So sad


New member
Apr 30, 2024
My husband has prostate cancer and now has mixed vascular dementia ‘ I cannot understand how this has happened so quickly he worked off shore all his life ‘ now I look at him he is like a stranger lost so much weight and is completely confused not knowing who I am lots of the time ‘ by evening he asks me to get him a taxi to go home he doesn’t no he live here anymore ‘ he sees things that are not there and just sits nearly all day it’s his eyes closed ‘ I am heart broken and do not no what to do anymore

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Hesther

My husband used to want to go home most evenings. Most of the time I managed to persuade him to wait for the morning but it was tough I know.

Do you have family nearby? If you do and they are willing to help, let them.

Also, apply for a carers assessment and see what help and support you are entitled to from the services.



Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Just a hello and welcome from me, Grannie G's link is very useful. Such a shame we all have to meet this way. K