With thanks to you all


Registered User
Jan 11, 2007
Hi everyone on TP
Haven't been on for a while. Would just like to take the time to thank you all sincerely for all the advice, help and support given to us since finding TP.
Nan my Mother-in-Law suddenly took a turn for the worse last Saturday. She turned yellow. She was admitted to Carlisle hospital and had various tests. Today she has been transferred back to Penrith (our home town) into our local little hospital. We have only just found out today she has terminal pancreatic cancer which has spread to her bile duct. She has weeks/months to live.
We are going through various emotions at the moment and want to spend as much time as possible with her. We just want her end to be as pain-free and peaceful as possible.
Just wanted to say a huge thank-you to you all and wish you all the best with all your loved ones and yourselves.

With heartfelt thanks
Diane and Richard

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Diane and Richard

Oh dear how sad.

I`m sure you will have very mixed emotions but just hope Nan`s final days can be peaceful and pain free.

Love xx


Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
What a cruel blow Diane for all three of you.

and want to spend as much time as possible with her. We just want her end to be as pain-free and peaceful as possible.

Quite understanable. The very best you can now do for Nan is to give her your love and your time.

Thinking of you.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Hello Diane and Richard

I am so sorry about your nan and hope that her final days prove to be as you'd hope for.

Very best wishes


Registered User
Jan 11, 2007
mixed feelings

Thanks for replies.
We do have very mixed feelings. Before the cancer there were times when we both thought 'we wish something would take her before enduring anymore of the AZ' Wether right or wrong to think it, I can only be honest. Now that 'something else' has come along, we are still shocked, scared, and also have feelings of guilt because she has developed that 'something else'
I know she doesn't have very long at all, but she is kind of more at peace somehow, don't know why? We get such lovely hugs n cuddles when we visit and she seems quite settled.
All we want is to spend time with her, the staff are being so kind and considerate. They are bringing in sometime next week the Marie Curie people to discuss options of treatment when it is required. She has suffered so much like all AZ patients, we just want a peaceful end.
Last Friday evening we had to have a lovely cat Harley D put to sleep. He was 11 and a few years prior had been treat like a football by some rotten people. It was touch and go and after extensive surgery he made a full recovery. Our vet 'Uncle Peter' said it was Harleys nature that pulled him through. He was a very naughty boy, but adorable with it. Everything in his life was on his terms, and you didn't argue with that. Even though we have three large dogs, (two retreivers and a black lab) Harley was the boss! and they knew it. Anyway something rupture inside and he was bleeding to death. We got him to the vet and all we could do was to have him put to sleep. I had my head on his and cuddled him. He purred right to the end and just slipped away. It is the first time I have had that happen and I can honestly say it broke my heart, but it was the most humane thing we could do for him. I miss him sooooo much-even the naughty things!! But his end was so peaceful., yet we as humans don't have that option.
I don't want to cause chaos by saying that, I know it is a very difficult thing with the likes of Shipman in the past and the evil things he did. It just all seems so wrong somehow.
I'm babbling, got too many emotions going on in my head- shall leave you all and get one with the ironing!!! what joy.
Love to all
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Registered User
Oct 1, 2006
Dear Diane
I am sorry to hear your sad news and like you I wish a peaceful end for your dear Nan.
Make the most of the time left with her and take care of yourselves as well.
Much love to you all.

Linda Mc

Registered User
Jul 3, 2005
Nr Mold
I too hope Nan has a peaceful close to her life with those she loves with her.

Look after yourself.

Linda x


Registered User
Sep 27, 2006
Costa Blanca Spain
I'm sure everyone on TP has gone through the roller coaster of emotions you describe. I often wonder if I will ever find myself on an even keel again. We all sea - saw this way and then that with emotions all over the place. One thing is for sure, we all want the very best for our loved ones but it is so hard to see the way ahead.

I hope that you get all the help and support in the world in this most difficult of times for you and your family.


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