mixed dementia

  1. C

    Practical ideas needed forgetting to use walking aid

    Mums mixed dementia has been a gradual decline in cognitive ability and memory. However it's her poor mobility which is causing more issues now. She's used the same walking aid for about a year and is not safe to walk without it. Problem now is she's forgetting to use it. Finding herself stuck...
  2. R

    Refusing to go to bed

    Hi. My mum has Alz and Vasc dementia. She sleeps a lot in the afternoon and is not very engaged or active in the day. By 4pm she is in her armchair for the evening. At 10pm when carers come in to help her change for bed, she is reluctant, and can even refuse some nights. It takes about an hour...
  3. B

    Parents with dementia

    Good evening, I'm trying to support my elderly parents who have mixed dementia and vascular dementia. How will i know when they will need 24 hr care? 🙏
  4. S

    Speed of loss of recognition?

    Hello all I know there’s no answer to this as everyone is different but I’m wondering if anyone’s experience might help me come to terms with this…. My lovely husband has moderate mixed dementia (vascular and Alzheimer’s) and hasn’t seemed to recognise anyone other than me for a long time...
  5. J

    Recent diagnosis for one and awaiting a diagnosis for the other.

    Hi everyone, I’m currently going through a rough time with my grandparents. One has just been diagnosed with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s and we’re awaiting a diagnosis for the other. Theres been so much change over the last few month, from them being fully independent, to having to...
  6. S

    Diagnosis finally in!

    So Mum has finally got her long awaited diagnosis - Alzheimers/Mixed dementia at a moderate to severe stage. None of the medications are deemed suitable as she now has bradycardia and heart failure. Whilst waiting she has moved into a care home due to her condition so really the final diagnosis...
  7. Calon Lan


    Hi everyone, I have been reading posts on this forum for a few years but I have finally decided to register and add my first post. I have been primary carer for my 90 year old mum for just over four years. She was diagnosed with mixed Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia in 2019, but had signs and...
  8. J

    Is the end near?

    My dear mum is 84 with mixed Alzheimers and Vascular Dementia. She is in a lovely NH where the staff all love her to bits. Over the last few weeks she appears to have been having multiple cerebral events, each one causing her to decline further mentally. They also have led to her being very...
  9. M

    Desperate for help

    Hello I feel like I'm falling apart 🥲 My Mum has vascular dementia and Alzheimer's. She has always smoked but in recent months her smoking has escalated to the point where she was buying and smoking around 5 packs per day . She will literally smoke a packet then as soon as that packet is...
  10. A

    Overwhelmed with imminently moving dad into care

    My dad has been diagnosed with parkinson’s and mixed dementia (parkinson’s dementia and alzheimers) as well as a benign brain tumour. Mum died a year ago and with the help of a care company we have kept dad at home. This has become unmanageable and increasingly unsafe. We have made the decision...
  11. S

    Husband refusing to eat dinners

    My husband has vascular dementia and alzheimers. He hasn't eaten meat for 40 years but always enjoyed different sorts of fish and liked Quorn/Linda McCartney type vegetarian meals. He has never liked much in the way of vegetables. Lately he us refusing to eat more than a few mouthfuls of the...
  12. T

    Accessing the right care home

    My Mum was placed in a residential home from hospital. She has since been diagnosed with mixed dementia and needs more suitable care. Probably nursing care? We have visited several homes, but there seems to be differences of opinion between social services, the mental health teams and the care...
  13. M

    new member

    Hello i am marilyn and my mum has mixed dementia she was diagnosed in january of this year at this moment in time she is in complete denial and refusing any help
  14. V

    Mixed dementia diagnosis

    Taken Mum for her diagnosis appointment this morning and she has been diagnosed with mixed alzheimers and mized vascular dementia. We have been advised to have carers in as mum lives alone. do an LPA and think about assisted living. Mum doesnt think we need any help but we are hoping she will...
  15. H

    So sad

    My husband has prostate cancer and now has mixed vascular dementia ‘ I cannot understand how this has happened so quickly he worked off shore all his life ‘ now I look at him he is like a stranger lost so much weight and is completely confused not knowing who I am lots of the time ‘ by evening...
  16. N

    Power of Attorney and wills

    I’m finding all this confusing about power of attorney. My husband has already been diagnosed with vascular dementure and Altzimers . My question is which one do we need to do as he can’t do it himself and do we both need a will?
  17. K

    Making contact

    Hi, I'm Kathy, aged 72, my husband Mike aged 80 has just been diagnosed with mixed dementia. We live in Pembrokeshire. Are there any local support groups that meet in person please?
  18. K

    Care home - when?

    My mum’s recently diagnosed with mixed dementia. My dad died suddenly and unexpectedly last year and my mum lives 100 miles from family. We realised immediately that she had serious memory problems and she’s had a live in carer since. She hates being in her home (which she doesn’t recognise...
  19. A

    What does the end look like?

    This is my first, and I’ll say…and a very difficult post. My mom has Lewy Body dementia and Vascular dementia and has been in hospital for the past 3 months. She barely ate anything over the past 3 months, and has a catheter. During the 3 months she has been in bed and has a massive bed sore on...
  20. M

    Local Dementia Carers

    Hi there, my Dad has been diagnosed with Mixed Dementia Alzheimer & Vascular this year which is sad for us all, he has a daily visit from multiple carers from a local agency to help with his existing diabetes medication, but we would like to improve that by trying to find a dementia specialist /...