip pain, he may improve even more. It seems unllikley that it is 'part of the illness'.

I hope someone with experience of Doneprazil will be able to help more.

Thank you stanleypj

I don't think the hip pain is part of the illness but unfortunately my mum is now blaming anything dad does on the Alzheimers! We will keep an eye on the hip pain and enjoy any time that dad is having a good day.


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
Glad you have seen such changes in your dad. I wouldn't try to overanalyse what is causing the change as you'll drive yourself to distraction wondering about something that is nigh on impossible to answer. One of the things about being on the medication is that the only real way to test if it is working or not is to stop it and see the difference, so we just have to trust that if nothing else it is slowing down the progress of the disease.

As to his hip pain, I would mention this to the GP as a matter of urgency. I say this because you say he is going to the toilet more often and it could be that the pain is perhaps nothing to do with his hip replacement but is due to an infection such as a UTI or kidney infection. If it is then you need to get antibiotics for it sooner rather than later as UTIs can have a devastating effect on someone with dementia.

I hope the improvements you've seen continue and that you can have some good quality moments as a family.


Thanks Fifimo
Thanks for the heads up about the UTI if dads pain continues we will get him looked at by the GP.


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
My Mum started Donepezil in early December. First on 2.5 mg and now 5mg.
She is due shortly to be reviewed by Geriatrician.
As far as Mums memory it has made no difference, and the general confusion and anxiety is still there.
There are only 2 things that I have noticed that are different.
She seems to be able to concentrate on her knitting a little bit better.... Only knitting squares in plain stitch, but it's good to see, and keeps her a little more occupied.
Also in the evening, where she was showing signs of sundowning, she seems a bit more alert.
We were warned that going to the loo more is a side effect, and as Mum is already on bladder meds they said it might be counter productive, but there has been no change.
Mum has had the odd tummy upset.

I think only time will tell with your Dad so you can only but watch and listen.

Thanks Linbrusco

With such a long list of Side effects its hard to know what is/isn't a side effect!! I didn't expect the drugs to work so quickly so Im erring on the side of caution and just saying that dad had a 'good day'. That way I wont be too upset if my next visit isn't so good. Dad has had bladder problems in the past so maybe the meds may be making him go a few more times a day. I suppose its just a case of keeping an eye on him at the moment and seeing what happens. His hip pain could just be a coincidence.