Losing ability to use telephone


Registered User
Oct 5, 2023
It's great to have neighbours support, but I feel so guilty it's not me there to help!
Don't feel guilty.. you have your reasons and I'm sure, if you could, you would live closer. We live so far away because we couldn't afford to buy a house where we lived and had no choice but to look up north where it's so much cheaper. Even though Dad lives in Wales, it's in mid-Wales and we can't afford to buy in his area. Plus my husband at nearly 60, needed to stay with his job and get a transfer but there were no depots in Wales.. that was the first area we looked at, to try to be closer to him. So as much as we want to, sometimes there are things beyond our control which mean that even with the best of intention, unfortunately we can't always live near our loved ones.


Registered User
Aug 8, 2007
My husband has never been good with technology and even though he has a very simple mobile with an emergency button which calls my number, he doesn't want to bother with it. He can answer incoming calls but no longer knows how to make outgoing ones. I just get scared about what he'd do and what would happen if I suddenly got ill!
If you are worried that, in the event of you being taken ill, nobody would realise that he needed checking on, how about carrying a letter on you at all times saying something like “URGENT - ADULT SAFEGUARDING - I am the principal carer of Mr XY who lives alone at [address] and has dementia - in the event of me becoming ill or injured, please arrange for Social Services or the police or……..to make a welfare visit to his home”.


Registered User
Mar 5, 2023
My mum who has Alzheimer's so slowly losing the ability is understand how to speak into the telephone. She presses buttons and accidentally puts it down etc. Its ok with supervision on her end from my Dad but I don't think it will be long before this method of communication isn't so accessible.

The trouble is I don't live very close and regular visits just aren't a viable option. What did others do in this situation, did you just end up not being able to talk to you loved ones very often? It seems a sad reality.
@JessN12 hello. my mother is in a care home but in a similar situation. She isnt able to use a phone but also when she was she would call me obsessively. I put a Blink Mini Camera in her room (requires wifi to setup). I can look in on her whenever, and it allows two way communication through the Blink app. She doesn’t have to do anything to answer/receive the call. Other family members can have access as well by downloading the app. Even though she can’t “call” me on it, I am always able to see and “call” to her. Hope this helps, especially being far away.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2024
That sounds like a brilliant bit of kit, thanks for sharing it with me. I've never heard of one, but will definitely look at getting one.
Thanks again.

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