Our magic bitter sweet moments 🥰🥰🥰


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Exciting day for us - mums new wheels arrived! After cogitating for a while we have bought an all terrain wheelchair with mountain bike wheels!!! 🦽🦽 we love to go into the country ( we like to geocache!) and I often have to leave her as the terrain gets too rocky or bumpy. If you encounter an old lady sat in a wheelchair on her own on a footpath it’s bound to be mum!! We’re hoping this new mean machine will allow her to spread her wings a little!

I don’t think my pushing skills will have got her up this hill to see todays wildlife - but she should see more of the countryside 🥰🥰

in other news I completely failed in my allotted POA task as took the wrong paperwork to the bank 🙈🙈

and sorry to those eating healthy - as we’re by the sea it was fish and chips night!!!
fish and chips by the sea is the best thing to eat. blow the healthy eating.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
The new wheelchair, @sdmhred ,sounds like a decent bit of kit. I wonder if they have them with an electric motor (much like you can get with lawn mowers, now) - would make pushing even easier. The mountain bike wheels sound ideal.

Excellent photos again.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Felt blessed today to have such a lovely walk whilst mum slept this morning. Was feeling a little anxious about all the ‘what ifs’ so enjoyed plodding them away & concentrating on the present. I don’t take it for granted that she’s still able to make the transition back to her home to enjoy the coast.

plenty of energy this afternoon to take the new wheelchair for a push. One bonus of nighttime incontinence is more sleep - last night mum again didn’t wake at all - so used to having only 3 hours at a time. A full nights sleep is in my mind a fair exchange for washing a kylie sheet and damp nightie 🙈🙈

New wheelchair much better to push and mum said it was a smooth ride 😀😀 electric motors….not a bad thought…..will have to take a look


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Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Hi @sdmhred ,
Yes, it throws you when the PWD has a moment of "relevance". My OH sang with a local "operatic society" that put on musicals twice a year, and then she changed and sang with a pro-am opera company (with Covent Garden chorus members taking leading parts) for about 25 years, but a long time ago.

Whilst we were watching the Coronation concert, Andrea Bocelli (tenor) came on and sang "You'll Never Walk Alone" (from the musical Carousel ), and my OH who seemed to be half dozing, sat up and said quite forcefully, "I don't think much of his voice for that song!" 🤣
Now that's one sharp lady! Love these moments, mum still continues to surprise me with occasional periods of context albeit usually to pull me on something ;)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I used to cook "magic meals" when the children were little
No, not that sort
They were meals made up out of leftovers - meals conjured up out of nothing!
When they asked what was for dinner, a "magic meal" sounded exciting
Fish on Fridays were a given - spam, chips (cooked in lard), omelette, scrambled eggs, bacon and beans during the week and maybe a roast dinner on the Sunday. My dad used to do toast on the gas fire burner with a fork through the grill for our breakfast. Amazing what you can remember eh?


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Quite right @jennifer1967 they taste so much better by the sea too!
A day trip out with mum and I mean all day during the summer, the climax of which was chips on the front. How she managed with four kids... wowser! We never had a holiday away but she worked very hard to make those school holidays special 💚


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Transition day today - travel back from mum’s to mine. For me it’s tiring - clean/pack, drive, unpack plus the usual caring - dress, wash, food etc.

it’s also a bit sad for both of us. We love it by the coast - so peaceful and relaxing. Sad for mum that due to the lack of rural carers her diagnosis left her no choice to leave. She’d always wanted to live by the sea and only managed 9 years taking second fiddle to Dad. When we first went back for hols she struggled to leave but now comes along happily with a half love lie that we can come back at the weekend.

Its always bizarre what pops up though- last time she was worried where the long dead dog was and today wanted to know if her long dead dad had house keys ok.

Now we’re back the last week is already forgotten- she told me she had enjoyed her day trip to the countryside.

In other news I have completely mucked up by vegetable box delivery and have a glut of cauliflowers (never liked them as remember Dad over boiling them to nothing) and asparagus which i have always seen as too posh for me 🤣🤣I shall need to unlearn these prejudices!!!


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Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Our Dutch friends make what for them is a traditional meal at the start and end of the asparagus season (and possibly in between, as well!) - and it's very simple. You get some good ham - a slice or two each - with boiled new potatoes, boiled or steamed asparagus, a soft boiled egg cut in two, and when serving cover with melted butter. I recommend it, but, of course, it helps if you like asparagus!


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I like asparagus, but only buy the british stuff because of the flavour. Its quite expensive, but the british season is short, so we eat it as a treat.
I like it with boiled new potatoes, salmon fillet (cook it for a couple of minutes in a microwave) and hollandaise sauce (buy it in a jar). I steam the asparagus so that the tip doesnt go mushy.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I like asparagus, but only buy the british stuff because of the flavour. Its quite expensive, but the british season is short, so we eat it as a treat.
I like it with boiled new potatoes, salmon fillet (cook it for a couple of minutes in a microwave) and hollandaise sauce (buy it in a jar). I steam the asparagus so that the tip doesnt go mushy.
I tip my hat to you chef 👩‍🍳 Went to Aldi today and the asparagus ranged from £0.99 to £2.09 really good stuff too ;) I've been keeping it fairly local shopping-wise and hadn't been for a while, only went in at mum's urging. Will be going back next week!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I've only tried asparagus once, a few years ago, @sdmhred , I was not impressed.
I've got to say that 2nd photo is GOOD!!!
Thank you for the photo compliment 😀 I was struck by the abundance of white bluebells. Location will need to stay top secret due to the increase in all sorts of liberating recently reported 😁😁
During covid I did a short blog and photos of my day - it was good to record my day that way - I miss it!!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Transition day today - travel back from mum’s to mine. For me it’s tiring - clean/pack, drive, unpack plus the usual caring - dress, wash, food etc.

it’s also a bit sad for both of us. We love it by the coast - so peaceful and relaxing. Sad for mum that due to the lack of rural carers her diagnosis left her no choice to leave. She’d always wanted to live by the sea and only managed 9 years taking second fiddle to Dad. When we first went back for hols she struggled to leave but now comes along happily with a half love lie that we can come back at the weekend.

Its always bizarre what pops up though- last time she was worried where the long dead dog was and today wanted to know if her long dead dad had house keys ok.

Now we’re back the last week is already forgotten- she told me she had enjoyed her day trip to the countryside.

In other news I have completely mucked up by vegetable box delivery and have a glut of cauliflowers (never liked them as remember Dad over boiling them to nothing) and asparagus which i have always seen as too posh for me 🤣🤣I shall need to unlearn these prejudices!!!
I don't envy you the travelling and prep work @sdmhred and yes it's so unfair that services are unable to cater to your mum's needs, a total nonsense to my mind. Regardless I have no doubts you managed to give her a special week :) Yep mum always 'cooked' her vegetables very well haha, hmm they were very collapsible. Cauli? Another one of my all time faves, asparagus is mighty fine - I did have my prejudices but my ex wife convinced me to partake at some point. Never looked back :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Our Dutch friends make what for them is a traditional meal at the start and end of the asparagus season (and possibly in between, as well!) - and it's very simple. You get some good ham - a slice or two each - with boiled new potatoes, boiled or steamed asparagus, a soft boiled egg cut in two, and when serving cover with melted butter. I recommend it, but, of course, it helps if you like asparagus!
Mouth watering @Chizz. Feed me!!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thanks @Chizz and @canary for the asparagus suggestions 😀😀 I shall put some ham on the shopping list and already have salmon in the freezer 😀 I’ve never microwaved salmon - that’s a time saver!

Today has been a much needed quiet day - just a brief trip to our local beauty spot for a coffee and picnic dinner,….although we did find mum’s new wheels meant she could explore more than before 😀😀🦽🦼

Got quite culinary with my asparagus- we had some in rice salad and have prepped an asparagus quiche for tomorrow. As for the cauliflower nipped into the shop for milk and forgot the katsu sauce which I thought I might try with it 🙈🙈

Tomorrow is work 😢😢 I enjoy my clients but management and processes are awful. Oh and mum’s GP has announced she is visiting after her recent illness 😬😬 I should be greatful but am a little nervous - feel like my caring will be ‘watched’.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Thanks @Chizz and @canary for the asparagus suggestions 😀😀 I shall put some ham on the shopping list and already have salmon in the freezer 😀 I’ve never microwaved salmon - that’s a time saver!

Today has been a much needed quiet day - just a brief trip to our local beauty spot for a coffee and picnic dinner,….although we did find mum’s new wheels meant she could explore more than before 😀😀🦽🦼

Got quite culinary with my asparagus- we had some in rice salad and have prepped an asparagus quiche for tomorrow. As for the cauliflower nipped into the shop for milk and forgot the katsu sauce which I thought I might try with it 🙈🙈

Tomorrow is work 😢😢 I enjoy my clients but management and processes are awful. Oh and mum’s GP has announced she is visiting after her recent illness 😬😬 I should be greatful but am a little nervous - feel like my caring will be ‘watched’.
I know that feeling. Your care for your mum is second to none of that I have no doubts but I'm aware that we as carers can often feel 'insecure' about such visits. The stuff you do is totally amazing @sdmhred, nothing but admiration for your achievements!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I’m glad to hear my musings cheer you @Knitandpurl 😀 One thing that i really enjoy about this site is connecting with people of all ages and backgrounds- folk I would never usually come across- but this positive side of the ‘dementia club’ is so enriching.

my work day started with a shock as alarm clock user error 🙈🙈 led to me waking up 23 mins before the laptop was due on 😱😱 Thankfully no early calls received so I was able to ‘come to’ before my first meeting! No work shockers which was a relief, and a good visit this afternoon to a lovely person who is too anxious to leave their house - each week we go for a short walk going further down the road. Also relieved that mum still ok on her own for a couple of hours. As the dementia has progressed she seems just to sit and watch the TV in my absence - my CCTV provides great peace of mind 😀😀

She aced the GP appt - I was so proud 🥰🥰 Came over as a lovely sweet old lady (which she is) but duly forgot she had been away and 3 times told the doctor how well she was being looked 😀😀 All observations normal and blood taken. We’ve been left with a respect form - and for us to discuss what treatment or not she would want in the event of a heart attack or stroke!

As soon as 5pm hits, the alarm goes again and we pile into the car with a picnic tea to sit at a local beauty spot 😀😀

After all that - im done - so it’s a TV night!