Hello my name is dee


New member
Apr 27, 2024
My mother has vascular dementia and due to her keep falling and ending in hospital she has now gone into a home .im pleased as I know she is safe and cared for ,but the devastation I feel to my mental health as I c my mum and friend disappear ,I feel scared to stop being busy with work ,grandchildren etc scared to stop and b quiet even for a moment as I feel a sense of panick so keep going ,when I visit mums always falling asleep so I can’t seem to get any interest from her is this normal ,so scared she’s going to disappear from me and I won’t get her back ,she was always so involved and interested in my life this has gone just blankness .what a sad disease


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Hello Dee, welcome to the club none of us wanted to join. You’ll find many folks here in a similar situation and feeling the same way.

I’m afraid that increasing drowsiness and lack of awareness are both common symptoms of dementia. Sadly dementia does gradually take our loved ones from us and we can’t get them back.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello Dee @Kingfisherl and firstly welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. We are a very friendly and supportive bunch of people with shared experience of the various aspects of dementia.

I am sorry to read about your Mother and the fact that she is now is a care home setting. I know how hard it is to have to make that decision, but as you rightly say, she is safe and well cared for 24/7, so do try to take some comfort from that. As has been said already, falling asleep and lack of awareness is quite common as the disease progresses. All I would encourage is try to cherish any good times, good moment, smiles etc. They may be few and far between, I understand.
Wishing you strength as you traverse this journey none of us ever wanted to be on.


Volunteer Moderator
May 9, 2012
south-east London
Welcome to Dementia Support Forum @Kingfisherl

You are right, it is a sad disease. Many on here will empathise when you say that you are scared to stop keeping yourself busy. I know that was exactly how I was when I was caring for my husband - the alternative of sitting and thinking about what was happening was far too overwhelming.

You will find understanding and support here. I know that being part of this forum helped me enormously and I know you will find it just as helpful.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
And welcome from me too, and has been said the club none of us want to join, but it is what it is, and we only post because we care for our loved ones and for others, be it carers or sufferers from whatever condition. K


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Please understand this bereavement and grief. Be kind to yourself.
We normally grieve for someone once they have passed but there is anticipatory grief which hits as our loved one slips away , sleeping less responsive etc

Thinking of you


New member
Apr 27, 2024
Please understand this bereavement and grief. Be kind to yourself.
We normally grieve for someone once they have passed but there is anticipatory grief which hits as our loved one slips away , sleeping less responsive etc

Thinking of you
Thanku all of u,just can’t believe this is happening to such a strong healthy women