Our magic bitter sweet moments 🥰🥰🥰


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Applies to all some large organisations.
Yes, I'm sure there must be a survey somewhere comparing the best and worst of these organisations. Actually, I remember Plusnet used to have good customer service (an offshoot of BT?). Talk talk always had dreadful reviews.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
BT, Thames Water and Lloyds Bank all on my black list 😬😬😬

They have sent me a 4G hub - I wonder if that gets round their need to pay compensation???

They were meant to call me today to advise about sorting it out but I received a text instead saying they would advise me when there was news 😡😡😡

Anyway I am glad I know myself well and a day of work was good therapy away from all the POA and Christmas stresses…..as for Christmas Day I am wondering about doing a Dawn French and perhaps joining mum in her room for lunch ( she’s not up these days until after lunch) and then keeping family happy by going to them 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ But if I am in meltdown mode even that will be too much 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
BT, Thames Water and Lloyds Bank all on my black list 😬😬😬

They have sent me a 4G hub - I wonder if that gets round their need to pay compensation???

They were meant to call me today to advise about sorting it out but I received a text instead saying they would advise me when there was news 😡😡😡

Anyway I am glad I know myself well and a day of work was good therapy away from all the POA and Christmas stresses…..as for Christmas Day I am wondering about doing a Dawn French and perhaps joining mum in her room for lunch ( she’s not up these days until after lunch) and then keeping family happy by going to them 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ But if I am in meltdown mode even that will be too much 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
maybe ask for an open invitation so you can do what you like and when.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thankfully a good day today …..before all the official festivities.

I managed to get in the walk I had planned for Thursday and enjoyed a spontaneous Christmas sing song in the home. I did find it hilarious that one of the younger carers innocently remarked that all the songs were about Jesus 🙈🙈🤣🤣 …..altho there was a bizarre one about Grandma being knocked over and killed by a reindeer 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I think it’s meant to be amusing but didn’t feel so in a room of Grandma’s and Grandpa’s 🙈🙈

We (well I ) wrapped the presents I did manage to get, ….I also dropped off a card at some friends who have been faithful in texting but evidently not understanding that I haven’t not wanted to see them…but been unable to…….

No idea of any schedule for the next few days from my siblings….so I shall just do what I have been doing ….and going each day with what I feel able at the time…..


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Thanks all for your birthday wishes. It was lovely to wake up and see the messages. I hadn’t really planned the day and so went with the flow….enjoyed a morning walk and then took mum for a push to visit a good friend who lives close to the home. My sister came down in the evening and we enjoyed A takeaway and good old fashioned game of scrabble. I used to play quite often with mum and dad so it was good to open up the board again 😊 mum played on my sisters team and is not with it enough to realise she wasn’t actually playing … but enjoyed being ‘part of it’.She shocked us all at the end by finding a word and put it in the right place.

After all the festivities she’s been super tired and spent all day yesterday in bed. Worried the staff as it was the first time here but I wasn’t surprised and a rest day was quite overdue. She made it out of bed just for lunch today and was washed just in time for supper 🤣🤣

Her car got towed away this morning 😭😭 I had a little cry. So many lovely memories tied up with it. I wanted to shout ‘no leave it’ but managed to restrain myself 🙈🙈 hugely symbolic of a stage finished and gone forever 😭😭

My energies for Christmas remain zero ….presents unbought and cards not written …oh dear
Ditto on the Christmas enthusiasm levels, no cards or presents bought in the main apart from mum's and a solitary gift for my eldest's family. Nice to hear you've spent some quality time with mum though and a scrabble queen as well eh? You continue to impress me lass haha! Our family game was Monopoly but I would cheat quite often by hiding monies in various places around the house ;)


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
It’s been a tough 24 hours - not all bad but quite a few tears nonetheless…..so rather than bore you with the details I shall share with you a story ‘ The Christmas Sock’….which is a story only dementia carers will fully appreciate

One Christmas morning there was a frazzled carer who decided to put on a pair of very lovely socks as a special touch for Christmas Day. They were new and soft - so excited to wear them was she - they were rejected for Christmas Eve and kept especially for the big day.

This frazzled carer arrived at the care home to find her mum midst personal care. But as she had been woken early by the home’ Christmas elf the mum was a little tired and was refusing to walk to the bathroom. So she was standing by the side of the bed having a wash and being generally taken care of. The mum having been in bed for 14 hours then did a wee - not all of it which was caught by the staff member hastily sticking a pad in. Much wee landed on the carpet. ( Frazzled carer has noted wees often end up on the carpet but there is never any smell 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️). Staff trot off and mum and frazzled carer dutifully make required Face Time calls.

one hour later mum decides she now can walk and requests to be taken to the toilet. Frazzled carer helps mum onto the toilet where the Niagra falls emerge. Good job mum 👏 Frazzled carer goes to the chest of drawers to replace trousers and pants which have lasted all of an hour…..and YULCHHHH!!! FRAZZLED CARER WITHOUT SHOES STANDS IN THE REMNANT WEE 😱😱🤣🤣

well nothing stops a frazzled carer- with one sopping sock she returns To the bathroom where mum in anticipation of lunch ….goes within the hour from being unable to walk to practically leaping off the loo to get to Christmas lunch.

Frazzled carer wonders what she will do with one sopping wee covered sock. Being quite resourceful she removes both socks. Washes the wee soaked one and hangs it on the sink. She borrows a pair of mum’s and drives off to fulfill family responsibilities….desperately wishing she could have stayed and enjoyed the company of her new friends with d.

She returns a couple of hours later, Mum is happily fed - has enjoyed her lunch rather oblivious she should really have had family with her and is now having her dressings changed for Christmas Day. Frazzled carer goes to the bathroom - HORROR - the drying sock has gone 😱😱

OH no!! Frazzled carer realises what has happened. Helpful cleaner has put Christmas sock in red bag with wet trousers and pants …and it’s gone …yes …it’s gone….to the LAUNDRY….WITHOUT A LABEL ON 😱😱 The special Christmas sock has gone unlabelled to the carehome washing machine monster …..never ever to emerge again!!!

well this frazzled carer is not going to lose her Christmas sock so easily…..she finds dry one left on the chair and goes for a hunt……she knocks on an unlabelled door …and yes she gets a special Christmas Day tour of the laundry 🤣🤣🤣 3 big washers and 2 big driers…..all whirling away! Who could have asked for more! She resists the excitement of taking photos but enjoys seeing the workhorse in action. frazzled carer has noted with amazement how a nightie can be taken off at 9pm and put in laundry bag…to be returned at lunchtime the next day 😱😱 how does that happen!!!??

Frazzled carer being so amazed at the above turnaround has dutifully complimented laundry staff and is on first name turns…so the lovely Judit is more than happy to take Christmas sock lonely dry mate and promises to look out and return them together…

Part 2 is to come……will the Christmas socks be reunited and returned to room 21 tomorrow…..

happy Christmas to you all …


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Registered User
Apr 17, 2023
Haha very well told....a mix of a heartbreak drama story (will the sock find its partner and both find their way home safely?!!) and an adventure tale (action in the face of adversity and a tour of a new magical land - the laundry room!)

Well done for facing the day head on, a toughie im sure in many ways Xx

Been less adventurous these parts....although i did buy mum new socks for xmas and hers have a habit of disappearing so there will likely be a sock abduction to report in a few weeks...!


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Hope your Care Home doesn’t have a ‘Sock Monster’ (Terry Pratchett Disc World Series). Most of them do though- will also wait for next instalment with hope.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Ooh is the sock monster actually a thing in Terry Pratchett? 🤣🤣

No sign yet…but I imagine things slightly slow on a bank hol!

Ive managed things better by sticking to what I knew I could manage. I had some down time before Seeing mum…..we then had a family walk which was ok.

I joined mum for lunch (taking my own food - care home food isn’t really my thing) but it didn’t tick the box. I think every so often I need to take in a meal and we eat together like a ‘normal family’. We did that for the birthdays and it worked well. There is a private dining room, but the team seem happy for us to use the usual one outside of meal times. Perhaps at new year 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I’m keen to do these things whilst mum is still able….

Back to work tomorrow- a bit of focus but hopefully not too much to do!


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Sick Monster in Disc world, yes definitely, it’s mentioned in a couple of them. No sure about the first earlier one, maybe Small Gods, but also in Unseen Accademicals (I’ve recently re read). Family New Year meal at the Hone sounds great idea.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh I forgot to say I saw mum in full dementia ‘working’ mode at lunch so there was some benefit in going.

There is quite an unsettled chap who paces up and down, and stands at the baby gate staring at you. He wasn’t settling for lunch today and kept standing up. Mum bless her kept gently putting her arm on his and saying ‘sit down, and have your lunch‘ 🥰🥰🥰 I’m glad I got to see that. He’s also wearing Dads PJ’s - carer told me he didn’t have any…I was going to take this nearly new pair to charity (2.5 yrs later 🙈🙈) - lovely to see them being worn!

Oh and the lady who paces was caught red handed pouring water on another chaps bed 🤣🤣


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Oh I forgot to say I saw mum in full dementia ‘working’ mode at lunch so there was some benefit in going.

There is quite an unsettled chap who paces up and down, and stands at the baby gate staring at you. He wasn’t settling for lunch today and kept standing up. Mum bless her kept gently putting her arm on his and saying ‘sit down, and have your lunch‘ 🥰🥰🥰 I’m glad I got to see that. He’s also wearing Dads PJ’s - carer told me he didn’t have any…I was going to take this nearly new pair to charity (2.5 yrs later 🙈🙈) - lovely to see them being worn!

Oh and the lady who paces was caught red handed pouring water on another chaps bed 🤣🤣
What a lovely post, the last paragraph made me burst out laughing. 😆


Registered User
Apr 17, 2023
Oh I forgot to say I saw mum in full dementia ‘working’ mode at lunch so there was some benefit in going.

There is quite an unsettled chap who paces up and down, and stands at the baby gate staring at you. He wasn’t settling for lunch today and kept standing up. Mum bless her kept gently putting her arm on his and saying ‘sit down, and have your lunch‘ 🥰🥰🥰 I’m glad I got to see that. He’s also wearing Dads PJ’s - carer told me he didn’t have any…I was going to take this nearly new pair to charity (2.5 yrs later 🙈🙈) - lovely to see them being worn!

Oh and the lady who paces was caught red handed pouring water on another chaps bed 🤣🤣
Also laughed at that last paragraph.

I have a mental image of someone caught in the act and feigning innocence


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
"the lady who paces" - now that's a great title for a novel right there! 😊
‘The Lady Who Paces’…..oh definitely a novel…..in fact that has got my mind wandering ……u could write a book based on a care home with a Short story detailing the life of each person and how that is now being manifested….


a soap opera ……there was almost a fight yesterday when one lady told the lady on one to one that her hair ‘looked like a birds nest’……we think it was slight deafness which may have prevented a fist blow there 🙈🙈

and indeed a romance is brewing on the second floor …but having read other posts about the spouses left at home that is not something to mention lightly and without potential pain 😢😢

In my current novella ‘ The Christmas Sock’ the plot is twisting and turning into a science fiction fantasy…..because indeed after 48 hours the socks returned to mum’s top drawer, nicely washed, folded and labelled in mum’s name 🤣🤣👍👍 so we now have a goodie working against the sock monster….put your pile of odd socks into a red bag here….wait 48 hours and the machine will pair, wash and label them 🤣🤣

In other news mum has been shattered and taken to her bed but appears to be chirping up slowly. She gets very frightened when being rolled so the poor carers are finding their clothes are being stretched as she clings on for dear life 😢😢 I’m glad theyve got to know her cheery side tho as they are very compassionate to her despite her shrieks and screams….

And thanks to @nitram I emailed ceo of BT and have been passed to an ‘executive complaints team’….I spoke to a lovely lady who says she will ring me back next week and all should be resolved….


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Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Gosh ,….emailing the BT man at the top…just noticed my broadband has suddenly been restored 😱😱 so much for 10 days…..the lady I spoke to today said nothing had been done ….she clearly had the magic button 😀😀