Trying to get a passport - a rant!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
My bank Santander have a fairly new app - whenever I go on it now asks for my passport number as ID (it also says I can leave it for later). Also when the probate comes through from my Dad's will, it will be over the £86K? that each bank will cover you for, so ideally I'll need to move some elsewhere (passport number really needed for this). Also, my uncle and I will need to pay my late Aunt's 3 grandchildren their share of the proceeds from my dad's main residence (very complicated - joint tenancy severance wasn't signed). I'll have to do this by 3 'Chaps' payments - passport ideal for ID.

So I've applied online, paid my £88. Sent them my birth certificate. It looks like they're still doing interviews over zoom, so that's OK. I chose my late cousin's ex wife - she's a senior nurse I've known for 40 years to vouch for my identity. I know her by marriage of course, but I'm pretty sure they were divorced. Passport Office have texted me saying she doesnt meet the criteria. She may have clicked on she knows me by marriage.
I don't know anyone else who has a job or is retired from one that fits the official criteria. My next door neighbour used to work for a charity but she no longer has a passport so can't vouch for me.

It looks like I might have to complain to my MP - can't at the moment, there's an election on.
Born and lived in the UK all my life - no criminal record - can't get a passport....... ARGGGGGH!!!!

Rant over.
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Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I have/had an American mum/mom and an Irish dad (Republic not Northern Ireland) but I was born in England and didn't have a problem getting an English/UK passport.
I understood that you have the right to citizenship if you were born in a country whatever the circumstances. K


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Have you any connection with any school staff? As a headteacher I was often asked to sign passport forms. Just a thought.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
I have/had an American mum/mom and an Irish dad (Republic not Northern Ireland) but I was born in England and didn't have a problem getting an English/UK passport.
I understood that you have the right to citizenship if you were born in a country whatever the circumstances. K
The problem is you need someone to vouch for your identity (it's done by email now - they're shown your digital photo and confirm it's you).
The person who confirms your identity needs to have a job that fits the criteria.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Have you any connection with any school staff? As a headteacher I was often asked to sign passport forms. Just a thought.
I do have a new neighbour who is a teacher but she's only been here for 18 months (needs to be 2 years). I've never spoken to her, though.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Not much help as I can only verify you are a seagull, and known you for less than 2 years.

I was actually thinking about this the other day, that lots of people won't know someone suitable as you have to know them as a friend and not in a professional capacity.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2020
@Neveradullday! Some of the jobs criteria can be quite broad, eg civil servant or local government officer would include anyone working as a clerical officer or admin officer. Many years ago I worked as an administrative officer with the DWP and I was able to countersign passport applications to confirm ID for friends.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
@Neveradullday! Some of the jobs criteria can be quite broad, eg civil servant or local government officer would include anyone working as a clerical officer or admin officer. Many years ago I worked as an administrative officer with the DWP and I was able to countersign passport applications to confirm ID for friends.
The thing is, @Andy54 , I don't know anyone who fits the bill. Neighbours I know don't. I've been caring 24/7 for 3.5 years so don't get out much!
Maybe one of the people we say hello to on our walks fits one of the professions, I don't know.
Any outside contacts can dwindle to nothing, too.
That's life, as someone used to say.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Maybe one of the people we say hello to on our walks fits one of the professions, I don't know.
You've got nothing to lose to ask them.

It doesn't have to be someone you still see regularly, is there someone in your past that you know who might fit the bill and be prepared to do it.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
Doesn't the Post Office have an identity verification service for passport applications or is that just for renewals?


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
😬😬😬😡😡😡😬😬😬 looking at it it says ‘someone of good standing’ - one of the team leads at your local Tesco is definitely worth asking I think.

Ive done quite a few in my time…I don’t have exactly one of those jobs listed but have fitted that bill.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
You've got nothing to lose to ask them.

It doesn't have to be someone you still see regularly, is there someone in your past that you know who might fit the bill and be prepared to do it.
I'll have to put my thinking cap on. I have known a couple of managers in my time - one's now dead, the other I've got no idea where they are.
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Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
😬😬😬😡😡😡😬😬😬 looking at it it says ‘someone of good standing’ - one of the team leads at your local Tesco is definitely worth asking I think.

Ive done quite a few in my time…I don’t have exactly one of those jobs listed but have fitted that bill.
That may be an idea - plan c perhaps.


Registered User
Dec 16, 2020
What about applying for a voter authority certificate, would that help? You need to be on electoral roll and have national insurance number?
Your original post was about Santander. Maybe contact them and see if you can do ID any other way?
Best wishes and remember the rule, 10 minutes of admin, then have a cup of tea.