Won’t STOP Showering


Registered User
Nov 22, 2021
Hi my dad who has vascular dementia will not stop having showers!
It is driving me and my mum crazy. He will suddenly get up and get in the shower some times fully clothed today we had been out I was making lunch he walks straight in the shower fully clothed shoes and fleece everything.
Other times he remembers to take clothes off, most of the time he walks around in his underpants and that’s all as he doesn’t like clothes which we have come to live with if nobody else is around.
At first we thought he was having showers due to a UTI but even after this is had continued it had been going on for about the last nearly four months so can’t put it down to the warm weather. He says his hot! He never dries him self and drips water everywhere he will the lie in his bed soaking wet so that’s even more washing and underpants changing.
He has really good cares and he does this for them also.
Me and mum have had enough I have tried everything to understand and try to limit the showering, putting up signs to say get undressed and dry yourself but nothing works.
Also sometimes he doesn’t turn the shower off one time we had a right flood we do have a purpose built wet room but if he leaves the door open not much we can do.

Any tips or ideas to prevent this, I have resulted to turning the water off a few times but that means the toilet can’t been flushed during the night and couldn’t do it during the day.

Thanks for reading


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
Ask your plumber to fit a isolating valve on the shower. May have to have two one hot one cold.


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