A life in the day of.........................

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Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Pleased to 'see' you back Margarita but sorry you had problems to sort out immediately on your return. Hope all is well now.

Good you managed the break and feel better for visiting the graves of your aunt and grandparents.

Welcome now again to life on TP.

Best wishes Jan

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Maggie, nice to have you back.

It sounds as if you`ve found good respite care for your mother if all is well when you pick her up.

Love xx


Registered User
Feb 17, 2006
She been they around 3 different time on a row .

Only thing was she had no knickers on , so I ask a worker why? was it easier for her not to have any on , ( mum still go to toilet on her own ) as if they have any tips to make life easier I am all for it :rolleyes:. he said no she could have them on , maybe she taken them of .

May be they found it better easier then to have to pull up her knickers every time when she go to the toilet, don't care if she wet the bed or the floor on the way they, they say she has to call them when she go to the toilet .

her bed sheets did not small of urine, hate saying this but I was glad to get her out of they as much as she was . who knows what the future holds if she end up in they.

The staff seem to like her , mum like them . as mum leaving she thanking them for they help .
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Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Odds on 'I'll by crazy by bedtime'!

We have had quite a good day. I did quick shopping while D in car and then took him to a favourite place for lunch.

Just had sandwich supper!!! Has not stopped asking where is Mum is, then his Dad, where are we? He has to do something about selling .... house (childhood one) then something about another house (parents home some 60 yrs ago). Thinks we have to get them sold.

Then over again. Where is Mum, where is Dad? Where are we?

Have we got food in our home when we get back? Are we staying here??

I think I may go crazy before bedtime - anyone taking bets?

(He's off again now about selling the second house mentioned above!!!:eek:)


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Jan.

Are we staying here??
I know it isn`t much help to you, but it certainly helps me to read the above. :)

We`ve had a couple of depressed and confused days, much slower shuffling movement, interest in nothing, either sitting staring into space, or sitting with his head in his hands.

Then early this afternoon, his face `lifted`, his eyes focused and he said `I had a good sleep and feel better now.`

So I sighed with relief and, more or less welcomed him back.

Then at around 4.30pm. `How long are we staying here?` :eek:


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands

Hello everyone!

Good to be back in touch-I've missed you!

Is the "house" thing a common thread I wonder...?

Out of the blue this morning Eric asked "How long have we lived here in this house?"..10 years and a bit I told him..
"no..it can't be" I confirmed it was..

"So how much did we pay for it?" I told him.
"How much did we sell the other one for?" I said I couldn't remember(honestly I couldn't).:eek:

"So how long have we lived here then?"

Jan and Sylvia-he's not at the point that your husbands are at-but I do wonder if it's on the way...:eek:

Love Gigi xx
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Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hello all:

Good to see you back Gigi and wonder how the visit of Eric's daughter has gone. Let us know soon. (Is she staying with you?).

You say Eric is not so far down as Dhiren and David. Hopefully that is so. But David did go through these sort of questions some 2/3 yrs ago!!!!:eek: - that is not what you want to hear. The trouble is now it is happening so much more often and the moods in between are harder to handle.

Today has been another horrible day but I cannot put my finger on exactly why.

Take care Jan

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Gigi.

I can`t wait either to hear how the visit went.

I`ve only just come back online as Dhiren has been really puzzled for the last couple of hours. It started again, he doesn`t know it`s our house, he thinks we pay rent even though we have never rented in our lives, and he`s had to list all the houses we`ve lived in> So it`s been, how much we paid for each house and how much we sold them for.

He then said he`s losing his mind, and I said he`s losing his memory, and if he was losing his mind we wouldn`t be able to have this conversation. What else could I say?

I`ll say the same as Jan, Dhiren has been asking about this house for ages, it`s nothing new. I used to think it was because we`ve only been here 5 years and he hasn`t been able to feel at home here, but Jan and David have lived in their house for about 30 years, I think.

Sorry you`ve had a bad day Jan.

Love to you both xx

D `Give me five weeks and I`ll get my act together. It`s mind over matter, it`s up to me. You can`t do anything> You wait and see, I`ll pull myself together and I`ll be fine.`
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Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Hello again!
Sylvia and Jan,

Sorry you're both having a rough time over where you live.

Do you think it's to do with feelings of security? Sometimes with Eric it's like random thoughts that pass through and he voices them-and then they are gone.

Sylvia if you've got 2 hours to spare I've posted re "the visit ":D

Jan-I've had a quick look at replies-medal is on its way!!! Am very tired and off to bed soon-will be back tomorrow. :D

Eric has the house back to himself and seems happy with that for now-he's watching Oliver!! Visit forgotten for now!!:D

Love to all... Gigi xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
We watched the programme about Norman Wisdom together. When it had finished Dhiren said `If ever I overstep the line, you must tell me to STOP


Registered User
Aug 9, 2005
We watched the programme about Norman Wisdom together. When it had finished Dhiren said `If ever I overstep the line, you must tell me to STOP

Oh dear Sylvia! What can I say? It just never gets easier, does it?
My warmest hugs on their way to you.



Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
We watched the programme about Norman Wisdom together
Hello Sylvia,

Dhiren is showing amazing insight there with his comment about the programme.(If I ever overstep the line...)

I feel slightly envious because Eric will not entertain anything on TV that has to do with health-and definitely not AD(which he doesn't have today-by the way!!!);)

It's money today..:eek: He slept all morning while the sitter was here and a bit after lunch-then woke up full of it..:eek:

How much does he "earn".."How much do we have in the building society".."How much is the house worth" "What is his pension-is it paid directly into the bank" "Will we have enough to buy a new car when they let him drive again" :eek::eek:

Now-the house is too hot-turn the heating off-open the windows..

We've had a pretty level few days, I suppose-maybe it's the after effect of his daughter's visit-who knows? :confused:

CPN visited yesterday pm and thought he seemed very stable-he was!!

Not now...very restless,questioning,agitated..here we go again..:D

Lots of love Gigi xx


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Oh Gigi -
here we go again..

Just know that feeling so well. We have just gone through the bit about 'is Dad alive' - oh, so where is my Mother?' Just hope its not another of those evenings.

:))Good news was our youngest has just passed her finals (Accountancy) - he was very excited about that and did remember for a few hours this morning when he wanted to keep phoning her!!)

Best wishes all Jan

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Congratulations to your daughter Jan. It does help to have some good news.

Gigi, the money and exactly the same questions have been the story of my life for the last couple of years. :(
Does Eric have a particular time of the day when he is at his `best` `worst` however you see it?

Something I never expected to hear...........last night during Norman Wisdom`s programme, when he was cross with his son for selling his cars, Dhiren said he`s glad he doesn`t drive now, and he wouldn`t want a car again. So there`s hope for everyone. :)


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Hello Sylvia,

Jan-sorry- omitted to add my congrats to your daughter-you must both be proud of her( accountancy..good line to be in!!:D)

Sylvia...I've tried to look for a pattern..as in "sundowning"-I could say that today's episode was that..not sure..Now I'm around more maybe I'll notice more and it may form a pattern.

Traditionally morning was his worst time-before I went to work I'd have to fend off the endless questions and then leave him..mornings are very relaxed and mellow now-because I'm here I suppose-it's much nicer..

It's early days-our routine has changed-but will observe..thanks!!:)

Lots of love Gigi xx


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
Jan, congratulations to your daughter. I believe accountancy finals are very difficult to pass, so well done her!



Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Thanks all for references to our daughter - yes, we are very proud of her.

About the pattern of 'sundowning' - not sure if ours is consistent. At one stage the mornings were the most difficult, but strangely I think I have just become accustomed to the slowness and bad humour at this time. Now we have odd phases about 'where is Mother......' usually in the evening. But the reason may be that we are sitting together at this time in a more relaxed fashion. During the day I am usually bobbing about too and fro with less time to 'encourage' this strange behaviour. (Not sure if that makes sense (wine)).

Now I have said all that I feel guilty for 'bobbing around' during the day. Should I be encouraging more activity? - I think the answer in our case is 'no' because D just does not want to DO anything.

I have just asked 'shall we play a game' - 'do you want to do anything' - answer NO.

So I am sipping red wine, playing on laptop here, and maybe half watching rubbish tv.

How is it for the rest of you?

Love Jan
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