vascular dementia

  1. L

    Hi I am new to this Forum and looking for so much advice

    Hello My husband as been diagnosed with vascular dementia, and like a lot of people i am not sure I’m doing it right This Forum as been so useful answering questions that I am looking for
  2. L

    Vascula dementia

    Hi im Tracey im a carer for my mum, shes 87 had a stroke 5 years ago which resulted in vascula dementia, she refuses carers goes nuts when i mention it, but she is phoning first thing and demanding her pills, there isnt a pill she takes that makes any difference, but she has got it in her...
  3. P

    Vascular Dementia

    Hello All, My mother had been diagnosed with vascular dementia since June 2020, when she suffered a stroke. She's now a totally a bedbound patient has 2 carers attending her 4 times a day. She has been provided with a hospital pressure bed to avoid bed sores from happening. She is in this...
  4. M

    Vascular dementia

    How do we tell our mum her diagnosis is vascular dementia, most likely in the middle stages, when she says it's us that's crazy!!! And does not remember what she does at night
  5. J

    Continuing health care removed after being fast tracked 6 months previously

    My mother has vascular dementia & been in care home for 4 years. Following a fall broke her hip & spent 3 weeks in hospital with partial repair. Consultant told me unlikely any mobility would return & she would be needing nursing care in future. Subsequently a community nurse referred Mum to be...
  6. B


    Good morning, I’m new to the dementia forum. My name is Bill and I care for my partner who has vascular dementia.
  7. A

    Good days and bad days

    Can anyone please tell me if this is a common trait with Vascular Dementia. My partner, diagnosed nearly 4 years ago, has good days and bad days, but the bad days are very bad and when he has good days he appears almost normal. During the bad days he is seriously confused and delusional all...
  8. L

    Mum needs a care home but selling house will leave my brother homeless

    Hi Hoping someone can offer some experience on care home funding. My Mum lives in South Gloucestershire with my brother, who has lived with Mum his entire life and has been her official carer for at least the last five years. She's been diagnosed with vascular dementia on top of numerous...
  9. L

    Vascular dementia

    Hello. My name is Paul. I have recently been diagnosed with vascular dementia and am frankly terrified.
  10. C

    Problems at home

    My mum has Vascular dementia, cared for at home by my dad who is has deteriorated physically.She has been wandering off, getting agitated and we are having problems caring for her.
  11. T

    Vascular Dementia / Cerebral Small Vessel Disease

    Please could those caring for someone with vascular dementia tell me if they've found it true that progression happens in noticeable stages? Or can it be more gradual like Alzheimer's? After 7 years I finally have a diagnosis of cerebral small vessel disease which means there's a greater...
  12. K

    Hello everyone

    My mum has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and Dad has vascular dementia. Thought I’d join to see what others are going through and possibly pick up tips on everything!
  13. A

    Struggle to get GP support

    My mother has vascular dementia and my father cares for her. She often complains of headaches and nausea but we are struggling to engage our local GP to provide support. Due to her dementia it is better for her to have the same doctor rather than any number of different people but recently we...
  14. K

    Advice Needed

    Hello All, I'm looking for some advice please my nan is 89 years old and still lives in her own home, we currently have a falls alarm system in place but unfortunately my nan keeps removing the alarm (wrist watch style) we have tried to communicate that this is for her safety but she has...
  15. T

    I need advice on Capacity and possible eviction from Care Home

    Hi, I have never posted on a forum before but I really need some advice. My Mom was diagnosed with vascular dementia 3 years ago whilst in hospital suffering from severe depression and an anxiety disorder. After a 7 month stay in hospital she came home with a care package. Carers in 3 times a...
  16. K

    Any advice would be grateful...

    Hi All, My mum is 89,nearly 90, and has vascular dementia, heart failure, aortic stenosis and other heart and health problems.Mum has been over the past 2 weekends,deteriorating and had to call princess alice to come out to help.My sister lives with my mum and dad she is my mums carer,, who's...
  17. L


    Hi uk southwest here. my dad has had vascular dementia for a couple years now he is 77 and still pretty able, he is still washing himself daily feeds him self what ever he can get his hands on and also enjoys a pint. hes recently handed me his car key thank god! but he is struggling to accept...
  18. M

    Continence issues and going away on holiday

    I've asked this question elsewhere too, but would be very interested in views and opinions from the folks on here. My husband (77) has recently been diagnosed with vascular dementia. As this is quite recent, I'm very much a newbie in the role of carer, so am learning as I go along and taking...
  19. K

    Only 3rd post, but any advice would be grateful....

    Hi all, My mum has vascular dementia and severe heart failure. She had a bad weekend,we're twilight nurses were called out 4 times on Saturday and on Sunday morning.Mum became very breathless, unresponsive to anyone and was twitching,which intern made mum gasp for breath. The nurses came and...
  20. N

    Mum keeps asking about her care home fees!

    Hello! This is my very first post but I have been using the forum as an incredibly helpful guide since my mother was diagnosed with vascular dementia 4 years ago. She went into a nursing home just before Xmas after a mini stroke put her in hospital and we knew she could no longer be safe at...