

Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Good morning Everyone!

I had a good night until I dreamt that I'd returned from somewhere and found that my late mum, who passed away before dad, had come back and taken him out of the care home! I had a fruitless discussion with her and pretended to be dad on a bad day all to no avail then I woke up in my new flat! It was such a vivid dream.



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Good morning Everyone!

I had a good night until I dreamt that I'd returned from somewhere and found that my late mum, who passed away before dad, had come back and taken him out of the care home! I had a fruitless discussion with her and pretended to be dad on a bad day all to no avail then I woke up in my new flat! It was such a vivid dream.

morning @MaNaAk its weird where dreams come from. maybe doing too much before you went to bed and didnt wind down. you are processing the leaving of the house


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im so sorry @MaNaAk
Vivid dreams are often part of the grieving process.
Since your dad died you have had so much hassle with your brothers over the probate and house that I expect that you just havent had the mental space to grieve. Now that you are in your own place your brain can start to process that grief.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Thankyou you two. When mum was alive we used to talk about dreams quite a lot but this wasn't a thing that dad did until Alzheimers when he started saying I went to Malaysia! I hope that some day I'll be able to dream of him without Alzheimers.



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Thankyou you two. When mum was alive we used to talk about dreams quite a lot but this wasn't a thing that dad did until Alzheimers when he started saying I went to Malaysia! I hope that some day I'll be able to dream of him without Alzheimers.

it will come, its been a hard process with the house, invisibles and caring. you have had so much upheaval that that will need to be come to terms with along with grieving. my mum cancer had spread to her brain and she was like having dementia, but now i remember her dancing and particular songs she liked


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
I have really vivid dreams @manak and so did my dad. I am always looking for something that I can't find or trying to get somewhere that I never get to. I dreamed a few nights ago that I went to Nepal and when I got there I was taken straight to a desk and given my return ticket for a flight home that was about to leave. They told me that I had won a prize for having the shortest visit ever to Nepal and all I saw was the Airport. It was very disappointing.

Many years ago I dreamt that my husband took me to Rome and I thought it was wonderful of him but when we got there he said we wouldn't have time to see the city because we were only there for a couple of hours and we were going to listen to a talk being given by Nick Clegg. I remember that dream really vividly even now because it was so disappointing.

Dad mostly dreamt that he was onboard ship or in Australia and we used to tell each other our dreams and laugh about them.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i always get the dreams someone chasing me. it used to be the gestapo in germany wanted me[ im not jewish] and the horrors as i read so many of those books but now anyone can chase me and i meet with av sticky end or in pain. i wouldnt have minded yours @Duggies-girl though not much of a prize at nepal


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
i always get the dreams someone chasing me. it used to be the gestapo in germany wanted me[ im not jewish] and the horrors as i read so many of those books but now anyone can chase me and i meet with av sticky end or in pain. i wouldnt have minded yours @Duggies-girl though not much of a prize at nepal
I have had to go incognito before because people were after me. I remember being with a crowd of people and losing them on purpose by hiding in a hedge then I had to make my way to a railway station wearing a woolly hat as a disguise and everyone kept looking at me.

They are always a disappointment though because it doesn't matter how hard I try, in the dream I never get to where I are aiming for, either that or I spend the whole dream trying to hide.

I can see this being a long thread.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Usually after escaping from a war zone we would try to get back home by any means possible. After mum passed away I had a few nightmares of her with hospital delirium but this passed. I have dreamt of myself caring for dad but last night was rather horrifying!



Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
I haven't had to wear a woolly hat or escape from the gestapo though as I didn't always know who the enemy were! Also I haven't mum telling me that she was being chased by an ostrich and as a child I found this hilarious ?!

I could also go on and talk about mum and dad when they told each other that they were calling out!



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I haven't had to wear a woolly hat or escape from the gestapo though as I didn't always know who the enemy were! Also I haven't mum telling me that she was being chased by an ostrich and as a child I found this hilarious ?!

I could also go on and talk about mum and dad when they told each other that they were calling out!

my husband told me that i had called out another mans name. bit awkward but i didnt know anyone by that name and ive never looked at another man so what i was dreaming about is still a mystery to me.

Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
I have always had dreams that I remember in the morning...sometimes wake up from a horrible dream only to fall asleep again and pick up the same horrible dream! One relating to mum and dad that I had quite a few times ....I was with my mum and dad in their house (which had been sold) mum berating me for placing dad in a care home and going mad at me for sending all his clothes there and demanding that I get all their furniture back. Bizarrely dad was there with us in the house and so it made no sense however I put it down to the guilt I felt about mum dying suddenly so I couldn't say goodbye, having to reluctantly against their pre dementia wishes find a care home for dad and tricking him to get him there and selling the house without him knowing. Although the recurrent dream was very upsetting I also oddly found some small comfort that I 'saw' them together with me again and heard their voices. What a strange brain I have!


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
I have always had dreams that I remember in the morning...sometimes wake up from a horrible dream only to fall asleep again and pick up the same horrible dream! One relating to mum and dad that I had quite a few times ....I was with my mum and dad in their house (which had been sold) mum berating me for placing dad in a care home and going mad at me for sending all his clothes there and demanding that I get all their furniture back. Bizarrely dad was there with us in the house and so it made no sense however I put it down to the guilt I felt about mum dying suddenly so I couldn't say goodbye, having to reluctantly against their pre dementia wishes find a care home for dad and tricking him to get him there and selling the house without him knowing. Although the recurrent dream was very upsetting I also oddly found some small comfort that I 'saw' them together with me again and heard their voices. What a strange brain I have!
After mum passed away I dreamt about her as though she was still here and I still do except that now I dream that I am still caring for dad and sometimes we are both caring for dad!



Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Here's hoping you all get a good night's sleep without Alzheimers or ostriches chasing you (@jennifer1967, @lemonbalm, @Lovedadbut, @Duggies-girl). I've been to both Nepal and Italy and had lovely dreams of these places but I've been to my local town centre and dreamt about riots and woken up and gone back to sleep to dream about roots and how to get back home part two.



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Here's hoping you all get a good night's sleep without Alzheimers or ostriches chasing you (@jennifer1967, @lemonbalm, @Lovedadbut, @Duggies-girl). I've been to both Nepal and Italy and had lovely dreams of these places but I've been to my local town centre and dreamt about riots and woken up and gone back to sleep to dream about roots and how to get back home part two.

goodnight @MaNaAk lets see what dreams occur tonight.


Registered User
Nov 1, 2016
I tend to have vivid dreams when I am in a light sleep. If my bladder is letting me know that I need to go to the toilet, I always dream about being out or at school being chased and looking for a toilet which are always occupied or unusable in some way! Then I wake up dying for a wee!

Guess that’s TMI !

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
I dream most nights but usually only remember snippets, which are always weird and wonderful. I have remembered some dreams for a long time which were very upsetting. The saddest dream I had was probably 8 to 10 years ago . I dreamt my mother didn't have Alzheimer's, that she was back to herself but that this was only going to last an hour. I woke crying.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
I had a really strange dream a while ago. I was pushing a portaloo up this lane. It was a brand new white one. I had to keep pushing it onto the verge to let cars by then I started talking to some woman and I stepped back and knocked her big bag of compost over which knocked over her flower pots and I had to apologise and scoop all this compost back into the bag and put all her plants back in the pots.

When I had finished doing this I turned around and some kind person had brought my car to me and put the portaloo on the back seat (it's a french convertable) so I was very happy. I then drove it into town and my accelerator stuck and I shot through a red light and when I stopped and got out there were cameras on all the walls everywhere and they were all pointing at me. Then another woman offered me some cake which looked nice but tasted like sawdust.

Perhaps I need to go camping. It was one of those tall portaloos that you get on campsites and at festivals.

My husband never has dreams.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i have had a dream quite often that someone pushes me in a bed totally naked into an arena where there are loads of different people that look like from charles dickens times caricatures. i really am going to have to watch what im reading!!!