GP Reviews


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
Thank goodness you rang 111 and that, even if it was for the wrong reason, you went to the hospital. Down side as you say is for a dementia patient a hospital stay can be a very negative experience. Although we'll looked after my husband didn't cope very well. No excuse for the way your surgery and GP treated you.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@jay6 That is such an awful experience for you both. I hope that your husband recovers well. In the meantime I would be inclined to write to the practice manager and explain what happened and that you are not happy with his treatment.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Update. Husband was been discharged 4 days ago. Called into G.P.'s surgery as impossible to get through on phone, to say think he may need more antibiotics as weeping again. Got ring back few hours later to say the discharge letter said he has another course of antibiotics, I said he hadn't, so they checked the discharge medication list and surprise, surprise. None on there. So had to mess around back to surgery to pick them up following day (12 mile round trip) District nurse apparently called Tues while I got him to memory matters, (only once a week IF I'm lucky and it's a real struggle as he's almost house bound.)They've now said if I can get him out to the memory matters, then I can get him to surgery for dressings. I told her it takes about 30 mins just to get him to the car, but made no difference. Not that they were much good anyway as none of them picked up the infection or cellulitis. (2 different nurses on each 3 visits) Why is it my job to struggle to get a partially disabled person into the car?
So yet again It's all down to ME!!!!!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
the doctor will pick up on him going out and want him to go to the surgery. i fought hard to get on the housebound list as i have chronic pain. i wont jeopodise that now or compromise