What a successful appointment


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
Since my husband came out of the Care Home and hospital, his walking has been quite bad. He has pain in his knee which I think started with a fall on the ice about four years ago. Before he went into the Care Home he wasn't too bad but did complain of pain occasionally. Since he came out, he has days where he can't walk much at all. I have encouraged him to walk as much as possible but was hoping I wasn't making it worse. Thanks to a poster here, I made an appointment with a physiotherapist. We have just got home and I feel so relieved that things look so good for the future. He showed OH some simple exercises to do and assessed his walking and standing-from-sitting movements. He was very encouraging. He said the Care Homes don't help with their mobility, they just use a hoist if necessary and don't help if mobility is being lost. He showed my husband a few things and suddenly he was more upright, walking better and slightly faster. Although OH felt that he was moving strangely, he wasn't and we just kept telling him that.

We just want to get out for some walks along the beach in the summer and now things are looking more hopeful.